Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 28 Repayment of Debt

Soon, Zhang Xueying came out of the house, but her face was still as red as a ripe apple.

"Thank you, Brother Chen Yang... This is Fatty's contact information..."

The shy Zhang Xueying handed the note to Chen Yang, bowed her head shyly, not daring to look at Chen Yang.

"You're welcome, it's getting late, go to bed early, I'm leaving first." Chen Yang took the note, turned around and left.

After Chen Yang left, Zhang Xueying did not directly close the door and go back to the house, but looked at the door for a long time.

It wasn't until Chen Yang's back completely disappeared into the night that Zhang Xueying blushed and closed the door.

After returning home with the note, Chen Yang dialed the number on it, and agreed with Fatty where to pay back the money tomorrow.

"Hello! Who is it! You're calling late at night." As soon as the phone was connected, the fat man's fiery voice came from inside.

"It's me, the one who helped Chen Zhuang pay back the money. I've already collected 3 yuan. You can come and get it tomorrow." Chen Yang said casually.

"Huh? It's you! The 3 yuan was collected so quickly?" After hearing that it was Chen Yang, the fat man was slightly shocked. He didn't expect Chen Yang's speed to be so fast.

"Brother didn't see it, you are quite capable, and you managed to get together 3 yuan so quickly!" The fat man laughed.

"Don't talk nonsense, you came here to get it, or I went to find you and talk to you." Chen Yang didn't have the heart to chat with people like Fatty. His time was very precious, so he just went straight to the point and made an appointment to pay back the money.

When Chen Yang talked to Fatty in such a tone, Fatty was not annoyed, instead he replied with a smile: "Hahaha, fine, I don't care where you got the money, as long as I have money, I will accept it."

"Well, tomorrow you come to this Junwei Internet cafe in the town to find me, and I will be in the Internet cafe."


After getting the location, Chen Yang hung up the phone, opened the drawer, took 3 yuan from it, and fell asleep on the bed.

When he woke up, it was already daylight.

Chen Yang got up from the bed, made himself a breakfast, took 3 yuan, and set off towards the town on a tricycle.

The town where the fat man is located is the place where Li Han withdrew the money yesterday. It is only more than ten kilometers away from Liuhe Village, so it is not far away.

In just over 20 minutes, Chen Yang came to the main road in the town, and found the Regal Internet Cafe that the fat man was talking about on the side of the road.

After parking the car across the road from Junwei Internet Cafe, Chen Yang raised his hand to check the time, and found that it was only past nine o'clock in the morning.

"I don't know if the fat man has woken up yet. Let's make a call first." Chen Yang didn't rush into the Internet cafe, but called the fat man in advance.

When the phone was connected, Chen Yang said, "Are you up yet? I'm at Junwei Internet Cafe."

"Are you here? I'm in the Internet cafe, come in!" The fat man replied in a daze, as if he had just woken up.


Chen Yang hung up the phone, then locked the car and walked into Junlin Internet Cafe with the money.

It was early in the morning, and there were not many people in the Internet cafe.

There were only a few people, and they still fell asleep in front of the machine.

Chen Yang scanned around, but did not find the figure of the fat man in the Internet cafe, and then walked directly to the bar counter of the Internet cafe.

The network manager at the bar was also asleep at this time, Chen Yang knocked on the countertop and shouted the network manager.

The network manager got up with a blank face, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and looked at Chen Yang.

"Get on the plane? Or do you want something?"

"I'm here to find Fatty, where is he?" Chen Yang asked straight to the point.

"Brother Fat?" Hearing that Chen Yang came to look for Fatty, the network administrator immediately regained consciousness, and then pointed to a corner of the Internet cafe: "Go up the stairs over there, Brother Fatty is on the second floor."

Following the direction pointed by the network administrator, Chen Yang saw a hidden iron staircase, and walked over with the money.

After going up the stairs, Chen Yang came to the second floor.

From the first floor to the second floor, you can see the mahjong machines and some tables for gambling.

This Internet cafe really has a hidden secret. Although it is a regular Internet cafe below, it can be seen from the many mahjong machines and gaming tables on the second floor that this is a hidden casino.

And with so many machines, it can be seen that the scale of this casino is not small.

But none of this has anything to do with Chen Yang, he is here to pay back the money today.

