Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 1551 Leaping Improvement

She gave up the remaining two to Chen Yang.

She knew that Chen Yang needed more power than she did, so she didn't fight with Chen Yang.

After eating the fruit in the cave, both of them improved greatly.

Because Chen Yang was originally strong, he ate three fruits, but he hasn't made any obvious progress.

Only he can feel the effects of these three fruits on him.

But Wang Qingyue was different.

Her realm is low, after eating two fruits, her temperament and aura have been significantly improved.

She looks more energetic, and her aura is much stronger than before.

Chen Yang could clearly feel it.

The cave is too dark to discuss at all.

After eating the fruit, the two exchanged a few words, and immediately took Xiao Huang out of the cave.

When she returned to the hospital, she couldn't help sighing.

"It's amazing. After practicing hard for so long, it's the first time I feel this light as a swallow. I feel that I have been greatly improved." Wang Qingyue said in surprise.

Chen Yang smiled and nodded at the side: "It can be seen that you have improved a lot, but you should not be too proud. You still need to train more and consolidate your foundation. This is the best."

"Well, I know this, don't worry, I will definitely work harder to improve my strength."

Wang Qingyue also nodded solemnly and agreed.

When the two were happy, Xiao Huang at the side also made a creaking sound.

seems to be saying something.

When Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue heard the voice, they immediately looked over.

"You little guy is really good. I underestimated you just now, so I apologize." Wang Qingyue said to Xiao Huang with a smile.

Just now she had always thought that Xiao Huang was just an ordinary mouse, and now she had to believe that Xiao Huang was different.

At this time, Chen Yang was as surprised as Wang Qingyue.

Although he already knew that Xiao Huang had great abilities, he had never seen it before.

Today is a real experience, Xiao Huang is amazing.

"Little Huang, come, this is your reward."

Chen Yang also smiled and took out three body forging pills from his pocket, and threw them to Xiao Huang.

This was agreed in advance, one fruit was exchanged for one Body Exercise Pill.

Just now Xiao Huang led them to find three fruits, so Chen Yang naturally wanted to fulfill his promise.

And Xiao Huang was very happy after hearing Wang Qingyue's praise and Chen Yang's reward.

After screaming for a while, and running around Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue for a few laps, he went back to his cave contentedly.

Seeing Xiao Huang's cute appearance, Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue both smiled.

After that, the two of them didn't go to other places, but fought in the yard together to improve their strength or something.

After eating the fruit just now, the strength of the body has been improved, and the limbs and bones also feel full of strength. This is the best time to improve the strength and consolidate the foundation.

Naturally, the two of them would not miss it.

We stayed together in the yard until dark.

"Qingyue, are you hungry, what do you want to eat?"

Chen Yang saw that it was dark, so he looked at Wang Qingyue and asked.

"It's okay, as long as you can eat enough." Wang Qingyue also stopped, turned her head and said to Chen Yang with a smile.

Wang Qingyue looks very pretty when she smiles, and her two small canine teeth are also very cute.

"Okay, I'll just make some casually." Chen Yang nodded with a smile, then turned around and went to the kitchen to make food.

After dinner, Chen Yang thought that Wang Qingyue would take advantage of the opportunity to sleep here.

Unexpectedly, Wang Qingyue received a call just after the meal, before the two of them had time to say anything more.

After saying a few words and hanging up the phone, she said that she was going to leave immediately and had to go back to the county seat.

"What happened, why do you want to go back so suddenly." Chen Yang asked curiously.

"It's okay, my brother just has a bill that I haven't figured out, and I need to go back and help with it." Wang Qingyue said.

Hearing this, Chen Yang was speechless.

Still thinking that something good will happen today, who knows that Wang Hong actually called at this time.

And it's such a trivial matter.

"It's just a matter of reckoning. There's no need to make a special trip. It's fine to communicate on the phone. If it doesn't work, just video." Chen Yang said from the side, he didn't want Wang Qingyue to leave.

And Wang Qingyue naturally knew what Chen Yang meant.

She covered her mouth with a smile, and said, "That's not okay. We have a lot of expenses in the accounts every day. If I don't go back and check carefully, I don't know where the accounts are."

"Hey, that's fine, I'll see you off."

Seeing that he had to go back, Chen Yang didn't say anything more, got up and planned to see Wang Qingyue off.

On the surface he looks very free and easy, but in his heart he is very regretful and helpless.

And Wang Qingyue was very aware of Chen Yang's mood at this time, so she was not in a hurry to leave.

Taking two steps forward, he suddenly hugged Chen Yang actively. ,

A pair of warm arms gently hooked Chen Yang's neck.

Chen Yang suddenly felt a burst of fragrance in his nostrils, and the warm and soft touch spread all over his body.

"I know what you bad guy is thinking. I haven't seen you for such a long time, and I really want to spend more time with you, but there's nothing I can do about it at home." Wang Qingyue looked directly at Chen Yang, with a gentle expression The tone said to Chen Yang.

After finishing speaking, she stepped on her feet a little bit and made a sign with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was still very surprised by her sudden action.

But more is a surprise.

Even Wang Qingyue took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, so naturally he couldn't be polite.

So he naturally put his arm on Wang Qingyue's buttocks, and patted it lightly.

The room was very quiet, except for a loud snap.

Wang Qingyue blushed instantly.

But he didn't resist, he was still in Chen Yang's arms, but his face was red.

"I still have to deal with things at home, and I'm not an unreasonable person." Chen Yang said with a smile.

"Well, then I'm really leaving."

Wang Qingyue blushed and nodded, and after a little tenderness, the two separated.

Wang Qingyue drove the car and left Liuhe Village with a little coaxing.

Looking at the car shadow of her leaving, Chen Yang smiled.

I'm still reminiscing about the feeling just now.

Ding ding ding.

Wang Qingyue had just left, and when he was about to turn around and go back to tidy up and go to sleep, suddenly a mobile phone rang in his pocket.

Hearing the movement, Chen Yang thought that Wang Qingyue forgot to take something.

I took out my mobile phone to have a look and realized that it was actually Wang Jingman who made the call. ,

"Why did Jingman call?"

Chen Yang was quite puzzled, but he didn't think too much about it, and connected the phone directly.

As soon as the phone was connected, Chen Yang heard some noisy voices on the other side.

"Chen Yang, where are you now? Is it convenient to come over here, I have something to ask you." Wang Jingman said.

On the phone, Wang Jingman didn't say anything was wrong, but when Chen Yang heard her tone, he felt that something was really wrong, so he agreed.

"Convenience, where are you, I'll be right over."

Chen Yang agreed decisively.

"Okay, then I'll send you the location, come quickly."

Saying that, Wang Jingman hung up the phone, and then

After a ding-dong sound, a location was sent.

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