Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 310 Opportunity

Seeing Yang Ruoxi's resolute attitude, Yang Tiancheng sighed helplessly.

"Father, I like Chen Yang, and Chen Yang also likes me. Chen Yang is very good. I believe he will have a bright future. Just give Chen Yang a chance!"

Yang Ruoxi knew that Yang Tiancheng's attitude was not that firm anymore, so she walked up to Yang Tiancheng, arm in arm and acted coquettishly.

And also bluntly stated that he likes Chen Yang.

Although Yang Tiancheng was very unhappy, he could only nod helplessly when he thought of what he had just chatted with Wu Kexin.

"I can promise you, give him a chance!"

"Really! That would be great!"

Seeing Yang Tiancheng nodding, Yang Ruoxi almost jumped up!

"Don't be too happy! You haven't heard me finished yet!"


After hearing that Yang Tiancheng hadn't finished speaking, Yang Ruoxi calmed down again.

Obediently stood aside, waiting for Yang Tiancheng to finish speaking.

Yang Tiancheng looked up at Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, when I was chatting with Ms. Wu just now, I heard that you are starting a business, right?"

Yang Tiancheng asked suddenly.

Chen Yang glanced at Wu Kexin, then nodded: "Yeah, I'm starting a business."

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll give you a chance."

Yang Tiancheng said unhurriedly: "If you can accumulate 1000 million property within a month, I will allow you to associate with Ruoxi!"

"Ten million a month? That's too mean!"

After listening to Yang Tiancheng's conditions, Yang Ruoxi couldn't help but gasp.

Even Wu Kexin was taken aback: "Uncle Yang, Chen Yang's business has only just started, and your conditions are really too harsh."

Hearing what the two women said, Yang Tiancheng snorted directly: "I don't think it's harsh!"

"Anyway, this is my final bottom line. If he can't do it, he really doesn't deserve to associate with Ruoxi!"

"You don't need to say anything more! Just give me a word, can you do it?"

Yang Tiancheng's attitude became serious again, and there was no room for negotiation at all.


Yang Ruoxi also wanted to help Chen Yang talk, hoping to save a little time, or maybe a little more time.

But no matter what she did, Yang Tiancheng did not regress in the slightest.

"Ruoxi, you don't need to say any more. Uncle Yang's condition, I agree! Within a month, let my wealth increase to 1000 million!"

Just when Yang Ruoxi wanted to continue working hard, Chen Yang suddenly stood up and directly agreed to Yang Tiancheng's conditions.

"Chen Yang...how is this possible! No one can meet this condition, don't be impulsive."

Yang Ruoxi persuaded anxiously.

"Ruoxi, I'm not impulsive, I'm serious, just trust me."

Chen Yang still persisted.

"Okay! Very decisive, like a man!"

Yang Tiancheng laughed a little, and then said: "Then start counting from tomorrow. If you don't have a net worth of 1000 million in a month, please sever your relationship with Ruoxi and all ties!"

"Well, I see!"

Chen Yang nodded calmly.

"Okay, now that we've settled the conversation, I don't have anything to say, Ruoxi, come with me!"

After reaching an agreement with Chen Yang, Yang Tiancheng didn't intend to stay any longer, so he directly pulled Yang Ruoxi and wanted to leave.

But Yang Ruoxi shook her head: "Dad, you go back alone, I want to stay with Chen Yang for two more days."


Yang Tianguo resolutely refused: "Until he reaches 1000 million, you are not allowed to meet him, otherwise the agreement will be void!"

Yang Tiancheng's words were very decisive, and there was still no room for negotiation.

Yang Ruoxi is very unhappy, she still wants to stay with Chen Yang.

But at the same time, she also knew that her father had already made concessions. Not only did she promise not to force herself to marry, but she also promised to give Chen Yang a chance.

If you want to regress, it's a bit too much.

"Ruoxi, you can go back with Uncle Yang, believe me, I can do it."

At this time, Chen Yang also sensed that something was wrong, so he spoke to persuade him.

Seeing that Chen Yang said so, Yang Ruoxi had no choice but to nod: "Okay, then I'll go back."


Seeing Yang Ruoxi nodding, Yang Tiancheng's expression became slightly better.

"Now that we've agreed, let's go. It's late. Your uncle and his family are still waiting for us to eat."

After Yang Tiancheng finished speaking, he took Yang Ruoxi's hand and walked towards the village.

Chen Yang and Wu Kexin did not stay where they were, but went to see them off.

The village team and bodyguards are all there.

Uncle Biao, who was vomited blood by Chen Yangding, had almost recovered at this time, and was able to fight independently.

When the group of bodyguards saw Yang Ruoxi and Yang Tiancheng coming, they immediately stood up straight and opened the door of the luxury car very respectfully.

"By the way, Ruoxi, since you're going to the county seat, then drive your sister's car back by the way, otherwise I won't be able to give her a ride."

Before Yang Ruoxi got into the car, Chen Yang suddenly remembered such a thing.

Since I brought Li Han's car back last time, I haven't sent it to Li Han yet.

After being reminded by Chen Yang, Yang Ruoxi only remembered it.

"Yes, you can drive my sister's car back by the way."

Yang Ruoxi nodded, then took the key Chen Yang handed her, and handed it to a bodyguard.

And let him pick up the car at the gate of Chen Yang's house.

"Chen Yang, I'm leaving first, I hope you can have a fortune of 1000 million sooner, so that we can meet."

Yang Ruoxi got into the car with a very reluctant expression.

These days at Chen Yang's place, she had a great time, and after today's incident.

The relationship between her and Chen Yang has risen to a new level.

But at this moment, she had to leave, and she couldn't see each other for a month, so of course she was very sad.

Let alone her, even Chen Yang was a little reluctant.

"It's okay, a month will pass soon, just wait, I will definitely have a net worth of 1000 million."

Chen Yang comforted with a smile.

"Well, I'm sure you can do it."

Yang Ruoxi nodded with a smile, believing that Chen Yang can do what he says.

After saying goodbye to Chen Yang briefly, Yang Ruoxi said goodbye to Wu Kexin again.

He also expressed his gratitude, thanks to Wu Kexin for his help, which made this situation possible.

Otherwise, she would definitely break up with Yang Tiancheng.

"Sister Kexin, goodbye! I will miss you! When I'm not here, please help me take care of Chen Yang, and also help me, let him earn 1000 million quickly! Then I can come to you again played."

Yang Ruoxi said with an innocent smile.

Seeing the smile on Yang Ruoxi's face, Wu Kexin couldn't help but smile too.

"Okay, I will! Don't worry go back, I will help Chen Yang!"

Wu Kexin nodded.

"Okay, thank you then."

Yang Ruoxi thanked you.

"Is it finished? We should go after we finish talking."

At this time, Yang Tiancheng urged.

Yang Ruoxi raised her mouth in displeasure, then waved to Chen Yang and Wu Kexin while raising the car window.

"Bai Baila, Chen Yang, sister Kexin."

Chen Yang and Wu Kexin also waved: "Goodbye."

With the windows fully up, the convoy set off.

Drive all the way out of Liuhe Village.

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