Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 300 Meaningful

The door of Uncle Niu's house is facing Daping at the head of the village.

At this time, many aunts in the village have gathered.

Normally, Chen Yang rarely had contact with those aunts, but recently, Chen Yang has become the talking point of those aunts.

Of course, everyone said that Chen Yang was fine.

For example, Chen Yang is promising, this child has a conscience, this child must be a character, and he will bring glory to our Liuhe Village or something.

And by chance, they saw Chen Yang coming out of Uncle Niu's house at this time, and those aunts immediately called Chen Yang over to have a chat.

Looking at the aunts who were so enthusiastic, Chen Yang was overwhelmed and refused again and again.

"You talk about you, there are still things at home."

Chen Yang rubbed the soles of his feet with oil and slipped away.

"Yangzi, why are you so busy every day? Don't you have time at night?"

An aunt looked at Chen Yang's back and said.

"You don't know about that. Our Yangzi family has important things to do. Do you remember the girl who planted rice for us last time? I'm a guest at Yangzi's house today! Do you understand?"

As soon as the aunt's question came out, someone immediately responded.

News spreads fastest in the village.

I only told Wang Hong when I was buying beer, and it took only two hours.

The news that Yang Ruoxi was a guest at Yang Ruoxi's house by himself spread throughout the village immediately.

"Oh...so that's what happened..."

All the aunts put on a meaningful expression. Although they didn't say anything, they seemed to know everything.

It also means that Chen Yang didn't see this scene, otherwise he would be speechless.

Isn't it just a guest?How did it become like this?

Chen Yang returned home with the ice cream, and the two girls were still sitting lazily in front of the dining table.

As soon as they saw Chen Yang coming back with ice cream, they immediately regained their spirits.

"Chen Yang, you are back."

Yang Ruoxi was the first to stand up.

"Yeah, your ice cream."

Chen Yang smiled, then took an ice cream and gave it to Yang Ruoxi and Wu Kexin.

An ice cream after the meal quickly lowered the body temperature of the three of them.

After eating the ice cream, Wu Kexin suddenly looked at Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, why don't you go to the pheasant farm to see this late at night?"

"Huh? A pheasant farm?"

Chen Yang turned his head for a moment, and only realized after seeing Wu Kexin's expression.

"That's right, you're right, I haven't visited the pheasant farm for a long time, and it's time to check it out."

Chen Yang stood up and was about to go out.

When Yang Ruoxi saw that she was about to go out, she immediately stood up, expressing that she also wanted to follow.

But it was naturally impossible for Chen Yang to let her follow him.

The reason why I want to go out is to create opportunities for Wu Kexin, let her and Yang Ruoxi stay at home, so that the two can have a good talk.

"You should stay at home. It's dark outside. I'll be back soon."

Chen Yang rejected Yang Ruoxi, then turned his head and went out directly.

Yang Ruoxi wanted to insist on going out, but when she heard that Chen Yang would be back soon, she didn't follow her.

After Chen Yang left the house, he didn't go anywhere else. He really went to the pheasant farm.

I've been so busy these days that I didn't come to the pheasant farm to see what's going on.

When I went to catch pheasants today, I glanced at them hastily.

"Although nothing will happen, you still have to walk around and take care of yourself if you have nothing to do."

Chen Yang muttered, and arrived at the pheasant farm without knowing it.

The pheasant farm is some distance away from Liuhe Village, and the pheasant farm is on the edge of the mountain, so it is very quiet at night.

Basically nothing can be heard.

Chen Yang didn't turn on the flashlight when he walked to the farm.

But his eyes can see the surrounding environment and so on, so there is no need for a flashlight.

Chen Yang took out the key and opened the iron gate of the farm, then went in and wandered around, observing the pheasants living in the farm.

After wandering around, Chen Yang found that when he came last time, those little pheasants had all grown up.

This makes the number of pheasants in the entire farm seem to have increased a lot.

"It seems that we can't just sell hares in the future, but also sell some pheasants, otherwise it will be unbalanced."

There are at least three or four hundred pheasants in the pheasant farm, but Chen Yang didn't count them in detail.

This amount is still a bit more than that of wild rabbits.

After wandering around the farm, I found that there was nothing wrong with the pheasants except for the larger number, so I didn't stay in it for long.

After locking the iron gate, he lay down on a relatively clean lawn outside the farm for a while.

At night in the countryside, the sky is very clear.

The sky is full of stars, very artistic conception.

"I don't know how Nizi is doing recently. Since I went to school, I have lost contact."

Chen Yang put his hands behind his head, looked at the stars in the sky, and couldn't help thinking of Nizi.

He grew up with Nizi, and when he was a child, he had the same artistic conception as he does now.

So in this environment, the first thing he thought of was naturally Nizi.

After thinking about it, Chen Yang unconsciously took out his mobile phone and opened the chat window with Nizi.

I found out that the last time I chatted with Nizi was when Nizi left.

"This girl, don't you miss me at all?"

Chen Yang said very narcissistically, then edited a text message with a light smile.

"After going to college, you don't miss brother at all?"

Chen Yang sent a text message, but Nizi didn't reply directly.

But from the above display that the other party is editing, it can be known that the girl on the other side has already seen this message and is typing to reply.

After 1 minute, the message that Nizi was editing was sent.

"No, Brother Chen Yang, I miss you very much."

Seeing Nizi's reply, Chen Yang was taken aback.

"After hesitating for half a minute, you just typed these words?"

Chen Yang was a little disappointed. Looking at the time, more than a minute had passed, and the reply must have been a long speech.

But I didn't expect it to be that much.

But he didn't care about it, and replied directly: "Brother Xiang, why don't you send me a message, how are you doing? Is life okay?"

Chen Yang said with concern.

Nizi on the opposite side was very moved when she saw the message from Chen Yang.

Then reply quickly;

"Because I think you are very busy! And I have to study hard now, so that I can come back soon and help you!"

"My life here is very good, and my study status is also very good."

When Nizi replied to the first message, Chen Yang still felt weird, not like Nizi.

But after seeing the long-winded comments in the reply later, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing.

Then he lay on the grass and chatted with Nizi for a while.

The two are like young couples who haven't been in touch for a long time, and they have a lot to say.

Nizi told Chen Yang about her situation, and Chen Yang told Nizi about the situation at home.

And also talked about Li Han, Yang Ruoxi, and Wu Kexin.

Originally, when Nizi heard about Li Han and Yang Ruoxi, she was a little depressed, but after listening to Chen Yang's story, Nizi also felt relieved.

Not jealous or angry or anything.

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