Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 246 Retaliatory Watch

So after the three women looked at each other hesitantly, Yang Ruoxi walked towards the bathhouse with her mouth raised.

"Let me wash first."

Before going in, Yang Ruoxi took out a change of clothes.

When I entered the bathroom, I immediately closed the curtain.

Then he gave Chen Yang a supercilious look from behind the curtain.

"You are not allowed to look around! Otherwise, I will never end with you."

Yang Ruoxi said angrily.

"Don't look at it, don't look at it, promise not to look at it."

Chen Yang waved his hands with a smile on his face, indicating that he would not read it.

But a pair of eyeballs never left Yang Ruoxi.

Just like that, I kept watching her take off her swimsuit, then turn on the shower, and take a bath in it.

Although separated by a curtain, through the upper body and the movements of the legs, one can tell what part Yang Ruoxi is washing.

Where did the shower go.

Yang Ruoxi knew that Chen Yang's eyes never left her.

Although separated by a curtain, she still flushed with embarrassment.

The kind that can turn red.

Yang Ruoxi's face was flushed, and Li Han and Wu Kexin were not much better.

When they saw Yang Ruoxi's situation, they could immediately imagine the situation when they would take a bath by themselves.

Thinking that Chen Yang would also be here to watch when she was taking a bath inside, their faces were filled with red clouds.

It didn't take long like this.

Yang Ruoxi finished washing, changed her clothes in the bathroom and came out.

Although Yang Ruoxi who came out of the bathhouse was wearing shorts and a T-shirt.

A lot of skin on the body is still exposed.

But Chen Yang still felt uncomfortable.

I always feel that Yang Ruoxi wears too much, maybe it's because I've seen Yang Ruoxi in a swimsuit for a long time, so he feels this way.

Fortunately, Yang Ruoxi couldn't see the thoughts in Chen Yang's mind.

Otherwise, Yang Ruoxi was really ashamed and indignant and wanted to tear Chen Yang apart.

"Hmph! What a pervert, he knows how to take advantage all day long!"

When Yang Ruoxi passed by Chen Yang, she couldn't help but spit again.

Although she would do this every time Chen Yang took advantage of her, but Chen Yang knew that Yang Ruoxi was not really disgusted.

"I didn't take advantage of you, there's no curtain, I can't see anything, okay?"

Chen Yang looked a little innocent on the surface.

But my heart was full of secret joy.

His eyes work in a strange way...so he can see everything.


Yang Ruoxi snorted softly and walked towards the bed.

After Yang Ruoxi took a shower, it was Wu Kexin and Li Han.

The situation of these two people was the same as that of Yang Ruoxi, Chen Yang watched the whole bathing process.

They washed their faces red all the way.

"It's your turn!"

After Wu Kexin and Li Han finished washing, Yang Ruoxi suddenly said this to Chen Yang.

Seeing Yang Ruoxi urging him to take a bath, Chen Yang was a little taken aback on the spot.

I don't understand what Yang Ruoxi means by doing this.

Are you worried about catching a cold?

Chen Yang was a little puzzled, but he didn't think too much. He stood up and went to the bathhouse.

"it is good."

Chen Yang had already prepared his clothes and trousers. After entering the bathroom, he dragged down his swimming trunks.

Then turn on the shower and start washing.

Chen Yang didn't feel anything wrong at first.

But when he subconsciously looked out of the curtain, he was dumbfounded on the spot.

I saw the three girls sitting neatly on the bed, looking at me with smiles all over their faces.

Although Chen Yang is a man.

But in the shower, being stared at by three opposite sexes like this made me feel a little bit uncomfortable, didn't I?

Chen Yang also felt slightly embarrassed.

At the same time, I also understood why Yang Ruoxi urged me to take a bath just now.

Why worry about catching a cold.

It was obvious that he wanted revenge on himself.

Revenge for watching her take a shower!

Chen Yang felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't say much.

After all, I was watching others just now.

So he could only continue to take a bath as if he hadn't seen anything.

Seeing that Chen Yang didn't respond, the smile on Yang Ruoxi's face disappeared.

"Hmph! Not just a pervert! A thick-skinned pervert!"

Yang Ruoxi snorted lightly, and didn't want to read any more.

He fell directly on the bed.

The same goes for the other two women.

Seeing that Chen Yang didn't respond, he felt boring.

So he lay on the bed and rested, no longer paying attention to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang noticed that the three women were no longer looking at him, and he was slightly pleased in his heart.

Then take a quick shower.I changed into comfortable clothes and went out.


There was another loud thunderbolt outside.

The loud explosion of thunder frightened the three girls' faces to turn pale.

Chen Yang glanced out the window, and found that the rainstorm outside had no intention of stopping.

Chen Yang frowned: "It seems that the rain won't stop for a while."

"It's fine if you can't stop, we've already got home anyway, don't go out if it's raining outside."

Yang Ruoxi answered.

Chen Yang glanced at Yang Ruoxi, but did not answer.

Seeing that it was dark outside, he took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and found that it was getting late.

It's time for dinner in a while.

So he said a few words to the three women briefly, and then went to the kitchen by himself, busy with dinner.

While busy with dinner, Chen Yang was full of worries.

The torrential rain outside has been raining for more than an hour, but it still hasn't stopped.

Will such a huge amount of rainfall affect our farm?

If the farm gets flooded, won't all his little animals drown?

Thinking of these, Chen Yang lost all thoughts of cooking.

Put down the kitchen knife directly, and then immediately walked into the inner room.

"I have something to go out for a while, don't wander around, stay at home and wait for me to come back."

Chen Yang said seriously to the three girls who were playing around on the bed.

Hearing the voice, the three women immediately turned their heads to look at Chen Yang, with a little astonishment on their faces.

"What's the matter, Chen Yang? What happened?"

Li Han asked.

"It's raining too much. I'm a little worried about the farm, so I want to check it out."

Chen Yang said seriously.

"Then I'll go with you."

As soon as Chen Yang finished speaking, Yang Ruoxi got off the bed without thinking.

Said that he would go with Chen Yang.

"Forget it, I'll go check it out, it's nothing serious, just wait for me at home."

Chen Yang thought for a while, and then rejected Yang Ruoxi.

With such a heavy rain outside, it is very inconvenient to take Yang Ruoxi with you.


"Ruoxi! You'd better stay at home with us. It's raining so hard outside, it's inconvenient for Chen Yang to take you with you. You'd better stay at home with us."

Yang Ruoxi wanted to insist on going, but Li Han interrupted her.

Hearing what Li Han said, Yang Ruoxi pouted and nodded: "That's fine, I won't go, but Chen Yang, you have to be careful."

"Well, I will."

Chen Yang nodded, then took out a raincoat from home, put it on, and went out.

"Be careful, the rain is too heavy, there must be water outside."

The three girls escorted Chen Yang to the door, seeing that it was still pouring rain outside, they felt a little worried.

Chen Yang looked back at the three women, then nodded: "Understood, don't worry."

After speaking, Chen Yang set off with a hoe.

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