Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 29 Warning Fatty

bang bang bang...

Chen Yang used all his strength and hit the three social people who rushed up, and the three of them fell to the ground in response, and the chair in Chen Yang's hand was directly shattered as a whole.

"Oops! My hand... broke!"

The three people lying on the ground wailed fiercely, and those social people who were still waving their fists and wanted to step forward were completely frightened.

Chen Yang's strength must have been too great, all the wooden chairs turned into sawdust?

Moreover, the arms of the three were broken. Is this still a person?

The remaining seven or eight members of society were shocked. Although they surrounded Chen Yang, they looked left and right and no one dared to step forward again.

"Tmd! You are all a bunch of trash?! Get out of the way! Let me do it!" Just as the scene was panicking, a 1.8-meter-tall man wearing a vest and showing muscles all of a sudden rushed out from the corner of the room.

This strong man pushed aside those flustered social people, and then kicked Chen Yang directly at his stomach. This kick was very powerful.

If it hit Chen Yang's stomach, not to mention that he would die on the spot, at least several bones would be broken.

"It's a vicious opponent."

The strong man kicked very fast and fiercely. Chen Yang could feel that this man still posed a certain threat to him.

But fortunately, in Chen Yang's eyes, the rapid attack of the strong man has a slowing effect.

So Chen Yang dodged directly, perfectly avoiding this fierce blow.

While dodging this blow, Chen Yang punched the strong man's back from the back.

It has to be said that this strong man still has two brushes. Seeing that Chen Yang dodged his attack, he immediately changed his shape, and reacted very quickly to the side, dodging Chen Yang's attack.

"Okay! Brother Tiger nb! Kill this kid and let him see how powerful we are!"

This strong man named Brother Hu made a move with Chen Yang.

The fat man watching from the sidelines, and those gangsters all applauded, giving Brother Hu a boost!

And brother Hu heard the majestic voices around him, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

"Boy! It's best not to fight against us! Obediently hand over 5 yuan! This matter will be over." Brother Hu said to Chen Yang with a sneer.

Looking at Brother Hu who was full of arrogance, the corner of Chen Yang's mouth raised a playful arc.

Although this brother Hu is strong and strong, he also has a little kung fu of a three-legged cat, so he can do two tricks with him.

But want to beat yourself?Still a little unrealistic.

"Even if you want to get over this matter! I don't want to get over it yet!" Chen Yang whispered!Then quickly gathered all the strength in his body, and suddenly punched Brother Hu.

This punch contained all of Chen Yang's strength!

Seeing Chen Yang who was coming to kill him, Brother Hu was taken aback for a moment, and shouted bad!

Although Chen Yang's fist hadn't arrived yet, the wind of the fist had already hit his face.

Through the wind of the punch, Brother Hu could feel that the force contained in this punch was not something he could resist at all.

He subconsciously wanted to dodge, but Chen Yang's speed was too fast, and he rushed to him in an instant!

In this situation, he can only stretch out two arms to protect his face!


The sound of fracture came, Brother Hu opened his eyes and saw that the palms of his hands had been smashed into comminuted fractures by Chen Yang's punch!

"Ah! My hand... How could it become like this!"

Immediately afterwards, a burst of severe pain came, and Brother Hu, who was still invincible just now, lay directly on the ground, looking at his shattered palm, and howling in pain.

"You should be lucky! You blocked it with your palm, otherwise it would not be your palm but your head that suffered the comminuted fracture!" Chen Yang said, then kicked Brother Hu who was lying on the ground away, looking up coldly. His eyes fixed on the fat man who was trembling from the blow just in front of him.

"Brother...Brother, all this is a misunderstanding. This is not what I meant. Let me explain, brother." The fat man panicked and waved his hands repeatedly to explain.

But Chen Yang walked towards him step by step without saying a word.

When Chen Yang walked in front of the fat man, the fat man peed in fright on the spot.

Immediately after a plop, the fat man knelt down again.

"Brother, I offended you because I didn't know Taishan. Please let me go. I will never think about widow Zhang again. Can you let me go?" The fat man kowtowed begging for mercy, because he Ran Ran felt the killing intent from Chen Yang's body.

But at this time, Chen Yang was intent on killing.

I want to go straight down and destroy the fat man's lifeblood.

But seeing the fat man begging for mercy so frantically, Chen Yang regained his senses,

"If you don't make up your mind, this matter will be over? It's so simple?" Chen Yang asked coldly.

"Brother... let me go, take back the 3 yuan, and I will apologize to you as a younger brother, what do you think?" The fat man pointed to the 3 yuan on the coffee table, begging for mercy road.

Chen Yang glanced at the money on the coffee table, then slapped the fat man to the ground with a backhand.

"I'll teach you a lesson today, if you dare to catch the attention of the widow in Liuhe Village, I will destroy you!"

Chen Yang warned viciously, then swept the 3 yuan on the table, and left the room.

When leaving, Chen Yang kicked down the already thin door of the room.

With a bang, the door collapsed, and more than a dozen gangsters and fat people in the room were all prostrate on the ground and trembling.

After Chen Yang left for more than ten minutes, they stood up trembling.

"Is this... is it a person?" Fatty looked at the collapsed door with lingering fear.

I swore secretly in my heart that I would never dare to catch the attention of the widow in Liuhe Village again.

After leaving Junwei Internet Cafe, Chen Yang walked across the road to find his electric tricycle, then drove the electric tricycle back to Liuhe Village, and arrived in front of Zhang Xueying's house.

"Xueying, are you home?" Chen Yang shouted.

"I'm at home, Brother Chen Yang, wait a moment." Zhang Xueying quickly replied to Chen Yang, and ran out of the house in a hurry.

"What's wrong with Brother Chen Yang?" Zhang Xueying asked with a smile.

"I've already paid back the fat man's money. This is Chen Zhuang's IOU. Take it." Chen Yang took out the IOU from the fat man's hand from his pocket, and handed it to Zhang Xueying.

Zhang Xueying took the IOU, looked at it twice, and felt very uncomfortable.

"Thank you, Brother Chen Yang..." Zhang Xueying thanked him emotionally.

Chen Yang waved his hand: "Everything should be done, don't say thank you! The IOU is coming back, so you can live with peace of mind in the future, and you don't need to worry about it anymore."

Then, Chen Yang took out the 3 yuan that he wanted to return to the fat man, and handed it to Zhang Xueying.

"Xiaoxiao is not young anymore, and it's time to go to kindergarten after a while. You take the money first. If you have any difficulties in the future, just talk to me. I will try my best to help you two." Chen Yang read Glancing at Xiaoxiao who was playing in the house, he said with a smile.

Originally, Chen Yang helped repay the debt of 3 yuan, but Zhang Xueying was already very moved.

Now that Chen Yang still took out 3 yuan to give to himself, Zhang Xueying was so touched that her eyes were red.

"Brother Chen Yang, you helped me repay [-] yuan and I have no way to repay it. I can't take the money." Zhang Xueying shook her head, wanting to refuse.

Because she knew that Chen Yang had already helped her a lot, and Chen Yang's money was not easy to come by.

"Didn't I just say that this money is for Xiaoxiao to go to school, you must take it!" Regardless of Zhang Xueying, Chen Yang directly put the money into Zhang Xueying's hands with a strong attitude.

Seeing Chen Yang's resolute attitude, Zhang Xueying had no choice but to accept it.

Zhang Xueying accepted the money, and after the two exchanged a few more pleasantries, Chen Yang left Zhang Xueying's house.

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