Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 231 Sending the proposition

But Chen Yang didn't have the same knowledge as her.

He knew that Yang Ruoxi was drunk.

So he stepped forward and pulled her up, and took her to the bed.

"Go to bed first, it's late."

After speaking, Chen Yang wanted to let go of her, and then go to clean up the wine bottles, dishes and chopsticks in the room.

But just as he was about to let go, Yang Ruoxi grabbed him,

With his hands hooked around Chen Yang's neck, his eyes were very blurred on his pink face.

The whole picture is unusually ambiguous.

"Chen Yang...do you like me?"

After the screen was still for several seconds, Yang Ruoxi suddenly asked.

When Chen Yang heard these words, he almost died of lightning on the spot.


But after thinking about it, he nodded: "Of course I like it. You are so beautiful, why don't you like it?"

Chen Yang's words were a little serious, but also a little joking.

Yang Ruoxi's eyes blurred: "Then do you like all the good-looking ones?"

Chen Yang remained silent for a while.

"Of course not."

Hearing this sentence, Yang Ruoxi smiled.

But then she raised her mouth and asked, "Then do you like sister?"

When asked this question, Chen Yang could tell that she was very serious.

Also very sober.

Faced with such a problem, Chen Yang was very embarrassed.

To be honest, he likes both sisters...but now he is asked, he can't say he likes them too, right?

It's just a proposition.

Chen Yang rolled his eyes twice, and then said in a joking tone, "I won't tell you."

Yang Ruoxi was full of expectations, and immediately became unhappy when she heard such an answer.


She snorted softly, then let go of Chen Yang's neck and lay down on the bed.

"I know it even if you don't tell me! You must like my sister too! You men are big pigs!"

Yang Ruoxi pouted her mouth, her face was full of jealousy.

But again, Yang Ruoxi like this is extremely beautiful.

Chen Yang looked a little dazed.

Seeing that Chen Yang didn't speak, he was stunned.

Yang Ruoxi slowly stretched out her hand again, wrapping around Chen Yang's neck.

"But even so, I don't care so much! I just like you very much."

Yang Ruoxi smiled sweetly, and then moved closer to Chen Yang's cheek with her lips.

Being kissed by Yang Ruoxi suddenly, Chen Yang was completely dumbfounded at the time.

It was totally unexpected.

But even though he was dazed, Yang Ruoxi took the initiative to come up and kiss him, and Chen Yang must know what to do next.

He directly leaned over, letting his cheeks get as close to Yang Ruoxi as possible.

He also wanted to take the initiative to peck Yang Ruoxi's face.

But Yang Ruoxi didn't know what happened now.

Suddenly shy.

Seeing Chen Yang getting closer and closer, his whole face was flushed with embarrassment.

Just when Chen Yang was about to kiss her, she suddenly turned her face and avoided it.

Then he hugged Chen Yang tightly with both hands, not letting go.

Chen Yang tried to struggle, but after finding it was useless, he hugged Yang Ruoxi.

The two of them lay on the bed and fell asleep like this.

Waiting to wake up the next day, the two still maintained the same posture they slept in yesterday.

Chen Yang glanced at Yang Ruoxi who was lying in his arms and fell asleep, but he didn't have the slightest idea in his heart.

It's all the kind of love in my heart, wanting to take good care of Yang Ruoxi.

Chen Yang turned his face sideways, admiring Yang Ruoxi's sleeping face for a while.

Then he felt that it was getting late, and after Aunt Wang and the others, as well as the guys from the Heyu restaurant were all coming, he got up cautiously.

After getting up, Chen Yang went out for a walk as usual.

I saw Aunt Wang and the others feeding, and picked some wild mushrooms with Aunt Wang and Li Xiaoye.

"Yangzi, I heard that you sell those hares and pheasants every day now, don't you?"

While picking wild mushrooms, Aunt Wang suddenly raised her head and asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang nodded: "Yes, Aunt Wang, how do you know about this?"

Wang Hong smiled: "I'm taking care of your farm now, can I not know about this?"

Hearing this sentence, Chen Yang also smiled.

I thought that Aunt Wang was quite concerned about the farm, and she knew how many wild rabbits she would sell every day.

"Yangzi, Aunt Wang doesn't mean anything by asking you this. I just want to remind you that you sell wild rabbits and pheasants every day, and you need to add some seedlings regularly, otherwise the farm will be sold out in a short time." Red reminded.

Hearing Wang Hong's words, Chen Yang was slightly taken aback.

How could I forget this.

Since the wild animals are sold every day, the female rabbits inside must not be able to reproduce.

It is indeed necessary to add some seedlings to it every day.

"Thank you, Aunt Wang, I have a plan for this myself,"

Chen Yang replied with a smile.

"As long as you know it, Aunt Wang is also worried about the profit of your farm." Aunt Wang said with a smile, then continued to pick wild mushrooms with her head down.

"Okay, thank you, then you pick it first, I still have some things to go first."

Chen Yang handed the basket in his hand to Li Xiaoye, then walked out of the shed and went straight to the village.

Went to the village and found Wu Kexin.

Early in the morning, Wu Kexin was eating breakfast.

Seeing Chen Yang running over in a hurry, he immediately understood that there must be something wrong with Chen Yang.

So she stood up straight away.

"What's the matter? This came in a hurry."

Chen Yang smiled: "Village Chief, is it convenient for you to give me the phone number of the person who bought rabbit seedlings last time? I want to add some seedlings to the farm."

"Well, then wait a moment, I'll look for it."

After hearing the reason for Chen Yang's visit, Wu Kexin immediately took out his mobile phone, and then searched in the address book.

After finding it, he gave the phone number to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang wrote down the phone number for selling rabbit seedlings, thanked him, and left from the village.

After leaving the village, Chen Yang returned home immediately.

Back home, Chen Yang found the sound of rushing water coming from his room.

Chen Yang thought Yang Ruoxi was washing his face, so he walked in without thinking too much.

But after walking in, I realized that Yang Ruoxi was taking a bath in the bathroom...

Although the bathhouse has a curtain to block it.

But it can only cover the key parts.

Everything above the collarbone and below the thigh can be seen.

Moreover, Chen Yang's eyes have some special effects. The curtain's blocking effect in front of Chen Yang is almost zero...

Looking at the blood-boiling scene, Chen Yang almost had a nosebleed!

Chen Yang walked into the inner room, but Yang Ruoxi didn't notice it at first.

After several minutes, when she was about to get out of the bath, she found Chen Yang who was staring blankly at her not far away.


"You pervert!"

Immediately afterwards, Yang Ruoxi's hysterical shout came.

This shout pulled Chen Yang out of his imagination.

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and then immediately explained seriously: "I didn't mean it!"

Yang Ruoxi's entire face turned red.

"You go out, I have to get dressed."

At this time, Yang Ruoxi didn't have the heart to discuss with Chen Yang whether it was intentional or not.

She just wanted to get dressed quickly.

And she also knew that there was nothing she could do if she quarreled with him,

"it is good."

Chen Yang swallowed, then turned his head expressionlessly and walked out.

On the surface, he didn't change his face, as if he didn't have any thoughts.

But my heart is full of joy.

After watching for so long... blood money!

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