Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 5 Let Me Repay You


On the way back from Zhang Xueying's house, Chen Yang's mind was full of Zhang Xueying's disheveled appearance.

Although Zhang Xueying didn't leave her body today, the broken clothes and her pitiful appearance made her mouth dry and endless aftertaste.

"Xueying is so beautiful, but she is a widow...it's a pity." Chen Yang couldn't help shaking his head when he thought of Zhang Xueying's experience.

Back then, Zhang Xueying was recognized as a village flower with a radius of tens of miles.

Not only does he look beautiful, but he also has a very good figure.

It belongs to the type that can't help but feel a little throbbing just by looking at it.

I think back when Chen Zhuang married Zhang Xueying, I don't know how many people envied him!

But it's a pity that such a stunner has become a widow at such a young age, which is really embarrassing.

"Hey, don't think about it, take a shower and go eat! You should think about it tomorrow, how to raise money,"

Chen Yang interrupted his own thoughts in time, poured a bucket of cold water, and went to take a shower.

After a lot of tossing, Chen Yang changed into clean clothes, closed the door of the medical clinic, and went to Xueying's house for dinner without thinking about anything.

At this time, Zhang Xueying also prepared a table of good wine and dishes, and at the same time changed into the clothes she was most satisfied with, quietly waiting for Chen Yang's arrival.

Chen Yang walked to the door of Zhang Xueying's house.

Finding that the door of her house was unlocked, she walked in directly.

Walking into Xueying's house, Chen Yang was stunned.

His eyes were instantly attracted by Zhang Xueying, who was bending over and turning her back to him.

Chen Yang saw that Zhang Xueying, who usually only wears plain clothes, actually changed into a very attractive pure white tight vest tonight, and her lower body was put on a blue tight professional skirt with hip wrap!

The ultra-short professional skirt can barely cover the private area on the upper thigh.

But under the blue skirt, the white and smooth legs like suet jade were all exposed in front of Chen Yang.

The tightness of the clothes, the curvature of the waist, and the roundness of her body are all wrapped up. This fragrant scene crazily stimulates Chen Yang's vision!

Especially after the eyes are burned by the sun, not only do things become brighter, but even have a vague perspective effect.

Chen Yang could vaguely see some of the most private areas on Zhang Xueying's body.

"Xueying...you..." Chen Yang was stunned, and his blood began to surge.

"Huh? What's the matter, Brother Chen Yang?" Hearing the voice, Zhang Xueying turned around shyly.

"No...it's okay." Chen Yang shook his head, trying to calm himself down.

He originally wanted to say that Zhang Xueying dressed up today, but then he thought about it, would the atmosphere be too embarrassing if he told her this?

So Chen Yang endured it.

"Hehe, brother Chen Yang, sit down quickly, the dishes will be cold." Seeing Chen Yang's dry mouth, Zhang Xueying smiled shyly, she naturally knew why Chen Yang's expression was just now.

I must have been attracted by myself...

Thinking of Chen Yang being attracted by her, a shy blush quietly appeared on Zhang Xueying's face.

"Hmm... good!" Chen Yang nodded with astonishment, and then sat down at the dinner table.

"Brother Chen Yang, I really want to thank you very much for today's incident... If you hadn't appeared in time, I might not be sure where I am now." Zhang Xueying was also sitting next to Chen Yang, pouring wine for Chen Yang, and preparing for today Thanks to Chen Yang for the matter.

"Xueying, don't alienate me too much. It's still the same sentence. I and Chen Zhuang are brothers. After he left, I should take care of you two." Chen Yang said righteously.

But everyone didn't know that this sentence, which Chen Yang regarded as righteous, caused waves in Zhang Xueying's heart again.

At the same time, it made Zhang Xueying completely determined!

"En! Don't say much thank you, let's drink this first!" Zhang Xueying raised her glass and wanted to toast Chen Yang.

Without thinking too much, Chen Yang raised his wine glass to touch Zhang Xueying, and then drank it all in one gulp.

As soon as she finished drinking, Zhang Xueying immediately filled Chen Yang's cup again.

"Brother Chen Yang, I'll toast you again." Immediately afterwards, Zhang Xueying picked up the cup again.

Chen Yang still didn't think much, and had another drink with Zhang Xueying.

Just like that, after drinking several glasses of white wine in a row, Chen Yang began to feel that something was wrong.

