Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 232 The relationship is not simple

Chen Yang walked out of the room, and closed the door behind him.

After several minutes, Chen Yang asked tentatively inside: "Ruoxi, are you alright?"

"All right!"

Immediately, Yang Ruoxi's agitated voice came from inside.

Chen Yang smiled, then opened the door and walked in.

Walking in, Chen Yang immediately explained seriously: "Ruoxi, I really didn't do it on purpose just now. I really didn't expect you to take a bath at home in broad daylight."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yang showed an innocent expression.

Yang Ruoxi was a little angry at first, but after hearing what Chen Yang said, the anger in her heart became less.

"Hmph, don't explain this to me, you did it on purpose." Yang Ruoxi still said angrily.

"Not really."

Chen Yang continued to explain.

Yang Ruoxi gave him a blank look, and then didn't continue to dwell on this issue.

"Go and make breakfast, I'm hungry."

"Okay, wait a minute, breakfast will be ready soon."

Chen Yang smiled slightly, then immediately went to the kitchen and made two delicious breakfasts.

After breakfast, Yang Ruoxi immediately asked, "Chen Yang, what are we going to do today? Are we going to the farm or the greenhouse?"

Yang Ruoxi came here this time because she wanted to help Chen Yang with something.

So I asked after breakfast.

"Okay, I thought you were just here to play, but I didn't expect you to be so motivated."

Chen Yang was a little surprised.

Originally, he thought that Yang Ruoxi just wanted to use the excuse of coming to help, to play with him for a few days.

I didn't expect to come here to help.


Yang Ruoxi snorted arrogantly, and raised her neck high: "Of course I came to help, but I did what I said. Tell me what you need to do today."

Chen Yang smiled, and then said: "Our task today is to buy some rabbit seedlings."

"It's that simple?" Yang Ruoxi was taken aback.

"That's right, it's that simple." Chen Yang nodded.

"Okay, so when do we leave?"

"Right now."

After speaking, Chen Yang stood up.

After packing up all the dishes and chopsticks, he set off on a three-wheeler.

The target is the urban-rural junction in the north of the county seat.

When buying rabbit seedlings last time, Chen Yang and Wu Kexin went there, and Chen Yang was quite impressed.

Yang Ruoxi was sitting in the car, and the speed on the way there was not fast.

It usually takes more than 40 minutes to arrive, but today it took more than an hour.

When he arrived at the junction with Chen Yang, Chen Yang took out his mobile phone and called Wu Kexin.

The call was quickly connected.

"Hi! Who is it?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Zeng Wenhua's voice came from inside.

"Boss Zeng, I'm the Chen Yang who followed Village Chief Wu to buy rabbit seedlings from you last time, do you remember?" Chen Yang said.

"Chen Yang? Village Chief Wu,"

Zeng Wenhua on the other end of the phone didn't react immediately.

After thinking about it for a while, I remembered.

"Oh! You are the boss Chen who came here with Kexin, right?"

Zeng Wenhua's voice became a little excited.

"Yes, it's me."

Chen Yang said.

After learning about Chen Yang's identity, Zeng Wenhua immediately asked: "Boss Chen, what's your business for calling me today?"

"I'm looking for you to buy some more rabbit seedlings, but I can't find the location of your farm, so I want you to send me a location."

Chen Yang said truthfully.

"Oh oh oh! Okay! Then wait a moment, I will send you the location!"

After Zeng Wenhua oh several times, he hung up the phone.

Then Chen Yang's chat software received a friend request.

It was Zeng Wenhua who added himself.

Identity is seen through the avatar.

He used a selfie of himself, which is very recognizable.

Chen Yang directly approved the friend application, and Zeng Wenhua immediately sent the location of the farm along with a voice message.

"Boss Chen, the location has been sent to you, come here quickly."


Chen Yang typed a reply, then rode a three-wheeler, and drove over according to the location sent by Zeng Wenhua.

After getting off the urban-rural junction, the road started to bump a bit, but the bumps damaged Yang Ruoxi in the car.

However, she has a pretty good personality, and she didn't even complain about the bumps along the way.

I have been patient.

The bumpy journey was not much, and soon Chen Yang arrived at his destination.

The village where Zeng Wenhua's breeding farm is located.

After parking the tricycle on the side of the road, Chen Yang immediately sent a message to Zeng Wenhua, telling him that he had arrived.

"So fast? We'll be there right away!"

Zeng Wenhua replied to the message in seconds.

Seeing that Zeng Wenhua came, Chen Yang didn't continue to reply, and put away the phone directly.

At this moment, Yang Ruoxi jumped down from the carriage.

It was her first time here, and she looked around curiously as soon as she got out of the car.

"Where is this place? Someone here raises rabbits?"

Yang Ruoxi asked curiously.

Chen Yang nodded, then pointed to the shed in the field not far away and said, "The rabbits are kept there."

Yang Ruoxi looked in the direction Chen Yang pointed, and saw two large sheds.

"Use a greenhouse to raise rabbits? Isn't the greenhouse used to grow wild mushrooms?" Yang Ruoxi looked at the greenhouse, her eyes widened curiously.

This is Yang Ruoxi's first contact with farms, and things like greenhouses.

Seeing that Chen Yang used greenhouses to grow wild mushrooms, she naturally thought that greenhouses were used to grow wild mushrooms.

Cannot be used for farming.

"There are many things that can be done in greenhouses. Animals and plants can be cultivated, not limited to wild mushrooms."

Chen Yang explained.

"That's it."

Yang Ruoxi seemed to understand.

After that, the two were silent for a while.

Then I saw a middle-aged man running out of the village.

Chen Yang knew it at a glance from a distance.

That was Zeng Wenhua.

"Boss Chen! You are so fast! I thought you wanted something, sorry for the long wait."

As soon as Zeng Wenhua walked over, he shook hands with Chen Yang enthusiastically.

"When I called you, I was already in the urban-rural fringe area, so it was so fast." Chen Yang said.

"So that's the case." Zeng Wenhua nodded, and then looked at Yang Ruoxi who was behind Chen Yang.

Seeing Yang Ruoxi's action, Zeng Wenhua froze for a moment.

Because Yang Ruoxi is so beautiful.

But soon he reacted again.

"Boss Chen, who is this beauty?"

Chen Yang looked at Yang Ruoxi, and then explained: "This... This is a friend of mine who came to help."

Hearing Chen Yang introduce himself as a friend, Yang Ruoxi was slightly unhappy.

It just so happened that Zeng Wenhua saw Yang Ruoxi's displeasure on his face.

He immediately felt that the relationship between Chen Yang and Yang Ruoxi was not simple.

But he didn't say much, his face was still as enthusiastic as ever.

"Boss Chen really has a good eye, and all the friends around him are as beautiful as heaven."

Zeng Wenhua said something with a smile, and then got to the point: "Boss Chen, how many rabbit seedlings do you need for this visit?"

Chen Yang thought for a while: "Three hundred!"

"Oh, all right, then let's go directly to pick the rabbit seedlings now."

After knowing the quantity Chen Yang wanted, Zeng Wenhua didn't waste any time.

He called two workers directly, and then brought Chen Yang and Yang Ruoxi to the shed.

The worker took out the key and opened the door of the shed.

Then he walked in with Zeng Wenhua.

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