Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 369 Yang Tiancheng's Attention

After Yang Tiancheng heard the data, he couldn't help being surprised.

Li Han could feel this from the phone.

"It's unbelievable to have such a result... Could it be that I underestimated him?"

On the phone, Yang Tiancheng suddenly said this.

I don't know if it was talking to myself or telling Li Han.

But when Li Han heard this sentence, he was very happy.

Happy for Yang Chen!

Yang Tiancheng wants to look at him with admiration!

"Uncle, Chen Yang is a very capable person. Most of the achievements of the medicinal diet are due to him. If he hadn't given me the formula of the medicinal diet, there would be no such effect at all."

Li Han knew that Yang Tiancheng had changed his views on Chen Yang, so he struck while the iron was hot, and praised Chen Yang as well.

Yang Tiancheng smiled when he heard what Li Han said.

Li Han knew that this was not a sneer, but a smile that he found interesting.

"Whether you have the ability or not, let's make enough 1000 million first. If you can't make 1000 million a month, I still say the same thing, and I won't let Ruoxi have any contact with him."

After Yang Tiancheng finished speaking seriously, and then briefly said a few words, he hung up the phone,

It can be seen that Yang Tiancheng's call was purely to inquire about news.

Li Han put down his phone and thought for a while, thinking whether he should tell Chen Yang that Yang Tiancheng has been paying attention to the medicinal diet.

After thinking for a while, she picked up the phone decisively and dialed Chen Yang's number.

At this time, Chen Yang was leaving the town in his car, and he was going home soon.

Suddenly he heard the phone ring, so he picked it up to answer it.

"What's the matter, Han'er, you miss me when you don't see me?"

Chen Yang laughed and joked.

Li Han's face became hot when he heard this.

"Who misses you? I called you just to tell you. My uncle called me just now!"

Li Han said.

"What? Yang Tiancheng called you?"

Chen Yang was shocked when he heard that Yang Tiancheng had called Li Han.

He knew that Yang Tiancheng called Li Han, and then Li Han called him again, so Yang Tiancheng must have said something related to him.

That's why Chen Yang was so excited.

After being slightly excited for a while, Chen Yang hurriedly asked: "What did I tell you?"

Li Han knew that Chen Yang wanted to know urgently, so he didn't let it go.

He directly told Chen Yang about Yang Tiancheng's call.

After listening to Li Han's narration, Chen Yang frowned subconsciously.

"According to you, he has been paying attention to our movements?"

Chen Yang quickly grasped the root of the problem.

Li Han really meant the same thing.

"That's right, I called you just to tell you that my uncle has been following our movements." Li Han nodded.

Hearing what Li Hanzhen said, Chen Yang smiled.

"That's okay, he can follow if he wants to. Anyway, all my money is earned, and there is no cheating or anything." Chen Yang said calmly.

For him, it's good that Yang Tiancheng pays more attention.

In this way, when he prepares 1000 million, the other party can't play tricks.

After all, his own is under his nose, slowly earning enough.

There is no other way.

"Yeah, it's really nothing that my uncle has been paying attention to. I just called to remind you because I was afraid that if something happened to you." Li Han said.

"Yeah, I see, don't worry, I said earning 1000 million, I will definitely use the way of earning, and I will not use other methods."

Chen Yang said seriously.

"Okay, I'll hang up first, I still have some things to deal with."

After talking to Chen Yang, Li Han had no intention of chatting anymore, after the two said goodbye to each other.

He hung up the phone.

At this time, Chen Yang also returned home.

When Chen Yang returned home, he didn't think about Yang Tiancheng anymore.

My money comes from legitimate sources, and I am not afraid of him paying attention to me at all.

After returning home, Chen Yang took a shower and went to sleep.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Yang was still the same as usual. He went to the farm as soon as he got up, and wandered around the greenhouse or something.

While wandering around, Chen Yang unconsciously noticed the mine in the back mountain and the village road being widened.

The Gujia construction team is very fast.

The village road has been repaired to the head of the village a few days ago, and now the excavator is driving to connect the village road to the mine.

Only in this way can large-scale mining equipment be transported up.

"If you want to revive the economy of Liuhe Village, you really need the help of these big companies. In just a few days, Liuhe Village has undergone such a big change."

"When the mine officially starts, Liuhe Village will definitely become very rich!"

Chen Yang stood on a hill, looking up at the mine.

The big trees and bushes near the mine have all been cut down.

So at a glance, it is natural to see the mine site.

Chen Yang's eyesight is relatively good, and he can even see figures walking on it.

After wandering around outside, Chen Yang returned home and made himself a breakfast.

After breakfast, when Chen Yang had nothing to do and wanted to go out for a walk, several trucks suddenly drove into the village.

The trucks are loaded with thicker cardboard.

Looking at it, it seems that they are preparing to build a temporary work shed on the mountain.

Chen Yang paused at the door of his house.

Due to the road in the village, the closest place to the mountain is Chen Yang's house, and finally all those trucks stopped at the door of Chen Yang's house.

After the truck stopped, many workers came down from it.

There is also Gu Ming, who is wearing a suit and looks out of tune with the workers.

As soon as Gu Ming jumped out of the car, Chen Yang noticed him.

Gu Ming also noticed Chen Yang.

However, the way Chen Yang looked at him was a half-smile,

And he is the kind of vicious, eager to rush over and tear Chen Yang to pieces.

"Move quickly, try to build a temporary work shed before tonight, the construction period is very fast!"

After Gu Ming stared at Chen Yang from a distance, he withdrew his gaze and began to direct the workers.

The workers got busy after hearing the news, and moved all the materials for building the temporary shed.

When the workers were busy, Chen Yang came over.

"Xiao Mingzi, you haven't repaired the road yet, why are you in such a hurry to build the shed? Are you going to start work?"

Chen Yang leaned forward curiously.

Although he knew that Gu Ming hated him so much, he didn't mind.

He just likes to see how Gu Ming can't get angry with him, and can't get rid of him.


Seeing that Chen Yang came to talk again, Gu Ming glared at Chen Yang very impolitely, and then said in a very unfriendly tone: "What does this have to do with you?"

When Chen Yang heard this, he was overjoyed.

"Why is this none of my business? Have you forgotten that you still have [-]% of the shares in this mine? I have [-]% of the shares, can't I ask about this kind of thing?"

Chen Yang retorted with a smile.

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