Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 301 The Truth

The two chatted from around eight o'clock in the evening to around ten o'clock in the evening.

It wasn't until Nizi was about to go to bed that Chen Yang stopped chatting with her.

"You have to take care of yourself over there, rest when it's time to rest, don't be cautious about what you should eat, what you should use, if you don't have enough living expenses, just tell me, brother will send you money,"

At the end, Chen Yang also ordered a lot of words to Nizi.

When Nizi saw such information, she was very moved.

"Thank you Brother Chen Yang, my side is fine and I don't need money."

Nizi moved Chen Yang down.

After saying goodnight to each other, the chat ended.

After chatting with Nizi, Chen Yang thought that it's been so long, Wu Kexin at home should also be done.

So he put away his phone and went straight home.

On the way back, Chen Yang didn't rush, but walked home at a normal speed.

It was almost eleven o'clock when he got home.

"Chen Yang, go check it out, why it took so long!"

As soon as Chen Yang arrived home, Yang Ruoxi questioned him immediately.

Chen Yang went out for more than two hours, which was indeed a bit unusual.

Facing Yang Ruoxi's questioning, Chen Yang definitely couldn't admit directly that he went out on purpose, so he explained with a smile: "There is something wrong with the farm, I just spent some time there."

"Hmph, I don't believe you."

Yang Ruoxi snorted softly, her face full of disbelief.

But then her attitude changed directly, and she looked at Wu Kexin.

"Sister Kexin, you can sleep here tonight, it's so late, it's inconvenient to go back."

Yang Ruoxi warmly took Wu Kexin's hand.

It seems that the relationship between the two has reached a new level.

If it was normal, Wu Kexin must have agreed naturally.

But today Wu Kexin smiled and refused.

"Ruoxi, I'm afraid I can't do it today, because the village department still has a lot of information to process, and I have to go back."

Wu Kexin said.

"But it's so late, how inconvenient, it's a big deal and I can go back and deal with it tomorrow?"

Yang Ruoxi took out her mobile phone to check the time, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

Wu Kexin naturally knew that it was already very late.

"Isn't there still Chen Yang, just let him see me off."

Wu Kexin insisted.

Seeing that Wu Kexin insisted on going back, Yang Ruoxi had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, then let Chen Yang see you off."

Yang Ruoxi was a little lost.

"Yeah, Ruoxi, bye."

Wu Kexin stood up and waved to Yang Ruoxi, then walked out with Chen Yang.

"How is it? What happened to Ruoxi?"

Walking out of the door of the medical hall, Chen Yang couldn't wait to ask.

The reason why Wu Kexin insisted on going back was to tell Chen Yang what she knew.

"You guessed right, Ruoxi did quarrel with her family."

Wu Kexin stopped suddenly, looked at Chen Yang and said.

"it is as expected."

Chen Yang also stopped, and after thinking about it, he asked, "Then do you know what the reason for the quarrel is?"

See Chen Yang asking this question.

Wu Kexin paused for a moment, with some hesitation on his face.

It seemed that he was torn between whether to tell Chen Yang or not.

Seeing this, Chen Yang said directly: "Village Chief, if there is anything, you need to tell me. We are friends with Ruoxi. If there is any problem, please tell me, and I can help solve it."

Chen Yang's face was determined, and he really wanted to know what happened to Yang Ruoxi and his family.

Why is the attitude of not wanting to go back so firm.

Wu Kexin may have been moved by Chen Yang's words, or she felt that Chen Yang really had a solution.

So she gritted her teeth and said directly: "Chen Yang, the reason why Ruoxi doesn't go back is because his father wants her to marry!"


When Wu Kexin said this, Chen Yang was shocked.

"How is this possible? If Xi is married? Doesn't she have a boyfriend? Who will she marry?"

Chen Yang's face was full of astonishment, this result was too unexpected.

Wu Kexin seemed to have known that Chen Yang would behave like this, so when he saw Chen Yang's surprised and astonished expression, he was not surprised at all.


Wu Kexin nodded calmly and seriously: "The reason why Ruoxi refuses to go back is because her father forced her to marry."

"Marry who?"

Chen Yang asked in astonishment immediately.

Seeing the astonishment on Chen Yang's face, Wu Kexin's face fluctuated a little.

"You don't have to worry about who you marry, it's the son of a wealthy businessman anyway!"

"It is said that the rich businessman has a very important business relationship with Ruoxi's father."

"And the reason why Ruoxi's father wants to marry Ruoxi to the son of that rich businessman is to make this cooperative relationship stronger."

"That's why Ruoxi is so determined and refuses to go back."

Wu Kexin told her everything she knew in one breath.

After Chen Yang heard this, the astonished expression on his face could not be calmed down for a long time.

"This... What year is this? Are you still playing this trick? This is too ridiculous! As for sacrificing your own daughter for a business cooperation?"

After Chen Yang was stunned for a long time, he said these words.

Seeing Chen Yang with an unnatural expression, Wu Kexin felt a little uncomfortable.

She could tell that Chen Yang was very concerned about Yang Ruoxi's marriage.

"Chen Yang, you are in such a hurry because you like Ruoxi very much."

Just when Chen Yang was still stunned by Yang Ruoxi's sudden marriage, Wu Kexin suddenly asked again.

Hearing this question, Chen Yang was taken aback on the spot.

Unexpectedly, Wu Kexin would ask such a question directly.

"That's right, I like Ruoxi!"

After a short moment of astonishment, Chen Yang suddenly straightened his expression and nodded firmly.

Seeing Chen Yang nodding, Wu Kexin's expression darkened a bit, although she already knew the result.

But seeing Chen Yang nodding, she was still a little disappointed.

"Since you like Ruoxi's words, then you have seized the opportunity."

Wu Kexin tried his best to look normal, and said: "Tomorrow Ruoxi's father will definitely come to Liuhe Village and take Ruoxi away by force. If you really like Ruoxi, then you must seize tomorrow's opportunity and not let him Take Ruoxi away."

"Otherwise, once Ruoxi returns, she will inevitably marry the son of a wealthy businessman."

Wu Kexin said.

After listening to Wu Kexin's analysis, Chen Yang was silent for a long time.

I don't know how long it took before Chen Yang nodded very firmly: "You are right, you must seize the opportunity tomorrow, and don't let his father take her away."

Chen Yang's face was full of determination, and Wu Kexin was very moved.

I thought to myself, if this happened to me, would this man in front of me be so determined to keep me?

Maybe, maybe not.

She had no idea, but she didn't ask.

"Yeah, you must stay. As for what method to use, it depends on you. I can't give you any advice."

Wu Kexin spread her hands.

"I know the village chief. I'm very grateful that you can help me ask so many questions. As for how to persuade Ruoxi's father not to take Ruoxi away, let me do it myself."

"Well, think about it carefully, I believe you can."

Wu Kexin nodded, and then the two started walking towards the village.

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