But Chen Yang didn't stop because of this. After removing the snake's venom, his hands became restless and began to wander around Aunt Wang's body.

After wandering around for a while, logically speaking, it is time for further development, but for some reason, Chen Yang has no intention of further development, and keeps hanging on his emotions.

Chen Yang's operation made Aunt Wang who was lying on the hospital bed very anxious. Although she had some snake venom in her body that had not been cleaned, it made her very uncomfortable. She wanted to come to Chen Yang to help her, but today she also I came with that thought.

Now that things have come to this point, Chen Yang has no further intentions. Isn't this intentional to make himself uncomfortable?

Chen Yang could bear it, but Aunt Wang couldn't bear it.

She opened her eyes directly, and then sat up suddenly.

"Bad boy, did you tease Auntie on purpose? Seeing Auntie suffer, do you feel at ease?" Aunt Wang stretched out her hand and patted Chen Yang, with a hint of reprimand on her charming face.

"Hey, no, Auntie, you asked me to check you, am I checking you?" Chen Yang had a smirk all over his face, why didn't he know what Aunt Wang meant.

He just wanted Aunt Wang to be the one who took the initiative.

"Come on, bad boy, don't you just want my aunt to throw herself into your arms? If that's the case, then come, it's my aunt who took the initiative." Wang Hong lay down again, and when she said these words, her face was completely red through.

Seeing Wang Hong's initiative, Chen Yang's mouth felt dry, his whole body was hot, and he was completely excited.

Immediately, he no longer suppressed himself all the time, and stretched out his hand directly, wanting to take that step.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden roar of cars outside the house, and then the sound of many people walking up the steps of the medical hall.

Hearing this voice, Chen Yang and Wang Hong, who were about to start, woke up suddenly!

Here comes someone!

"wc! Why is it like this every critical moment?" Chen Yang gritted his teeth, turned to look at Wang Hong and said, "Aunt Wang, put on your clothes quickly, someone is coming."

Aunt Wang sat up immediately when she heard the words, and hurriedly put on her clothes.


Wang Hong also sighed helplessly. Every time the two of them reached a critical moment, someone interrupted them, which was really disappointing.

"Is anyone here?"

Just as the two hurriedly arranged their clothes, a woman's voice suddenly came from outside.

Hearing this voice, Chen Yang felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"Someone." Chen Yang tidied his clothes helplessly, then opened the door of the inner room and walked out.

"Miraculous doctor! Are you really here?"

Just as Chen Yang walked out of the inner room, a young and beautiful woman in fashionable clothes came over.

This person is none other than Li Han who begged him to treat her grandfather yesterday.

Li Han suddenly appeared in the hospital with several bodyguards in black, which surprised Chen Yang.

"President Li? Why are you here? How did you find me?" Chen Yang looked at Li Han unexpectedly and asked.

"Doctor Chen, have you forgotten? You gave me your address yesterday, and I followed the address you said to find me." Li Han said with a smile.

"Oh! I forgot if you didn't tell me." Chen Yang slapped his head, remembering that when he left Puji Hall yesterday, he told Li Han that he was the village doctor of Liuhe Village.

At the same time, Chen Yang directly skipped this topic, and asked Li Han why he came today.

"Mr. Li, why did you come to see me so early in the morning? Is there something wrong?" Chen Yang asked.

"Yes, Miracle Doctor Chen, I came to see you today because I have something to ask for your help!" Li Han nodded, and then said directly: "After you cured my grandfather yesterday, my grandfather is much better."

"But today his asthma relapsed again, and he passed out directly."

"The doctors in the county and the city are helpless, so I want you to help me today to see if you can cure my grandpa's asthma completely?"

Li Han said anxiously, she desperately wanted to cure her grandfather's asthma.

Looking at Li Han with an anxious face, Chen Yang didn't answer immediately, but put his chin with one hand and thought for a while.

"Your grandfather's asthma, I can completely cure it, but the process may be a bit troublesome." Chen Yang thought for a while, and after finding a cure from the Wang Jing of Chinese Medicine in his brain, Chen Yang answered this way.

As soon as Li Han heard that his grandfather's asthma could be cured, he immediately became excited.

"It doesn't matter, genius doctor, as long as you can completely cure my grandfather, material conditions are not a problem, I will satisfy you." Li Han said with a smile.

"Let's talk about these things later. I'll go over to see the old man's situation first, and we'll discuss it later." Chen Yang replied.

"Okay! The miracle doctor, please come with us." Seeing that Chen Yang agreed, the smile on Li Han's face became more serious.

Chen Yang cured her grandfather so quickly yesterday, and she trusts Chen Yang's medical skills in her heart!

Since Chen Yang said he could cure her grandfather, he must be sure.

"Well, wait a moment, I'll go in and pack up my things."

Chen Yang turned around and entered the inner room, intending to get the silver needle left by her grandfather, and then went to the county to visit her grandfather with Li Han, but when she entered the inner room, she found Wang Hong sitting on the previous hospital bed.

"Aunt Wang, why don't you leave? It's not good to be seen lying here." Chen Yang walked up to Wang Hong and whispered.

"You are all at the front door, how can I get out? Can I fly out?" The good news was interrupted, and Wang Hong was in a bad mood.

Seeing Wang Hong's angry look, Chen Yang couldn't help but smile.

"Aunt Wang, don't be angry, there will be a long time to come, I have something urgent to deal with today, so please go through the back door first!" Chen Yang smiled and patted Wang Hong's face with his hands, smooth.

"Who will come with you for a long time? You kid, go and dream!" Wang Hong gave Chen Yang a white look, then stood up from the bed, and left directly through the back door.

After seeing off Aunt Wang, Chen Yang immediately cleaned up.

Chen Yang didn't have many things to pack, only silver needles and some Chinese herbal medicines.

But in order to make myself look like a doctor, I still stepped on a medicine box to make myself look like that.

After putting all the silver needles and Chinese herbal medicines into the medicine box, Chen Yang did not leave in a hurry, but thought about what else he needed to bring.

Liuhe Village is more than 30 kilometers away from the county seat. If something is left behind, it will take a lot of time to go back and forth.

So before setting off, Chen Yang had to think carefully.

And when Chen Yang was thinking about what else to bring, he suddenly remembered the ginseng in the wooden box!

When I came back today, wasn't I depressed that I didn't know any rich people and couldn't sell this ginseng?

Isn't Mr. Li outside here the rich man?

Besides, her grandfather is also sick and very weak. Doesn't she just need this ginseng tree?

"Take it first! Find an opportunity to sell it to Li Han, even if you can't sell it, I can get it back." Chen Yang picked up the wooden box and walked out.

"Okay, Mr. Li, I've packed up, let's go."


Seeing that Chen Yang was almost cleaned up, Li Han nodded, then turned and left the hospital.Her car stopped at the door of the hospital.

There were three cars parked at the entrance of the medical hall.

The front and rear cars belonged to bodyguards, and the silver luxury car in the middle was Li Han's car.

"Genius doctor, please."

Just as Chen Yang walked out of the hospital, when he was hesitating which one he should sit in, Li Han took the initiative to open the co-pilot of his car and invited Chen Yang to sit in.

Seeing this, Chen Yang was not polite, and sat in directly.

Then, Li Han walked to the driver's seat, opened the door, and got in.

As soon as Li Han sat in, a scent came over his face. It was a mixture of expensive perfume and Li Han's body fragrance.

Although Chen Yang didn't have much money, he could still smell the expensive perfume.

After Li Han got in, the car in front started immediately, and the three luxury cars drove out of Liuhe Village after Chen Yang.

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