Chen Yang was bored sitting on the sofa and glanced around, unconsciously his eyes were attracted by the play in Yang Ruoxi's hands.

Chen Yang originally thought that what Yang Ruoxi watched must be the current popular TV dramas, online dramas or something.

But what he didn't expect was that what Yang Ruoxi was watching were various documentaries about wild animals and mysterious scenery deep in the mountains.

Although Chen Yang seldom watches TV, he is still very interested in this kind of TV series.

Unconsciously, Chen Yang turned his face sideways and kept looking.

After watching it for a while, Yang Ruoxi seemed to notice Chen Yang's eyes, so she took the initiative to ask, "Are you also interested in this kind of documentary and wild animals?"

"'s okay." Chen Yang replied blankly.

"There must be a lot of wild animals in your mountains, right? Can you tell me, are they really the same as those in the TV series?" Yang Ruoxi asked again.

Yang Ruoxi seems to be very fond of wild animals and mountains.

When Chen Yang was talking to Li Han last time, Yang Ruoxi also followed Chen Yang to ask about wild animals, just like a curious baby.

"It's probably the same as what was said on TV, but the pure wild ones are much more interesting than those on TV, and the meat quality of these wild animals is also very delicious."

Chen Yang swallowed while talking.

Because he remembered the wolf meat hot pot he had with Wu Kexin last time.

That taste is really unique.

Hearing what Chen Yang said, Yang Ruoxi frowned slightly.

"Then what kind of large wild animals are there on your side? Can you tell me about the ones you have seen?"

"Of course." Chen Yang smiled lightly, now that he is so bored, it's the best time to talk to the beauties more, pretending to pass the time.

So he said: "I remember when I was a child, there were many wild boars living in the mountains, and they were in groups..."

Chen Yang said a lot in one breath.

He told Yang Ruoxi all the wild things he had seen, as well as his experience dealing with wild things.

After Yang Ruoxi finished listening, her eyes were full of longing.

"It's really interesting. If only I could go into the mountains to play, I really want to see what those wild animals are like." Yang Ruoxi said with her mouth slightly raised and her eyes a little gloomy.

"If you want to enter the mountain, you can come to me, there is a big mountain behind my house." Chen Yang said immediately.

"Really?" Yang Ruoxi's eyes were shaken, and she regained her energy immediately!

But before Chen Yang could speak, she seemed to think of something again, and was immediately discouraged.

"Hey, no! Cousin and grandpa will definitely not allow it. They think the mountain is too dangerous."

Seeing Yang Ruoxi's look of excitement and frustration, Chen Yang couldn't help but find it funny.

"Actually, the mountains are not as dangerous as imagined. Most of the wild animals are basically not aggressive!" Chen Yang laughed.

"We all know this, but things are always unexpected." Yang Ruoxi said helplessly.

"Yeah, that's true." Chen Yang nodded, and didn't say anything more.

And at this moment, Li Han's files were almost finished.

She stood up from her office seat, then walked out with a smile: "It seems that you two had a great chat, what were you talking about just now?"


"Cousin! Chen Yang said he could take me to play in the mountains! And the mountains are so much fun, even more fun than the TV dramas!"

Before Chen Yang could speak, Yang Ruoxi interrupted Chen Yang excitedly.

And he directly brought out the sentence that Chen Yang said that he could take her into the mountain, as if he was using Chen Yang as a shield, and at the same time used this sentence to test Li Han's tone.

Chen Yang:"……"

Although speechless, but not much to say,

Hearing this, Li Han glanced at Chen Yang, then smiled and said to Yang Ruoxi: "I don't understand your little thoughts, it must be your own intention, and then use Chen Yang as a shield, right?"

"Let me tell you, the mountain is too dangerous, and there are poisonous snakes and so on. If something happens to you, I can't explain it to my uncle."

Li Han expressed his attitude very seriously, and Yang Ruoxi was not allowed to go.


Yang Ruoxi instantly became listless like a deflated ball.

Li Han didn't continue to care about her, and turned to look directly at Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time. My work is done, why don't we start now?"

"All right."

Chen Yang nodded, stood up and the three of them took the elevator to the underground parking lot.

Then he got into Li Han's car.

Li Han was driving, Yang Ruoxi was the co-driver, and Chen Yang was sitting in the back seat.

With a roar, the car drove out of Lintianxia's underground garage and headed towards the wealthy villa area in the county seat.

On the way, Yang Ruoxi was still brooding over what Chen Yang said just now, sitting in the co-pilot, she kept turning her head to talk to Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, there are so many animals in the mountains, have you ever raised some ferocious animals?" Yang Ruoxi blinked her curious eyes, looking at Chen Yang and said.

"I raised some when I was young, but they were not ferocious animals." Chen Yang thought for a while, and then replied.

"Then what have you raised?"

"It's just some dogs, little squirrels, little birds, these little animals."

"Oh, then they must be very funny, right?"

Yang Ruoxi continued to ask, Chen Yang nodded: "Yeah, raising small animals is still very fun, maybe it's more fun than raising pets in your city."

The conversation between Chen Yang and Yang Ruoxi can also be heard by Li Han who is driving.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Li Han, who didn't feel much about these things before, seemed to have feelings too.

He also began to join the inquiry queue, and began to ask Chen Yang various questions about Dashan.

"Chen Yang, do you have wild fruits in the mountains? They are very sweet!"

"Yes! Very sweet!"

"Chen Yang, do you have any reservoirs or pools over there? Is the water crystal clear?"

"There is a water pool! The water quality is really fresh."


The two women asked all the way, and Chen Yang patiently answered their questions.

After listening to Chen Yang's answer, Yang Ruoxi became more curious about Dashan and yearned for it.

She wanted to test Li Han's meaning again, but before she opened her mouth, Li Han guessed what she meant.

After giving a serious expression, Yang Ruoxi understood instantly, and didn't speak again.

After the car fell silent, the car drove into a villa area within a few minutes.

This is the largest rich man's villa area in the county, and the villas here are at least several million...

Chen Yang glanced out through the window, and finally the car drove into the last and largest villa in the villa area.

That is Li Han's home.

Getting off the car, Chen Yang glanced at the surrounding environment.

In the small courtyard of the villa, there are many flowers and plants, and there is also a small fountain in front of the house.

From this road, although the villas outside are also very luxurious, Chen Yang guessed that Li Han's house must be the most luxurious in the entire rich area.

"Chen Yang, this way please."

Li Han's voice rang in his ears.

Pulled Chen Yang's thoughts back.

"it is good."

Chen Yang nodded, and followed Li Han into the villa.

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