Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 37 Beef Tendon Grass

In the medical hall, listening to the sound of bathing coming from the inner room, it is impossible not to be moved.

But Chen Yang was very restrained, and he didn't have the slightest thought of going too far.

After more than ten minutes passed like this, the sound of bathing inside suddenly stopped, and it seemed that the shower was over.

"Village chief, are you okay? Can I come in?" Chen Yang stood up and knocked on the door, and asked inside.

"Yes, yes!"

The gentle voice of the beautiful village head came from inside, and then Chen Yang opened the door and went in.

As soon as Chen Yang entered the inner room, a rush of fragrance filled Chen Yang's nostrils.

This is a very pleasant scent, but it's not a perfume, but the scent that the beautiful village head comes out of after bathing...body scent!

He sniffed it calmly, then looked up and saw the beautiful village head who had just come out of the bathhouse and put on new clothes.

Although the beautiful village chief changed her clothes and was not as attractive as the wet one just now, she was still very beautiful.

"Thank you, Chen Yang. You should go take a bath too, don't catch a cold." After taking a bath, the village chief's expression returned to normal. It wasn't that he was shy and embarrassed before.

"Yeah." Chen Yang nodded, then took a change of clothes from his closet, and walked in.

After about 3 minutes, Chen Yang came out of the bathroom refreshed.

"I really saw a ghost today. The weather was good, but suddenly there was such a heavy rain." Chen Yang complained to himself.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that either. I had checked the weather forecast and said it would not rain today, but I didn't expect it to rain." The beautiful village head replied to Chen Yang because Chen Yang was talking to her.

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and didn't say much. Instead, he and the beautiful village head went to the medical clinic outside and sat down, ready to wait for the rain to stop.

Neither of the two took the initiative to speak while sitting in the medical hall, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

In order to ease the embarrassment, Chen Yang took the initiative to start a routine with the beautiful village chief.

Chen Yang first asked the beautiful village chief's name.

"My name is Wu Kexin."

The beautiful village head replied.

"Wu Kexin? The name sounds nice!" Chen Yang praised with a smile.

Wu Kexin smiled slightly, didn't say much, and began to look around, taking a look at everything around her.

After looking around, Wu Kexin suddenly looked at Chen Yang, and asked, "Look at the furnishings of your house, are you a doctor?"

"Yes, the village chief, I am the only doctor in a radius of ten miles!" Chen Yang replied.

"I really didn't realize that you became a doctor at such a young age. Aren't ordinary village doctors in their 40s and [-]s? Why are you so young?" Wu Kexin looked at Chen Yang curiously and said.

In Wu Kexin's impression, the average doctor must be at least in his 30s, but the Chen Yang in front of him actually became a doctor in his early twenties.

Somewhat strange.

"What's new to me, you became the village chief at such a young age, aren't you stronger than me?" Chen Yang didn't answer Wu Kexin's question directly, but turned his back on the general and directly talked about Wu Kexin.

The young doctor, compared to the young village head, is still a little outrageous.

"Hehe, yes." Wu Kexin smiled awkwardly, and did not continue this topic.

The two sat silently in the medical hall, waiting for the rain to stop.

The summer rainstorm came and went quickly, and the two of them didn't sit in the hospital for a long time before the rainstorm outside stopped.

"Chen Yang, the rainstorm outside has stopped, why don't you send me to report to the village committee first, or it might start to rain again later." Seeing the rainstorm outside stopped, Wu Kexin stood up and said Followed Chen Yang and said.

"En! Okay, let's go then." Chen Yang nodded, stood up and picked up Wu Kexin's big box, and sent Wu Kexin to report to the village committee.

After sending Wu Kexin to the village committee and handing it over to Lao Liu, Chen Yang left him alone.

He turned around and went back to his own clinic.

Chen Yang, who returned to the medical center, was not idle either. He set off with a back basket and a sickle, and went to the back of the village to cut grass and feed the rabbits.

These hares have a really big appetite.

Originally, Chen Yang planned to feed the fodder for three days, but those foodies finished eating it in one and a half days.

If we don't mow the grass now, the rabbits will definitely be hungry again tonight.

So there was no other way, Chen Yang had no choice but to take the opportunity of the rain to stop and go to the back of the village with a sickle to cut some back.

The torrential rain stopped, and the villagers who had been hiding from the rain at home also came out of their homes carrying farm tools.

On the way to mow the grass, Chen Yang met Nizi's mother, Li Xiao'e!

Looking at the vegetable basket Li Xiaoe was holding, Chen Yang knew that Li Xiaoe was going to go up the mountain to pick mushrooms again.

After the heavy rain, it is the time when the mushrooms are crazily emerging and the freshest.

"Sister-in-law Xiao'e, are you going up the mountain to pick mushrooms again?" Chen Yang caught up with Li Xiao'e who was walking in front of him in three steps, and took the initiative to talk.

Hearing someone calling her from behind, Li Xiaoe turned her head subconsciously.

When she saw that it was Chen Yang, a smile appeared on her face.

"Yeah, Yangzi, it just rained, and I took the opportunity to go up the mountain to pick up some, what are you doing?"

"Hehe, I'm going to the back mountain to cut some grass. I recently raised two rabbits at home and need to feed them." Chen Yang raised the sickle in his hand and said.

"Well, then why don't you go to the valley on the other side of the weed slope? There is a large piece of goosegrass there, and rabbits like to eat it!" Li Xiao'e said, pointing in the direction of the weed slope.

"Weed slope? Are there really a lot of goosegrass over there?" Chen Yang asked.

"It must be a lot, no one wants that thing, sister-in-law can still lie to you." Li Xiao'e said seriously.

The goose grass in Li Xiaoe's mouth is a kind of grass attached to the ground.

The grass is very tender and juicy, the rabbits not only like to eat it, but also grow meat after eating this grass!Than feed the rabbits on the weeds behind the village.

Goosegrass is much stronger.

"Thank you sister-in-law, then I'll go over there and have a look."

Chen Yang bid farewell to Li Xiaoe, then hurried back the same way and walked towards the weedy slope.

After a while, Chen Yang arrived at the Weedy Slope, and also found the valley covered with goosegrass that Li Xiaoe had mentioned.

This mountain depression is very large, and basically all the goosegrass grows in it.

Standing on a high place and watching from a distance, it looks like a small grassland.

"So many goosegrass! After that, my rabbits won't be fat to death?" Chen Yang rubbed his hands, feeling a little excited.

For wild rabbits, goosegrass is simply a magic weapon for growing fat!

As long as three meals a day are filled with this kind of grass, it won't take long for the rabbits to grow into one big one!

Chen Yang got excited, then dropped the sickle and started pulling the goosegrass.

Goosegrass is attached to the ground, so in front of this kind of grass, the sickle is completely useless, and Chen Yang can only use his own hands to pull it out.

However, this kind of grass is very fragile and can be pulled out easily, so Chen Yang doesn't need to spend a lot of effort to mow it.

With his back hooked, Chen Yang carefully pulled out the ground for a while, and the baskets he brought were all filled with goosegrass in a short time.

Looking at the full basket, Chen Yang went back satisfied.

Back home, Chen Yang immediately poured fresh goose grass into the cowshed.

When the rabbits in the cowshed saw the fresh food, they all rushed over, squatted on the ground and began to chew the new food.

"Hurry up and eat more, the more meat you get, the more money you can sell!" Looking at the rabbits crazily chewing food, Chen Yang was in a good mood.

The more they eat, the more meat they will grow, and the more expensive they will be!

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