Chapter 811

After breakfast, Chen Yang just wanted to go to the constant temperature room to have a look, when suddenly the phone in his pocket rang.

It was Yang Ruoxi calling.

Chen Yang answered the phone without hesitation.

Originally, Chen Yang thought that Yang Ruoxi's call was about something important.

Who knew it was just asking him out for dinner and shopping.

Obviously it's been a while, miss him.

"Okay, when will I go, I'll find you there."

So Chen Yang immediately agreed.

"Well... come on now, I'll wait for you in the shop."

"it is good."

After the two agreed, they hung up the phone.

Chen Yang tidied up a bit, and then went out with the car keys.

However, he was not in a hurry to go to the county seat. Instead, he went to the temperature-controlled room to wander around. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he drove to the county seat.

About five or ten minutes later, Chen Yang's car arrived at the door of Yang Ruoxi's shop.

Chen Yang parked the car and walked in.

In the early morning, the business in the store was not very good, only a few customers were buying drinks.

"Where's your boss lady?"

Chen Yang walked into the shop and looked around, but he didn't see Yang Ruoxi, so he asked a clerk.

The guy knew that Chen Yang was a friend of the boss, so he pointed to the backstage without asking any questions: "The lady boss should be settling accounts in the backstage."

"it is good."

Chen Yang nodded slightly, and then walked towards the backstage.

Walking into the backstage to see, Yang Ruoxi is really doing accounts with a computer in one hand and a ledger in the other.

With that small appearance, she really looks like a proprietress.

"Miss Boss, have you figured it out?"

Chen Yang jokingly walked over.

When Yang Ruoxi heard Chen Yang's voice, she immediately raised her head.

Seeing Chen Yang, she was obviously very happy in her eyes, but there was no great reaction on her expression.

"You're still teasing me, come and help me, this account is too difficult to settle."

Yang Ruoxi said.

"Oh, okay."

Chen Yang smiled faintly, walked over, and helped them calculate together.

Yang Ruoxi's shop involves a lot of things, so the calculations are more complicated.

With Chen Yang's help, the two of them calculated for more than half an hour before they finally figured it out.

After the calculation was completed, Chen Yang was slightly surprised to see yesterday's profit.

"Hey, that's not bad. The daily profit of your small shop can reach tens of thousands?"

Looking at the surprised expression on Chen Yang's face, Yang Ruoxi was a little proud: "Hey, of course, the business of my small shop is very good, don't look at it in the morning, the restaurant is full at noon and afternoon!"

"Wow, that's really nice."

Chen Yang gave a thumbs up.

The faster Yang Ruoxi is, the more proud she is: "Hmph, of course, I'm also very talented in business, okay?"

Yang Ruoxi is too arrogant, even a few compliments are a bit smug.

Chen Yang smiled, and didn't continue talking, because he was afraid that this girl would really float to the sky.

"Then your business is so good, why don't you treat me to dinner today, I haven't had a good drink for a long time, so I should have some." Chen Yang said with a smile.

When Yang Ruoxi heard this, she readily agreed.

"Hmph, please, please, I am also a person who makes a lot of money now, so I don't care about these."

"Haha, that's the best way."

Chen Yang laughed.

Afterwards, the two packed up all the bills, followed Yang Ruoxi to the store to arrange work, and the two went shopping together.

It was only past nine o'clock at this time, and it was not time for lunch at all.

Yang Ruoxi's restaurant is on the pedestrian street, so the two of them didn't have to run very far, just wandered around.

During this time, Yang Ruoxi was almost busy with the business of the store, so she didn't come out to play for a long time, and she didn't meet Chen Yang for a while.

When we met this time, she was very happy.

They walked with Chen Yang on their arms all the way, while looking east and west, they also chatted non-stop with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang naturally responded to her.

The two of them strolled around like a young couple all morning.

He didn't buy anything, only Yang Ruoxi bought two new clothes, while Chen Yang didn't want anything.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's find a place to eat."

Chen Yang suggested.

Yang Ruoxi rubbed her stomach, she was indeed a little hungry.

"Okay, where are we going to eat?"

Yang Ruoxi raised her head and asked.

"I don't know either. It's up to you to choose. After all, you are the host." Chen Yang said with a smile.


Yang Ruoxi squinted at the words, then took out her mobile phone and searched for nearby restaurants.

After some searching, I saw a specialty restaurant with a high rating.

Yang Ruoxi clicked in to find out a bit, and after confirming the grade, the environment and the dishes were all good, she decided on this restaurant.

"Let's go to this Chen Yang. It seems that the environment is good and the evaluation is very high." Yang Ruoxi handed the phone to Chen Yang and said.

Chen Yang took the phone and took a look, and found that the environment was indeed okay.

"Okay, let's go to this one, I won't pick it."

Chen Yang nodded, and then the two decided to go here.

First, I went back to the store, then drove the van together, and drove there according to the navigation.

About half an hour or so, the car came to the specialty store.

The appearance of this restaurant is similar to that of Yang Caiyun's River Fish Restaurant. It belongs to the middle and high-end characteristic small restaurants, and they are all self-built and decorated.

And the signboards are all fresh, such as rural chicken and rural duck.

"Special goat feast."

Chen Yang got out of the car and raised his eyes to look at the signboard, and subconsciously read out the name.

As can be seen from the name, the specialty of this restaurant must be beef.

"Haha, it looks similar to a river fish restaurant."

Yang Ruoxi got out of the car and took a look, then walked to Chen Yang's side, and put his hand on Chen Yang's arm: "Let's go, let's go in, the taste should not be bad."

"it is good."

Chen Yang felt the softness from his arm, and felt a little turmoil in his heart.

But he quickly suppressed it. In broad daylight, he still has this bit of concentration.

"Welcome, sir, are you here for dinner?"

When Chen Yang and Yang Ruoxi walked in, a waiter came out to greet them immediately.


Chen Yang nodded.

"Are there two gentlemen?"

"Well, just two."

"Okay sir, please come here." The waiter confirmed the number of people, and immediately led Chen Yang and Yang Ruoxi inside.

Then sat down in a corner.

"Sir and Madam, here is the menu."

After sitting down, the waiter quickly brought over the menu and asked Chen Yang and Yang Ruoxi to order.

"I don't need it, he can just order it."

Yang Ruoxi waved her hand, no menu.

Chen Yang smiled when he saw this, but nodded without saying anything.

This girl made money and swelled up, so he's not too polite, anyway, she can't eat much for a meal.

And the relationship between the two doesn't need to be polite.

"Let's serve all these specialties, and then just have two bottles of good wine." Chen Yang glanced at the menu roughly, and said.

"Ok sir."

The waiter took notes and walked away with the menu.

When the waiter left, Chen Yang picked up the tea on the table, poured a cup for himself and Yang Ruoxi, and joked with a smile at the same time: "Ruoxi, now that she is the proprietress, her temperament is different. It’s so rich, let me take it easy.”


Yang Ruoxi couldn't help laughing when she heard the words: "Who said that I was like this when I became a proprietress? I was also very generous before, okay?"

"Hahaha, okay, okay."

Chen Yang laughed, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

After that, the topic of the two opened up and began to chat freely.

??Ask for votes and five-star praise, babies



(End of this chapter)

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