Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 810 Perverted dog!

Chapter 810 Perverted dog!

With the support of Chen Yang and Uncle Niu, Niu Ming also had a lot of confidence in his heart.

"Well, well, let me look for it."

Niu Ming thought for a minute, then nodded in agreement.

"Hehe, that's right, you're still young, don't lose your fighting spirit so easily." Chen Yang smiled and patted Niu Ming's shoulder again, and then they sat at the door of the medical hall and chatted for a while, and waited until after nine o'clock. At that time, they got up and left.

Chen Yang also took out the key and returned to the medical hall.

Back home, Chen Yang didn't want to punch anymore, so he went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then he planned to sleep.

But just when he was about to go to bed, he suddenly heard some small movements from the backyard.

"what sound?"

Chen Yang was a little puzzled, so he went out to have a look.

Normally, he would not be curious, but now that there is a medicine field in the backyard, he is a little worried, so he went out to have a look.

When I walked to the door and looked into the backyard, I saw a small black figure jumping out from the fence.

Although the night was very dark, Chen Yang could still see it through the shadow.

That shadow is Wangcai!

"That guy is listless every day, so he slipped out at night, I want to see what you guys are doing."

Chen Yang thought for a while, and then immediately followed.

He also climbed over the wall and went out, then stared at Wangcai's figure and walked all the way into the village.

Seeing Wangcai going to the village, Chen Yang was immediately puzzled.

"What is this guy running to the village for?"

Chen Yang couldn't figure it out, but he didn't think too much about it. Wouldn't he know if he followed up?

Chen Yang followed them all the way, and finally came to a cowshed at the head of the village.

Chen Yang was afraid of being discovered, so he didn't follow too much, and stood at the corner of the wall and waited for a while.

After waiting for a few seconds, Chen Yang lay down on the corner of the wall and took a look into the cowshed.

Good guy, Chen Yang never expected that what he saw was such an eye-catching scene.

Wangcai actually lay on another dog's body...

"This... no wonder this guy! It turns out!"

When Chen Yang saw this scene, he was speechless...for a while, he didn't know how to react.

Rush out and kick that guy twice?This is not appropriate.

Turn around and leave as if nothing happened?It's not appropriate, but being listless every day too much affects the effect of housekeeping.

Chen Yang thought about it, but he didn't think of what to do.

As for that guy Wangcai, he was done in a few minutes.

He yelled twice and walked out of the cowshed cheerfully. Seeing this, Chen Yang immediately retracted his head to avoid being discovered.

After Wangcai had gone far, he followed up again.

Originally, Chen Yang wanted to go back home with him and educate this guy well.

But he never expected that after this guy came out of the cowshed, he didn't go back at all, but went to other places... Continue!

"This guy...really..."

Chen Yang was speechless to the extreme.

No wonder he was listless, this time he finally figured it out.

This guy is soaked in rain and dew every night in the whole village!It would be strange if he had the spirit!

"A perverted dog..."

Chen Yang shook his head, turned around and left.

He's not in the mood to continue following, he doesn't have that perverted habit of seeing that guy soaked in rain and dew.

Chen Yang went back home directly, but he didn't pretend that nothing happened. Instead, he chose to go to the backyard to fight and wait for that guy Wangcai to come back.

"I have to teach that guy a lesson, otherwise, if things go on like this, all the dogs in the village...cough cough! He will praise himself!"

Chen Yang gritted his teeth, and started Anglong Fist in the backyard.

This boxing method is much more advanced than the Babu boxing. Chen Yang still needs more practice if he wants to achieve the effect of using it freely.

Chen Yang was playing furiously in the backyard. It was around 12:30 when he heard a sound coming from outside the yard.

Wangcai is back.

When Chen Yang heard the sound, he immediately stopped and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw that guy Wangcai jumped directly onto the fence, and then jumped in from the fence.

The ears are drooping, and the whole dog looks listless and has no energy at all.

Chen Yang stood in the yard and stared at it, but it didn't notice either.

Jumping off the fence, he drooped his head and went to the nest.

Chen Yang felt angry when he saw it like this.

Without saying a word, he rushed up and kicked its ass.

Ahhhhhh...Suddenly suffering from pain, Wangcai howled immediately.

He even turned around and opened his mouth to bite, but when he saw that it was Chen Yang, he was scared instantly.

"You guys can do it, it's only been a few days, and all the bitches in the village have been hooked up by you, you are the saint of dogs!"

Chen Yang reprimanded loudly.

Wangcai is a spiritual animal and can understand what Chen Yang said.

Seeing that his actions were all known by Chen Yang, it immediately sold out badly, exchanging at Chen Yang's feet, it seemed so pitiful.

"Are you pitiful? You sleep a lot during the day and go out to have fun at night. It's okay, it's cool."

Chen Yang continued to reprimand loudly.

Seeing that it was useless to sell miserably, Wangcai immediately stopped howling, and stood in front of Chen Yang with his head drooping, obediently being scolded.

Chen Yang scolded at first.

Afterwards, serious warnings began.

"I'm warning you guy, if you mess around like this again in the future, don't even want a piece of Bodybuilding Pill! I'll also move the kennel out for you, and you sleep outside for me, don't stay in the cowshed."

When Wangcai heard that the Exercise Pill was going to be gone, he immediately panicked.

It started barking.

It seemed like he was admitting his mistake to Chen Yang, and it seemed like he was making a promise.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance, it's appropriate, but you can't understand if you mess around like this?" Chen Yang said.

Wang Wang Wang!

Wangcai kept calling, his voice very firm.

It seemed to be giving Chen Yang a positive answer.

"Okay, let's go back to the den."

Chen Yang saw that the effect was achieved, so he didn't continue to train this guy.

Wangcai, on the other hand, drooped his head and returned to his nest.

Seeing that guy's distraught look, Chen Yang couldn't help but find it funny.

What a wonderful dog, why does it have all the bad qualities?

Chen Yang smiled helplessly and shook his head, then turned his head and left the backyard, and went to bed.

It's twelve o'clock in the evening, if he doesn't sleep, he will probably lose his energy.


Open your eyes, it will be dawn.

Chen Yang just got up and took a shower.

Then I went to the backyard to water the medicine fields, and played with Brother Diao for a while.

Brother Diao can't afford to take one body-building pill every day, but after taking it, his physical fitness is indeed growing rapidly.

Chen Yang could see this.

"The family still depends on you, Wangcai, it's really hard to describe."

Chen Yang complained with a smile.

Brother Diao rolled his eyes when he heard Chen Yang comparing it with Wangcai, his expression was full of disdain.

"Haha, I know you are amazing, and you are not the same as Wangcai."

Feeling Brother Diao's disgust, Chen Yang couldn't help smiling, and after giving Brother Diao the Exercise Pill, he stopped teasing him, turned around and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

(End of this chapter)

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