Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 1550 Mysterious Cave

After running with Xiao Huang for about 1 minute, they came to an orchard.

All the trees in this orchard grew a lot of fruit solidly.

This place is no other place, it is the orchard that Chen Yang built.

This orchard is not big, but the output is very high. Every few days, it can be sent out to collect trucks.

It can also bring Chen Yang a lot of benefits.

When he came here, Xiao Huang suddenly stopped his progress, stood in the garden and straightened up, looking left and right.

It seems to be vigilant about whether there is anything around.

After looking at it several times, it bent down again, moved its short legs, and started running.

Walked towards the depths of the orchard.

"Go, follow."

Seeing this, Chen Yang quickly took Wang Qingyue's arm and followed.

All the way into the deepest part of the orchard.

When we reached the edge of the orchard, there was no road in front of us, only a stone wall overgrown with weeds.

The area of ​​this stone wall is not large, only about 20 square meters, and it is completely natural, without any other traces.

And there is no such fruit on the stone wall as I ate just now.

Chen Yang had visited this place once before when he was inspecting the orchard, and he knew that there was no other road nearby.

"Xiao Huang, what did you bring us here for? There is no road ahead, how do we go next?" Chen Yang looked at Xiao Huang suspiciously.

Xiao Huang didn't answer his words, straightened up again and looked left and right, then swished, and it rushed straight towards the stone wall.

Then disappeared into the stone wall.

There are dark holes!

When Chen Yang saw Xiao Huang disappearing from sight, he immediately realized what was going on, and dragged Wang Qingyue to the place where Xiao Huang disappeared.

Then I went to wave the grass on the stone wall.

With this movement, a dark cave was revealed inside.

However, the entrance of this cave is not very big, it is only the size of a water tank. If you want to enter, you have to hook your body to get in.


As soon as Chen Yang pushed aside the weeds, Xiao Huang's voice came from inside, as if urging Chen Yang to go in quickly.

Chen Yang was not in a hurry to go in, but turned to Wang Qingyue and said, "Qingyue, this cave seems a bit small, and I don't know what's going on inside, so why don't you just wait for me outside, I'll go in with Xiao Huang, Come out soon."

This dark cave atmosphere is very infiltrating.

Chen Yang considered that Wang Qingyue might not get used to it, so he suggested that she wait outside.

But Wang Qingyue refused.

Although she did dislike it and was a little scared, she still worried about Chen Yang going alone.

She wanted to go in with her and accompany Chen Yang.

Looking at Wang Qingyue's firm eyes, Chen Yang felt warm in his heart.

"Okay, then you follow behind me and hold me tightly."

"All right."

Wang Qingyue nodded in agreement, and then the two of them hunched over and got into the cave one after the other.

The entrance of this dark cave is very narrow, and the two of them hooked their bodies into it, and the range of activities around them was still very limited.

Originally, Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue thought that they would go all the way like this, but they didn't expect to walk two or three meters away, and the space suddenly opened up.

With the flashlight of the mobile phone, I can't even see where the surrounding walls are.

Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue never expected the space to grow so quickly.

"It feels like walking through a narrow hallway into a large hall."

Wang Qingyue looked around and said.

When Chen Yang heard this, he also nodded, agreeing with this view.


While the two were still looking around, the front

Then came Xiao Huang's cry again.

"Let's go with Xiao Huang first, and we'll talk after we find the fruit."

So Chen Yang didn't bother to study the cave hall anymore, he quickly held Wang Qingyue's hand and continued to walk forward.

This time, he walked eight or nine meters away and came to a stone wall.

There are many moss-like plants growing on the stone wall, all of which are vigorously attached to the stone wall.

There is no sunlight in the cave, but for some reason, these plants grow very lush and green.

There are even some very bright red and showy flowers blooming on it.

Looking down the branches of this plant, several bright red fruits grow among the green leaves.

Seeing the fruit, Chen Yang's eyes lit up. Isn't this the kind of fruit that he ate just now?


"It's this kind of fruit again, what's so special about Chen Yang?"

When Wang Qingyue saw this fruit, she was not very excited, but more puzzled.

I don't understand why Chen Yang is so excited when he sees a fruit.

On the way here just now, she had been holding back her curiosity and didn't ask any questions.

Now she couldn't bear it anymore, so she asked.

But Chen Yang still didn't answer directly, but picked a fruit from the stone wall with a smile, handed it to Wang Qingyue, and said, "You will know after you taste it."

"I have a taste?"

"Well, try it."

Looking at the fruit, Wang Qingyue was still somewhat resistant. After all, the bright color and the growing environment gave people an unsafe and unclean feeling.

But after thinking for a while, she reached out to take it and ate it.

Since Chen Yang let her eat it, there is some reason, anyway, it's not to harm her.

After Wang Qingyue ate the fruit, the expression on her face changed drastically.

At this time, the situation in her body was similar to Chen Yang's. It also melted in the mouth. After a warm current flowed into her stomach, a powerful force was impacting, transforming her limbs and bones.

In an instant, not only did she make up for all the physical strength she had just consumed.

There is even a feeling of fullness.

That feeling was amazing, and it made her feel instantly relaxed, as if a weight had been lifted from her body.

"Wow! It feels so relaxing. In an instant, my body seems to be a lot lighter."

After a short period of shock, Wang Qingyue recovered from that state.

After she realized it, her face was full of surprises. At this moment, she finally understood why Chen Yang followed Xiao Huang all the way here.

It turned out that I experienced the wonder of this fruit after looking for it.

"Yes, this fruit should have the effect of improving physical fitness and directly enhancing physical strength!"

Chen Yang said from the side.

"It's amazing! This is more useful than the elixir you gave me. Let's look on the wall to see if there is any such fruit."

After experiencing the magic of the fruit, Wang Qingyue immediately regained her spirits.

Holding a flashlight, I searched with Chen Yang on the wall.

This rock wall is very large, and it is covered with ivy-like plants, which looks green.

But unfortunately, after searching the entire rock wall, only three such fruits were found.

Except for the one that was eaten.

"It's a pity that there are only three of such good things, otherwise we can give Kexin, Li Han and the others one each."

Wang Qingyue looked at the picked fruits and said regretfully.

Hearing Wang Qingyue's words, Chen Yang was a little surprised, but also very pleasantly surprised.

For such a good thing, Wang Qingyue didn't think about eating it by herself at the first time, but thought about taking it out and sharing it with Wu Kexin and the others.

That shows that their relationship is really deep.

This is a great thing for Chen Yang.

"It's a pity, let's divide these three first. I counted just now, and there are more than a dozen bright flowers on the wall, which should be this kind of fruit. After a while, there will definitely be more fruits. By then It’s not too late to take it out and give it to them.”

Chen Yang said with a smile.

"Well, that's the only way to go, otherwise the three won't be easy to divide."

When she was looking for fruit just now, she also noticed the flowers still blooming on the rock wall, so when she heard what Chen Yang said, she didn't get entangled anymore.

He took a fruit and ate it.

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