Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 311 Summary of Assets

Chen Yang and Wu Kexin stood at the head of the village and watched for a long time, until the convoy disappeared from sight, and then they left.

"Let's go, village chief, I'll take you back first."

Chen Yang sighed slightly.

Yang Ruoxi left suddenly, Chen Yang felt very uncomfortable, and always felt empty in his heart.

These days, he has already gotten used to Yang Ruoxi's presence, and this feeling is even more uncomfortable than when he was giving away a girl.

"Well, let's go."

Wu Kexin could also tell that Chen Yang was very disappointed.

But she didn't know how to comfort Chen Yang, because she was also very uncomfortable.

She also likes Chen Yang...but Yang Ruoxi is in front...

The two were silent all the way, and Wu Kexin only spoke a few words when they reached the gate of the village.

"Don't get lost, it's not like I won't see you anymore, go back and take a shower, get a good night's sleep, the task will be very heavy starting tomorrow, 1000 million a month! It's not a small amount!"

Wu Kexin said.

Chen Yang raised his head and looked at Wu Kexin: "Yeah, you're right, after going back to sleep, you have to plan carefully, otherwise the 1000 million is really impressive."

Hearing the words "very hanging", Wu Kexin frowned: "Could it be that you are not very sure?"

Chen Yang smiled helplessly: "That's 1000 million! How can I be absolutely sure?"

"Then how sure are you?"

Wu Kexin frowned and asked.


Chen Yang thought for a while: "Half! Half sure!"


Wu Kexin took a breath: "Chen Yang, you are too courageous. You are only half sure, and you dare to agree so decisively? What if you can't do it? Is it true that you will never have any contact with Ruoxi for the rest of your life?"

Wu Kexin was in a hurry, feeling that Chen Yang was too reckless.

When Chen Yang agreed decisively at that time, the reason why she didn't say anything was because she felt that Chen Yang must have great confidence, so she agreed.

But I didn't expect that Chen Yang was only half of it. You know, she started talking at that time.

Seeing Wu Kexin's anxiety, Chen Yang smiled wryly: "It's because I'm so bold, it's obvious that I didn't have a choice, right? The richest man Yang said so absolutely, there's no room for negotiation! I have no choice."

"And in fact, when I say half sure, I'm just a conservative estimate. If the Gu family doesn't lose the chain, I'm very sure that I can make up 1000 million yuan!"

When Chen Yang suddenly mentioned the Gu family, Wu Kexin immediately thought of the mine!

Chen Yang still has the contract for the mine veins in the back mountain!Someone from the Gu family should come to negotiate in the next few days!

"You mean, sell the ore vein behind the mountain for a good price?"

Wu Kexin said in surprise.

"Oh, that's right."

Chen Yang smiled and nodded, indicating that Wu Kexin's guess was correct.

Seeing Chen Yang nodding his head, Wu Kexin also breathed a sigh of relief: "It turns out that you had planned a long time ago. I thought you agreed impulsively. It really scared me to death."

Wu Kexin patted Ao Ren's chest,

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing: "How could I be so stupid to take this kind of thing as a price?"

"Yes, you have always been very calm."

Wu Kexin smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, the two had a conversation at the village gate, and Chen Yang asked how Wu Kexin talked to Yang Tiancheng.

Wu Kexin simply talked to Chen Yang.

The reason why Yang Tiancheng was said to make sense was purely because Wu Kexin acted with emotion and reason, and took the opportunity to praise Chen Yang well.

Said that Chen Yang is a promising young man or something.

Yang Tiancheng might not listen to others' words, but he still carefully considered what Wu Kexin said, and then retreated a bit.

"It turns out that's the case. I'm really bothering you, otherwise this incident will definitely make Ruoxi and the family very tense."

Chen Yang said.

Wu Kexin gave Chen Yang a white look: "Of course, you had a conflict with him today, and you even pointed at his nose and yelled at him. You are really courageous! That's the richest man in our city!"

Chen Yang laughed a little embarrassedly: "I was too anxious at the time, he did too much, and I couldn't hold it back for a while."

"I can understand you. If the aunt in the village is helping you so much, if it's still bleeding, it's really bad."

Wu Kexin is very understanding. From a certain point of view, she is an outsider in this matter, so she is the one who sees everything today most clearly.

"Yeah, that's what I thought in my heart at the time. No matter what, I can't let everyone get beaten and bleed because of me, so I have such an action! Speaking of these things, I really need to find a chance, thank you very much, "

Chen Yang recalled what happened today, and couldn't help but thank everyone in Liuhe Village again.

"Haha, it is indeed time to find a chance to thank you, but not now, the most important thing for you now is to speed up your pace of making money! Hurry up and make enough 1000 million!"

Wu Kexin laughed.

"Yeah, that's right, now that I have a goal, I don't have the time to think about other things,"

Chen Yang nodded in agreement, and then waved his hand when he saw that it was getting late.

"Send you here, I should go back too!"

"Okay, let's go, bye."

After the two exchanged salutes, Chen Yang left the village and went back.

Back home, Chen Yang lay down on the bed after taking a shower.

Looking at the luggage that Yang Ruoxi didn't bring back by the bed, Chen Yang couldn't help but sigh: "1000 million! That's a lot of money! I'm busy during this time!"

With a sigh, he fell asleep without knowing it.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already the second day.

This day can be regarded as the first day of the agreement with Yang Tiancheng.

But on this day, Chen Yang basically didn't do anything. He was at home and made statistics on his current situation.

Now he has fixed assets, owns two farms, two greenhouses, and a pond of crayfish.

As for the cash, Chen Yang roughly calculated it.

In cash, there are more than 6 yuan in hand, but there are more than 30 yuan in the phone!

The more than 30 yuan is all the money to buy wild mushrooms and pheasants and rabbits these days.

"Fixed assets cannot be exchanged for cash, so they should not be included in the 1000 million yuan."

"In this way, I am now a pauper with only 36 yuan?"

Chen Yang was stunned.

I never thought that I would be so far away from 1000 million.

1000 million, minus 36, then there is still 960 million to earn!

Even adding the 75 that Li Han owed him all the time, it still needs 880!

"Suddenly, it feels very difficult."

Chen Yang couldn't help shaking his head and sighed.

But this is not because he is discouraged, but simply to vent.

After calculating his own assets, Chen Yang began to calculate again, and the speed at which he was making money every day increased.

See how much money you can make in a month if you continue to make money at the current rate.

Currently, Chen Yang sells ten hares or pheasants every day.

That is 3000 yuan a day.

The output of wild mountain mushrooms in greenhouses is about [-] catties per day.

700 yuan a catty, 2000 catties a day, that is [-] yuan.

The sum of the two is [-]!Forty-five thousand times thirty!

That's 130 million!

"Damn it! You can only earn one million a month? Is this too far from the goal?"

Chen Yang couldn't help being surprised.

I think a million dollars a month is too little.

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