Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 368 Incoming Calls

But the old man saw that Chen Yang refused, and he still refused to give up.

"Don't, Boss Chen, I know that we are doing business, but I also sincerely thank you, and aren't we also friends? Just be an old man and I invite you to dinner, can we chat?"

Seeing that the excuse of thanking him was not enough, the old man changed his explanation.

And it does work.

Hearing that it wasn't gratitude anymore, it was a simple meal among friends, Chen Yang was a little moved.

So after thinking about it for a while, he said, "Since you said so, that's fine. You can set a time, and I'll come directly when the time comes. These days shouldn't be very busy."

After Chen Yang agreed decisively, the old man was overjoyed.

"Hey! Okay, let's go to the day after tomorrow. You gave me the lobster in the evening, so go directly to my house. Let's have a good drink and chat."

The old man said excitedly.

Chen Yang thought about it, and felt that there should be nothing to do the day after tomorrow, so he nodded: "That's fine, it's the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, it's a deal, then you won't be delayed, you can go."

The old man smiled and let Chen Yang drive away.

"Mmm, goodbye."

Chen Yang didn't think too much, just got into the car and drove away.

After leaving the night snack shop, Chen Yang originally wanted to drive back to Liuhe Village, but in the end he didn't go back directly.

Instead, he went to Lintianxia.

"I don't know what's going on in the hotel, I have to go and have a look."

Chen Yang thought to himself, and he drove to the door of Lintianxia Hotel not long after.

Chen Yang walked in directly and took the elevator to Li Han's office.

Li Han was still sitting at his desk working hard as usual.

Chen Yang walked into the room, but she didn't even notice it.

She didn't realize Chen Yang's existence until Chen Yang walked to her desk.

The moment Li Han saw Chen Yang, his face was full of surprise.

"Chen Yang! Why are you here! Why didn't you tell me before you came?"

Li Han said in surprise.

Chen Yang stretched out his hand with a smile, and squeezed Li Han's face dotingly.

"I'm here to deliver lobsters in the city, and I'll stop by to see how it is, how is your performance these days? Are you still busy?"

Chen Yang explained, and then directly brought the topic to the medicinal diet.

Li Han blushed a little because of Chen Yang's intimacy, and was very shy.

"The performance of the hotel has been growing, especially the medicinal food, which is very popular! We have made a lot of money!"

"If you're busy, you're actually not busy. A lot of new employees have been recruited in the past two days."

Li Han shyly introduced the situation of the past two days.

After listening to Li Han's narration, Chen Yang nodded slightly: "As long as you are not busy, I am afraid that you will be tired."

Li Han was already shy, but when he heard this, he felt happy and blushed even more.

She gave Chen Yang a white look: "You are the only one with sweet lips."


Chen Yang laughed, and carried Li Han to the sofa.

Li Han held Chen Yang's neck and sat on Chen Yang's lap. The two were intimate for a while, and then Li Han suddenly said: "By the way, Chen Yang, how is your family doing recently? Is everything okay? The Gu family started Has the mine been opened? And how is Kexin doing recently?"

"I haven't seen Kexin for a long time, and I miss her a little bit,"

Hearing Li Han's question, Chen Yang was still a little astonished.

"What? Haven't you been in touch with Kexin for a while? You still have to ask me about these things."

Chen Yang didn't answer, but asked back with a smile.

The corner of Li Han's mouth twitched, and he said a little unhappy: "Kexin was busy at that time, and I am also very busy recently, how can I have time to contact, and since what happened to Ruoxi, isn't she always thinking about it for you?" Is there a way? So I seldom contact."

Hearing what Li Han said, Chen Yang knew why Li Han hadn't contacted Wu Kexin.

It turned out that everyone knew that the other party was busy, so they didn't contact each other.

"Oh, so, the situation of the village chief is quite good recently, and he should be busy with the mine veins in the back mountain these days."

"The roads in the village have almost been repaired, and the Gu family will definitely invest in many large-scale mining equipment at the first time."

"At that time, you will definitely have to work for a while. If you finish the hotel and arrange everything properly, you can go over and have a look, and help out by the way."

Chen Yang said with a smile.

After listening to Chen Yang's narration, Li Han thought for a while.

"It's indeed possible, as long as we recruit more people and the hotel's situation stabilizes, I'll go over and help you!" Li Han suddenly nodded excitedly.

"Yeah! That's the decision. I'd like to recruit more people these days, otherwise everyone will have opinions. I'm so busy every day." Chen Yang replied with a smile.

The hotel's medicated food business is good, and the workload of the waiters will naturally increase greatly.

This is very unfair to employees.

The best solution is to recruit people quickly.

If there are more waiters, the work pressure will be less, and the most is to pay some more operating costs.

However, the popularity of medicated diet can bring a lot of benefits to Lin Tianxia, ​​and the small operating cost is nothing at all.

Chen Yang sat in Li Han's office for a while, and the two became intimate for a while.

Afterwards, Chen Yang saw that it was getting late, so he stood up and said that he wanted to leave.

Li Han knew that Chen Yang would not sleep here, so there was nothing unusual about it.

"Okay, then I'll send it to you."

Li Han also stood up, and then the two went downstairs together.

It wasn't until Chen Yang drove away that Li Han turned and returned to the office.

But as soon as Chen Yang left, Li Han returned to the office when the phone rang.

She picked it up and saw that it was Yang Tiancheng calling!

"Why did uncle call me? What's the matter?"

Looking at the phone screen, Li Han hesitated, not knowing the purpose of Yang Tiancheng's call.

But after slightly hesitating, he still connected the phone.


As soon as the phone was connected, Li Han called Yang Tiancheng first.


Yang Tiancheng hummed solemnly, and then got straight to the point.

"Han'er, I heard recently that you are very close to that Chen Yang, and that you have cooperated with each other. The advertisements for medicinal food that spread all over the county are the result of you, right?"

Yang Tiancheng's tone was neither cold nor cold, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry through the screen.

But Li Han still chose to tell the truth.

Because she knew that it was impossible for her to hide the matter from the richest man about her cooperation with Chen Yang.

"Yeah, yes uncle, recently I'm working with Chen Yang on medicinal meals."

Li Han directly admitted that Yang Tiancheng on the opposite side did not speak immediately.

It was after more than ten seconds that Yang Tiancheng asked, "How was the result?"

Li Han knew that Yang Tiancheng was asking about the result of the cooperation, whether he made any money.

So she replied: "The result is not bad, and a lot of results have been achieved."

"Currently, the daily flow of water is basically more than one million,"

"In terms of pure profit, it is about 50 million, but I estimate that it will increase in the future."

Li Han truthfully told Yang Tiancheng all the benefits of the current medicinal diet, as well as the data.

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