After a few glasses of white wine, Zhang Xueying seemed to be drunk!

And not to mention being drunk, the most important thing is that she was blushing, her eyes were dim, and there were traces of slowly leaning towards her.

Chen Yang is not a fool.

Seeing Zhang Xueying's actions, and the continuous persuasion to drink so much wine just now, Chen Yang naturally began to think about it.

"This Xueying didn't call me here today to..." Chen Yang was startled, and remembered the old saying.

Thirty women are like wolves and tigers!

Although Zhang Xueying is not thirty, she has given birth to children and married.

Being a widow for so many years, isn't this... empty?

Thinking of this, Chen Yang's body trembled, and at the same time, the alcohol started to break out!My heart also started to agitate!

His eyes unconsciously glanced at Zhang Xueying.

Looking at Zhang Xueying's curvy figure, slightly flushed, and the beautiful cheeks that appeared drunk, Chen Yang felt his mouth dry, and his whole body seemed to be burning with flames!

Moreover, the private area vaguely appeared in the eyes, which made Chen Yang, a young man in his 20s and full of vigor, have the urge to throw Zhang Xueying down!

"Xueying! You drank too much!" Just when Zhang Xueying's body approached slowly and was about to touch Chen Yang!

Chen Yang suddenly woke up!

He can't do that!Although Zhang Xueying is extremely beautiful, she is the type that all men dream of.

But this is his little Chen Zhuang's wife!

Although Chen Zhuang left and Zhang Xueying became a widow, she couldn't do this to Zhang Xueying!

Chen Yang shook his head crazily, trying to keep himself awake.

"Hehe, Brother Chen Yang...I'm not drunk, I'm very sober." Zhang Xueying said with a faint smile, "Brother Chen Yang, do you know why I'm dressed like this today?"

Zhang Xueying stood up suddenly, turned around and asked Chen Yang.

"I don't know." Chen Yang shook his head, trying to calm himself down!

"Because tonight, I want to be your woman..." Zhang Xueying expressed the thoughts that had been hidden in her heart for a long time with the help of alcohol.

"Ah?..." Chen Yang was shocked suddenly!

He guessed right, Zhang Xueying came here today with this in mind.

"Xueying! You're drunk! Chen Zhuang is my brother..." Chen Yang shook his head frantically, trying to keep himself awake and not do such a thing.

But before he finished speaking, Zhang Xueying stretched out her smooth fingers to prevent Chen Yang from continuing.

"Brother Chen Yang, you should be very clear about the situation between me and Chen Zhuang! Although we are husband and wife, I have no relationship with him at all!" Zhang Xueying said seriously.

"During the years he left, not only did I have to be a widow, but I also had to raise Xiaoxiao."

"I still have to clean up the mess he left behind! From him, I can say that I have never experienced the feeling of being protected!"

"Brother Chen Yang, you are different! You have helped me so many times without trying to do anything! But I can't repay you!"

"So today I have been thinking for a long time! I want to be your woman! Repay you with my body!"

"Brother Chen Yang, tonight, can you just treat me as an ordinary woman?"

With the help of Jiu Jin, Zhang Xueying spoke out all the words buried in her heart.

She is grateful to Chen Yang, and at the same time she likes Chen Yang.

So, she just did it today.

After hearing Zhang Xueying's words, Chen Yang began to understand Zhang Xueying's behavior today.

She and Chen Zhuang met on a blind date, so they had no relationship at all.

The two had been together for less than a year, and Chen Zhuang left. It was really not easy for Zhang Xueying to be a widow, but also to clean up the mess and raise children.

But even so, Chen Yang still couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart.

"Xueying..." Chen Yang wanted to go forward to comfort Zhang Xueying and enlighten her.

But who knew, at this time Zhang Xueying took the initiative to lift up her clothes, exposing her snow-white skin and beautiful scenery in front of Chen Yang.

Zhang Xueying was already so glamorous that Chen Yang couldn't control it.

Right now, he actively pulled his clothes away, which made Chen Yang, who was about to lose his sobriety, completely blank in his mind.

He stared straight at his eyes, slowly stood up, and uncontrollably put his arms where they shouldn't be.

At this time, Zhang Xueying also wrapped her hands around Chen Yang's neck, and pulled Chen Yang from the main room to the room step by step.

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