Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 36 Rainstorm

"Is the village chief?"

Although Chen Yang knew that this person was the village chief, he still asked politely when he walked up to him.

Hearing the sound, the beautiful village chief turned his head and replied: "Yes, you are the villager of Liuhe Village, Chen Yang, right?"

"Hehe, yes, the village chief, I was the one who contacted you on the phone just now!" Chen Yang nodded with a smile. After confirming that this was the village chief, Chen Yang immediately took the suitcase in her hand: "Village Long, let me get this for you, the car is just across the road."

"Okay, thank you."

The village head smiled slightly, and did not refuse Chen Yang's kindness.

Then the two of them crossed the road and got on Chen Yang's electric tricycle.

"Village chief, the conditions in the village are relatively poor. The only decent thing is my three-bouncer. Use it to pick you up, don't mind." Sitting in the car, Chen Yang said politely with a smile, and then started it directly.

Originally, Chen Yang thought that such a pretty village chief would be more or less unhappy when he saw that he was picking her up with three rounds of electricity.

But unexpectedly, not only did the village chief not say anything strange, but he also replied with a smile to Chen Yang: "It doesn't matter, I am here this time to find a way to help Liuhe Village get rid of poverty!"

"Hehe." Hearing this, Chen Yang just smiled lightly and didn't say anything more.

But in his heart, he had a better impression of the village head.

Because it can be seen from the village chief's dress that he is a city dweller who is either rich or noble.

Such a person came to the countryside not only did not have the slightest disgust, but also smiled so naturally, which is really rare.

The electric tricycle started, drove away from the town, and walked onto the concrete road leading to the village.

The town is not far from Liuhe Village, only about 20 minutes away. Originally, Chen Yang thought that this journey would bring the village chief to the village head very smoothly.

But who would have thought that something unexpected would happen.

The two sat on the electric tricycle, and not long after they drove out of the town, the sky suddenly became cloudy, and there were signs of heavy rain.

Seeing the dark clouds gathering above his head, Chen Yang secretly thought it was bad.

According to this rhythm, it will not be long before a heavy rain is coming.

"Village Chief, sit still. It looks like a rainstorm is about to start. I'm going to speed up." Chen Yang turned his head and told the beautiful village chief to sit still, and then turned the accelerator to the end, ready to speed up and rush back to Liuhe Village, because in this There is no man's land nearby, and there is no place to hide from the rain. If you want not to become a drowned rat, you can only rush back to Liuhe Village with all your strength.

But at this time, the electric three-wheeler was not strong enough, even if Chen Yang turned it to the end, the speed was always maintained at around twenty yards.

It may be because there are two people sitting and a heavy suitcase, so this is the case.


Not long after Chen Yang finished speaking, a thunderstorm suddenly exploded in the sky, which startled the beautiful village chief who was sitting in the back of the car.

But because she was still very unfamiliar with Chen Yang, she didn't call out, nor did she show any fear.

But through the clenched white teeth and pale face, it could be seen that she was terribly frightened.

Just after the thunderstorm, the torrential rain came immediately.

In the hot summer, it doesn't rain, and when it rains, it is a heavy rain!

In just a moment, the clothes on the two of them were almost completely soaked.

But at this moment, Chen Yang's mind was full of going back quickly, and he didn't even have the mind to look back at the beautiful village chief.

"Village Chief, hold on, you'll be in Liuhe Village just a little further away!" Chen Yang gritted his teeth, and tightened his grip on the accelerator.

"Okay." The beautiful village chief who was sitting in the car was at a loss for what to do in the face of the sudden situation.

I can only stretch out two arms to cover my head, trying not to let myself get more rain.

But in this kind of heavy rain, this kind of action was completely futile. In less than a minute, the two of them were completely soaked.

But fortunately, not long after, Chen Yang's car drove into Liuhe Village.

According to the normal procedure, Chen Yang should first send the beautiful village chief to the village committee.

But the torrential rain just now made both of them wet, so Chen Yang could only drag the beautiful village chief to his home first.

The electric tricycle stopped at the entrance of the hospital, and Chen Yang jumped off immediately, and then turned around to help the beautiful village head who was sitting in the bucket of the car, who had already been drenched and had no love for life.

"Village chief, come down quickly, I'll help you carry the suitcase." Chen Yang stretched out his arm and said to the beautiful village chief.

"Okay...Okay!" The beautiful village head stood up from the car, then supported Chen Yang's arm, jumped out of the car, and then rushed to the eaves of Chen Yang's house to hide from the rain.

Chen Yang then helped her take the suitcase off the car and put it under the eaves of his home.

"Village chief, please wait here for a while, I'll stop the car." After taking down the beautiful village chief and the suitcases, Chen Yang turned on the three-wheeler again, then started the three-wheeler and drove towards his backyard .

The beautiful village chief covered his chest with his hands, hiding from the rain at the entrance of Chenyang Medical Center.

After waiting for about a minute or two, there was a bang, and the rolling gate behind him was suddenly pulled open.

The beautiful village chief turned around and saw Chen Yang who opened the door.

At the same time, the two looked at each other, and Chen Yang subconsciously took a look at the beautiful village head in front of him.

The two were in a hurry in the rain just now, and Chen Yang didn't notice at all that the clothes and pants of the beautiful village chief were all wet...

With a sudden glance right now, Chen Yang's eyeballs almost popped out.

The wet clothes were tightly attached to the attractive body of the beautiful village chief, outlining her perfect figure curves. Chen Yang could even see the snow-white skin inside through the thin clothes.

And even though she covered her chest with her hands, Chen Yang could still see the colors of some hidden clothes and some proud curves through some gaps.

Looking at the beautiful village chief who was completely wet in front of him, Chen Yang suddenly felt his mouth was dry and his whole body was about to burn. He swallowed subconsciously, then hurriedly raised his head, looked into the eyes of the beautiful village chief and said, "Village Long, why don't you come in and change your clothes, I'm afraid you'll catch a cold if you keep wearing wet clothes."

The beautiful village chief was a little hesitant when he heard the words. She was not familiar with Chen Yang, and it was really embarrassing to change clothes at his house when they met for the first time.

But I am not familiar with the place where I was born in Liuhe Village, and now my whole body is soaked, so I really need to change clothes.

"Okay..." Finally, she nodded in agreement.

Then, Chen Yang helped her carry the box and entered the inner room of the medical clinic. Chen Yang also took her to the bathhouse where he usually bathes.

"Village chief, there is a bathhouse inside, turn the switch to the right and there will be hot water." Chen Yang pointed to the bathhouse and said.

The beautiful village chief looked in the direction Chen Yang pointed at, and just glanced at the bathhouse, her face turned red in an instant.

Because the bathroom door of Chen Yang's house is facing Chen Yang's bedroom.

And there is no door to the bathroom!Only a curtain was hung to separate the bathroom and the bedroom.

In other words, if she wants to take a bath inside, there will be a curtain between her and Chen Yang...

Looking at the blush that suddenly appeared on the face of the beautiful village chief, Chen Yang also immediately felt that something was wrong.

When I meet someone for the first time, they definitely don't trust me.

"Ahem, I'm sorry for the village chief. I'm used to living alone, so I didn't consider your feelings. You go to wash first, and I'll sit outside for a while." Chen Yang coughed dryly, then turned his head and walked out of the inner room.

While walking out, he also closed the wooden door between the inner room and the medical hall.

Seeing Chen Yang walking out so consciously, the beautiful village chief felt a little relieved.

He lowered his head and opened the suitcase that Chen Yang helped her move in, then took a set of clean clothes from it, and walked into the bathroom.

Then came the sound of a drizzling bath.

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