Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 4 stay for dinner

The gangsters obeyed the order and punched Chen Yang with their fists raised.

Facing several gangsters rushing up, Chen Yang reacted very quickly!He took a quick step forward to stabilize his figure, and then directly whipped his legs and slapped the gangster in front of him on the waist.


When the gangster touched Chen Yang's leg, he instantly turned into paper paste. He was kicked away and fell under the wall, wailing heart-piercingly.

This scene shocked the fat man!

At the same time, the gangsters who hadn't rushed to the front were also shocked!

The man in front of him is too fierce.

Kicked people away with one kick?Is that human being?

While the gangsters were shocked, Chen Yang was also slightly shocked. He didn't expect that the Medicine King's Sutra would change his physique so much!

The gangster just now weighed more than 100 catties, right?Kicking him is as easy as kicking a football!

"Damn it! You're really forcing me to be serious! I'm going to take care of you if you have some strength!" Seeing that the little brother was kicked away, the fat man was so annoyed that he pulled out a dagger from his back and waist, and threw it to one of them. gangster.

"You guys go together, I'll be the one to die!" the fat man roared through gritted teeth.

After receiving the dagger, the gangsters were at ease.

No matter how skilled you are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives!

Can you, Chen Yang, fight?

Can you beat a knife?

A few people swarmed up, holding a dagger to stab Chen Yang in the heart!

Their attacks were fierce, but in Chen Yang's eyes, their every move was very slow, so even in the face of so many people, Chen Yang could handle it with ease.

Although Chen Yang was not afraid, seeing the gangster took out a knife, Zhang Xueying was shocked.

"Brother Chen Yang! Be careful!"

Zhang Xueying reminded worriedly.

Chen Yang didn't look back, but just nodded slightly, because he was concentrating on dealing with the gangsters.

The gangster had a dagger, so he naturally couldn't continue to confront each other head-on.

So when the gangster stabbed over, Chen Yang reacted very quickly and jumped aside.

Then he picked up a stick from Zhang Xueying's house and started fighting with the gangsters.

Although there were many gangsters and they still had weapons in their hands, they were not enough to look at in front of Chen Yang whose physique had been strengthened and his reaction became quicker.

After several confrontations, these gangsters were basically lying on the ground, howling with pain on their faces.

Chen Yang walked up to the screaming gangster, picked up the dagger that fell on the ground, and then turned his gaze to the fat man not far away.

The fat man was full of panic, he never thought that Chen Yang could fight so well.

One person brought down so many bastards under him!And also snatched the knife!

"I'm telling you... You'd better not do anything to me! My elder brother is from the county! If you do something to me, he will never let you go!" The fat man panicked and backed away step by step.

I was very afraid that Chen Yang would do something to him.

Chen Yang played with the dagger in his hand, and approached the fat man step by step: "Whether you want to do it or not depends on what happens next."

"Talk? What do you want to talk to me about? Could it be that you don't want to pay back the money?" The fat man retreated to the corner and asked nervously.

"Of course I will return the money to you." Chen Yang said.

"Then...then you bring it! You bring the money and we will leave now, and we will never trouble you in the future." The fat man said nervously.

"As I said just now, I don't have it now. You give me one month! I will pay you back the 3 yuan in one month!" Chen Yang thought for a while, and then said.

In a month's time, Chen Yangdong should be able to scrape together 3 yuan.

"One month?" The fat man was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head suddenly: "No! One month is definitely not possible. Chen Zhuang owes my elder brother money, not mine! I have to wait a month, my elder brother has no patience!"

Although Fatty is the leader of gangsters, he is not the biggest leader,

On top of the fat man, there is another big brother in the county.

This fat man was with that big brother, and Chen Yang had heard about it.

"Then how many days do you think it is appropriate for me to pay back the money?"

"Let's do this! Five days! I'll give you five days to collect money! This is the limit!" The fat man said firmly, as if this was already the maximum he could tolerate.

"Okay... then five days!" Seeing that five days was the limit of Fatty, Chen Yang didn't continue to bargain.

"Okay! I'll come back in a week. If you don't have it then, don't blame me for taking her to the brothel in the county!" The fat man pointed at Zhang Xueying and said viciously, and then hurriedly left here with his gangsters.

After watching the gangsters leave, Chen Yang turned to look at Zhang Xueying.

"Xueying, don't worry, Huzi and I are brothers, and I will help her pay off his bad debts!" ​​Chen Yang said with a sigh.

Chen Zhuang is a man of righteousness, and he is generous with his friends.

But it is the character of spending money generously that has caused Zhang Xueying's orphan and widow to face the current situation.

"Thank you, Brother Chen Yang...but let me get the 3 yuan by myself! You just graduated not long ago, and you definitely don't have much money..." Zhang Xueying lowered her head and sobbed, trying to reject Chen Yang.

Because she is very clear about Chen Yang's family situation.

Is a poor college student, the situation will not be much better than her.

This 3 yuan is a huge amount for ordinary rural people.

"Don't be strangers, Chen Zhuang and I are good buddies, he left, your family's affairs are my affairs." Chen Yang said to Zhang Xueying firmly.

Hearing Chen Yang's words, Zhang Xueying's body trembled unconsciously.

What does Chen Yang mean by this sentence?

Our family's affairs are Chen Yang's affairs?

Does Chen Yang regard himself as his person?

Thinking of this, a blush suddenly appeared on Zhang Xueying's face, and her expression became a little shy.

At the same time, she also remembered how Chen Yang had taken care of their mother and child all these years after his return.

Thinking of this, while she was moved, a different kind of emotion towards Chen Yang began to grow in her heart.

She felt that what Chen Yang did just now was too masculine!And usually take care of yourself.

If I can become Chen Yang's woman...

"Xueying, it's getting late, I should go back too! Although these gangsters have left, you should be careful, and come to the medical clinic to find me if you have anything!" After solving the matter, Chen Yang didn't pay too much attention to the delusional Zhang Xueying turned around and wanted to leave.

But Zhang Xueying suddenly grabbed his arm shyly.

"Brother Chen Yang... I don't know how to thank you for helping me so much."

"Why don't you stay and have a meal tonight! Just thank you."

Zhang Xueying asked to stay with a shy face.

"Eh... that's fine, then I'll come over later." Facing Zhang Xueying's invitation, Chen Yang didn't think much about it, he just thought it was just a simple meal.

"Yeah!" Zhang Xueying nodded, and sent Chen Yang away.

Looking at the back of Chen Yang leaving, Zhang Xueying's face was full of shyness and joy!

"Xiaoxiao, do you want to go to Aunt Wang's house to watch TV?" Zhang Xueying suddenly lowered her head and said with a smile after seeing off Chen Yang.

"Watching TV? Want to!"

"Okay... then go to Aunt Wang's house to watch TV today! Mom will pick you up later, do you know when you come back?" Zhang Xueying smiled and stroked Xiaoxiao's head, then led Xiaoxiao to Aunt Wang's house in the village...

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