Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 245 Sudden Huge Rainstorm

Coincidentally, at this time, the things that the third daughter baked were almost cooked.

As soon as she saw Chen Yang came back, Yang Ruoxi immediately raised the grilled sausage in her hand.

"Chen Yang, you came back just in time, your sausage is ready."

Chen Yang walked over with a smile and took it.

"Hmm...the color is good, and it seems that the grilling skills are good."

Chen Yang observed the evenly colored sausage and praised it.

Yang Ruoxi was a little airy.

"Of course, I may not know anything else, but I am very good at making food."

Yang Ruoxi said with a smile.

Hearing this, the three of them laughed.

Then no one said anything, just sat by the fire to cook food and drink.

When you are full, go into the water and play.

Feeling a little hungry, I continued to go ashore to bake something to eat.

The afternoon passed quickly.

It was still like four o'clock in the afternoon, and everyone was tired from playing.

Just ready to pack up and go home.

But it just so happened that at this time, the sky suddenly became dark.

The location where the four of them were was shrouded in a mass of dark clouds.

Chen Yang looked up, and said badly in his heart.

It's probably going to rain.

Chen Yang raised his head and noticed the darkness in the sky, so Yang Ruoxi and the other three girls naturally noticed it too.

Seeing that the top of their heads was quickly covered with dark clouds, the faces of the three of them all turned pale.

"This... this is going to rain."

Wu Kexin said in surprise.

Chen Yang nodded: "That's right, the rainstorm is coming, speed up, pack up and go down the mountain."

Chen Yang urged, and then quickly began to organize the items.

Even the swimming trunks on his body had no time to change in the future.

The same goes for the other three women.

Before he had time to change his clothes, he was busy helping Chen Yang pack his things.

After packing up her things, Yang Ruoxi wanted to find time to change her clothes.

But Chen Yang looked up at the increasingly groggy sky, and grabbed her.

"Don't change it. It's too late to change it. It's not safe to stay on the mountain when it's raining. Go to the car and change your clothes."

Chen Yang said seriously.

Yang Ruoxi panicked, and nodded immediately after hearing what Chen Yang said.


"Go! Come down the mountain."

Chen Yang let out a low growl, and then led the three girls down the mountain quickly.

The three women also understood that heavy rain is very dangerous on the mountain, so they cooperated with Chen Yang very much.

He followed closely behind Chen Yang.

The speed of going down the mountain was very fast, and the four of them rushed to the bottom of the mountain in just over ten minutes.

And got into the car.

They got into the car with their front feet, and thunder began to thunder in the sky with their back feet.


The huge thunder was deafening.

Even in the car, the three girls were terrified.

"It's such a terrifying thunder...Chen Yang, please drive quickly, and go back quickly."

Yang Ruoxi urged with a slightly crying voice.

At this time, she was terrified.

Chen Yang looked at the three people who were terrified, and felt a little distressed.

"Okay, go home right away."

Without further ado, Chen Yang took out the key of Li Han's car, started the car, and quickly drove in the direction of Liuhe Village.

The place where the car was parked was not far from Liuhe Village, and Chen Yang drove very fast.

So within a few minutes, the car drove into Liuhe Village.

At this time, it was already pouring rain outside the car.

Thumb-sized raindrops fell crazily.

Coupled with two muffled thunder sounds from time to time... the atmosphere in the car became very uneasy.

"The rain is too heavy. I haven't seen such a heavy rain in many years."

Chen Yang sighed while driving the car.

Hearing Chen Yang's voice, the three girls who were hugging each other raised their heads one after another and glanced out the window.

Seeing the pouring rain, my heart tightened.

"Chen Yang, how long will it take to get home... I'm afraid."

Yang Ruoxi said weakly.

Chen Yang glanced at Yang Ruoxi through the rearview mirror, and comforted him, "We'll be there soon, we've already entered the village."

After speaking, the car immediately turned a corner, and then it creaked, and the car stopped.

"It's here, you stay in the car, I'll go down first and help you get the umbrella off."

Chen Yang turned his head and said to the three women.

The three girls felt warm when they heard the words, Chen Yang's move was very considerate.

Seeing the three girls nodding, Chen Yang immediately opened the door of the driver's seat and walked out.

Holy shit! !

As soon as he went out, Chen Yang couldn't help but yelled inwardly.

The rain is too heavy!

When the drops fell on his body, Chen Yang felt a little pain!

Chen Yang was a little surprised, then immediately rushed to the eaves of Yiguan in two or three steps, and took out the key to open the door of the medical hall.

Then he walked in quickly and came out with a relatively large umbrella.

"It's raining heavily outside, come one by one, be careful."

Opening the rear door, Chen Yang reminded.

It's raining very hard outside.

The three women can be observed from inside the car.

So after hearing what Chen Yang said, Yang Ruoxi and Wu Kexin sat down obediently.

Let Li Han come out alone.

Holding an umbrella, Chen Yang brought Li Han into the medical center.

Then he turned back and picked up Yang Ruoxi.

The last is Wu Kexin.

After picking up all three women, Chen Yang closed the car door again before returning to the clinic.

Suddenly it rained heavily, and the temperature also dropped sharply.

The four of them, who were only wearing swimsuits, felt the chill.

"Don't stay outside, go take a shower and change clothes first, or you'll catch a cold."

Chen Yang said.

"it is good."

The three girls nodded, and walked into Chen Yang's house together.

And they walked into Chen Yang's room together.

This time the three girls did not drive Chen Yang out, because hot water was only available in the bathhouse.

There are only faucets in the backyard and no hot water.

"Who will wash first?"

Walking into the room, Chen Yang immediately asked.

With just one swipe, the faces of the three girls turned red...

Seeing the sudden blush on the faces of the three girls, Chen Yang realized that there was something wrong with his words.

So he laughed twice, and immediately explained: "I didn't mean that, what I meant was the literal meaning, whoever goes in to wash first."

Of course, the three women knew that Chen Yang had no other intentions.

But that sentence sounds a bit weird, especially when the three of them are in the same room, and they haven't worn much clothes yet.

Saying that kind of words is really ambiguous and has a deep meaning.

The three women looked at each other, then looked at Chen Yang decisively, and spoke in unison.

"You wash first."

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately shook his head: "No, no, you should go first. I am a man, I have strong resistance, and you are weak, so you should go first."

Chen Yang said so solemnly.

It looks righteous.

In fact, he is selfish.

If he washed first, the third daughter would definitely not let herself stay in this room for too long.

After washing, you must let yourself go out.

But it’s different after washing by yourself, you can stay in the room for a while.

And you can also see the three women taking a bath, how comfortable is it?

Even though it was separated by a curtain, Chen Yang was willing to watch it.

Chen Yang was righteous, so the three women naturally didn't believe it, and they knew what Chen Yang was thinking in their hearts.

But there was nothing wrong with what Chen Yang said, they were indeed weaker.

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