After going up to the second floor, Chen Yang walked inside and found a secret room.

"I'm in the room, come in." When Chen Yang was looking at the room, a fat man's voice suddenly came from the room.

Hearing the voice of Fatty, Chen Yang walked in directly.

He wasn't worried about what kind of tricks the fat man would play. His body was as strong as a bull, and his reaction speed was very fast.

If the fat man really wanted to do something to himself, it would be courting death.

Walking into the room, the environment inside is very dark.

But through the small light coming in from the small window, Chen Yang could still see the general situation in the room.

There were three sofas in the room, and the fat man was sitting in the middle, holding a woman on his left.

The woman was good-looking, and her clothes were very revealing. One of the fat man's arms was under her clothes, moving back and forth.

And behind the fat man, there are more than a dozen social people with dragon and tiger tattoos standing next to them, and they all look like gangsters.

"I brought you the money, do you have the IOU for the strong man?" After looking around for a few times, Chen Yang's eyes returned to the fat man, and then got straight to the point.

"Hehe, you have all the money ready, why don't I have the IOU?" The fat man chuckled, then took out an IOU from the purse under his arm, and put it on the tea table in the middle of the sofa.

Chen Yang glanced at the note, and then directly threw the 3 yuan in cash in his hand.

"This is [-], and the two will be cleared from now on."

While losing the money, Chen Yang picked up the IOU from the coffee table, opened it and checked it.

The IOU was genuine, with Chen Zhuang's signature and Chen Zhuang's fingerprint on it.

The money was paid and the IOU was received. Naturally, Chen Yang didn't intend to stay here any longer. He turned around and was about to leave, but just as Chen Yang was about to walk to the door.

The fat man suddenly spoke.


As soon as the fat man opened his mouth, the two society people beside him rushed to the door and closed the door of the room.

Looking at this scene, Chen Yang knew that the fat man was itching again.

"Brother, Chen Zhuang's money has been paid back, so it's time to settle the debt between us, right?" Behind Chen Yang, the fat man was sitting on the sofa, showing an evil smile full of yellow teeth.

"A bill between us? I don't owe you any money! If you feel itchy, just tell me, and I happen to have itchy hands too." Chen Yang turned around with a slightly cold face, and met the fat man's sharp eyes.

Looking at Chen Yang's sharp eyes, the fat man suddenly remembered the last scene, and his body shuddered uncontrollably.

But when I think about it, there are so many big and three rough people around me, is it possible that they can't take down the young man opposite?

"Hehe, who said you didn't owe me money? The last time I went to Chen Zhuang's house to collect debts, you injured so many brothers of mine. Don't you need medical expenses?" The fat man sneered, and took his arm from the woman's clothes in his arms He came out, lit a cigarette for himself, took a deep breath and said, "I don't want too much. If you hurt five of my brothers, I will give you 5 yuan! You can give it within ten days. I, otherwise Widow Zhang, I would still send him to a kiln in the county town!"

Looking at the fat man with an evil smile on his face, Chen Yang understood it.

He didn't go there for Chen Zhuang's 3 yuan at all, all his purpose was to sell Zhang Xueying to the kiln.

But also, from the perspective of the fat man, 3 yuan is not much.

But if Zhang Xueying was sold to a kiln, with Zhang Xueying's beauty, it would not be a problem to earn hundreds of thousands a year, so how could he value his [-] yuan?

Thinking of this, the coldness on Chen Yang's body became more serious.

"I don't have the money, but if you dare to touch Zhang Xueying, I will make you a useless person, do you believe it or not?" Chen Yang threatened with a cold face.

"Oh, fat brother, look how arrogant he is, he dares to threaten you! I think you don't have to wait ten days, just use your hands, and then sell the widow." The fat man has not responded to Chen Yang, the fat man The charming woman in the arms pretended to be frightened, lying in the fat man's arms, stirring up the fat man's emotions.

"Tmd! How dare you be so arrogant on Lao Tzu's territory, thinking that this is your Liuhe Village? Come on, brothers!" The fat man's anger was provoked, and he waved his hand directly to let those around him do it.

And those people with tattooed dragons and painted tigers have long been prepared.

Fatty gave an order, and they all rushed up with fists waving.

Looking at the dense fists in front of him, Chen Yang didn't panic at all, he pulled up a chair beside him, and beat them.

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