Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 21 Treating Asthma

When Chen Yang drove out of Liuhe Village in three luxury cars, it was around eleven o'clock in the morning. This time period was when a large group of farmers were busy working in the fields.

The widows and young women in the field couldn't help but exclaim when they saw the three luxury cars on the road in the village.

"Why is there such a big shot in our village? Why are you so famous?"

"I don't know, but seeing that they stopped at the door of Yangzi's house just now, they may have come to look for Yangzi."

"Looking for Yangzi? As expected, he is the only college student in our village, and he has come into contact with different circles."

"Isn't it? My daughter has to hurry up when I go back today. I can't let the only college student in the village take advantage of outsiders."

The widows in the fields were chattering and making some nasty jokes at the same time.

He said something about marrying his daughter to Chen Yang.

Regarding these, Chen Yang didn't know.

After he got in the car, he asked Li Han seriously about Mr. Li's asthma.

"Mr. Li, how long has the old man been suffering from asthma?" Chen Yang asked while looking at Li Han's side face with his head tilted.

"Miraculous doctor, just call me by my name from now on, Li Han." Li Han also turned to look at Chen Yang with a smile, and said, "My grandfather has been ill for more than ten years."

"In the past ten years, my grandfather's condition has become more and more serious, and his health has become worse and worse."

"Since my grandfather got this disease, it's not only my grandfather who suffers, but even my family members are worried all the time, for fear that we won't know about my grandfather's illness."

"So these years, asthma has caused a lot of trouble to our family. If you can help me cure my grandfather's disease, I will definitely thank you very much."

Li Han's smile is beautiful, but there is also a kind of helplessness in this smile.

It seems that the minor illness in the eyes of ordinary people has indeed brought great troubles to Li Han's family.

"Asthma is not serious, is it possible that the doctors in D County and the city can't help?" Chen Yang asked curiously in D County. The doctors in the city can cure asthma, but they dare not let go of their hands and feet to my grandfather. treat. "

"Because they think my grandfather's physique is too weak, and if he lets go of his hands and feet for treatment, his life may be in danger."

"So the treatment in the past ten years has been very conservative, basically it can only temporarily suppress my grandfather's condition."

"And because of this, my grandfather's condition is getting worse and worse!"

Li Han stared straight ahead, and said with a strange expression.

"So it is."

After listening to Li Han's narration, Chen Yang also had a bottom line in his heart.

It turned out that the doctors in the county were afraid of killing Mr. Li, so they didn't dare to treat him.

"Li Han, then why do you trust me? Don't you worry that the old man will be in my hands, what will happen?" Chen Yang turned to look at Li Han and asked.

Li Han turned back and smiled slightly, and said with firm eyes: "I don't know why, maybe your performance a few days ago surprised me too much, so I think you will definitely be able to cure my grandpa."


What Li Han said made Chen Yang feel warm in his heart.

It is the greatest compliment to a doctor that his medical skills are trusted and recognized by an unfamiliar person so quickly.

"Li Han, don't worry, I will help you cure your grandfather's illness."

Chen Yang whispered to himself.

Li Han trusted him so much, Chen Yang could only do his best to heal the old man, in order to repay her trust.

The speed of the limousine is very fast, and it is not at the same level as Chen Yang's own electric three-wheeler.

It takes nearly an hour to run around the county seat by electric tricycle.

The limousine arrived at the county seat in just over ten minutes.

After the car entered the county seat, it drove directly into the county central hospital, which is the largest hospital in the county.

"Genius doctor, we're in the hospital."

After parking the car, Li Han said to Chen Yang.

"Aww, Li Han, don't call me a miracle doctor from now on, just call me Chen Yang." Chen Yang unbuckled his seat belt, opened the car door and said.

"Okay! Chen Yang."

Li Han smiled slightly, and also got out of the car.

After the two got out of the car, they immediately took the elevator to the inpatient area and entered Mr. Li's separate ward.

In a separate ward, there are four people in total.

In addition to two bodyguards in suits standing aside, there was also a lady sitting in front of the hospital bed wiping her tears with a tissue, and a middle-aged man standing at the window with glasses and a sad face.

Looking at this noble lady and her middle-aged appearance, it is very likely that she is from the Li family.

The facts were as expected by Chen Yang.

After he entered the ward, Li Han immediately introduced to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, that's my mother, and my father."

At the same time, she also looked at her parents and introduced Chen Yang: "Mom and Dad, this is the genius doctor who saved grandpa yesterday. His name is Chen Yang."

"You are a miracle doctor? I didn't expect you to be so young! What a hero!" Li Han's father walked over immediately after hearing this, stretched out his arm, and wanted to shake hands with Chen Yang very enthusiastically.

"Hehe, uncle praised you." Chen Yang shook hands with Li Han's father very politely, and at the same time smiled modestly.

After the two exchanged a few simple greetings, Chen Yang began to check on Mr. Li's condition.

Mr. Li was lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed and a ventilator in his mouth.

Seeing that his breathing rate is very high, it looks like he has held his breath for a long time, and then takes a big breath.

"Grandpa Li's asthma is already very serious, and the backlog of his illness for more than ten years makes him have to undergo surgery to cure it."

"But the old man's body may not be able to withstand the torture of surgery."

Chen Yang checked Mr. Li's pulse, listened to the rhythm of his breathing, and then asserted.

Hearing Chen Yang's assertion, Li Han's father and mother's eyes lit up.

Because what Chen Yang said was exactly the same as the result of the doctor's examination!

Moreover, those doctors had equipment to help them, and it took a lot of time to make a conclusion, but Chen Yang only took a pulse, and then made a conclusion.

The level of medical skills of the two can be seen immediately.

"As expected of a miracle doctor!" Li Han's father couldn't help giving a thumbs up, praised him, and immediately asked, "The miracle doctor, can you cure him?"

Li Han's father asked eagerly.


Chen Yang nodded, and said with certainty that it was okay.

Seeing Chen Yang nodding so firmly, Li Han's family became excited in an instant.

"Chen Yang, please treat him quickly." Li Han said excitedly.

Li Han was naturally very excited that the illness that had troubled his family for more than ten years could be cured now.

"I will treat him right away, but please take off the clothes on the old man's upper body. I will use acupuncture to treat the old man." Chen Yang said with a smile. The old man was wearing clothes, and he could not do acupuncture.

"Okay, I'll do it." Hearing that he was going to undress the old man, Li Han's father immediately stood up and took off all the clothes on the old man's upper body.

After the old man took off his clothes, Chen Yang didn't waste any time.

He took out the silver needle directly, and pierced the various acupuncture points on the old man's body.

After a while, all the acupuncture points near the old man's chest were filled with silver needles.

After finishing all this, Chen Yang took out dozens of dried Chinese herbal medicines from his medicine box and handed them to Li Han's father.

"Uncle, this is the anti-asthma medicine I prepared for the old man, please cook it for half an hour, and then give it to the old man!"

"Okay! I'll go now!" Li Han's father didn't dare to delay, turned around and left the ward with the medicinal materials, and went to make the medicine.

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