Just like this, eating, drinking, drinking and playing made a fuss until after ten o'clock in the evening.

At this time, the mountain was very quiet, and the high-wattage flashlight I bought was useless. It was very unsafe to continue playing in the pool.

It's not safe to see an injury, or a snake in the pool.

So they all went into the tent.

At this time, the small toys that Yang Ruoxi bought came into play.

What poker, flying chess, it's very interesting to play together.

Playing around together, I don't know how long it has passed.

Anyway, when I was tired from playing, I just lay down and fell asleep.

This night, Chen Yang slept most comfortably.

In the dream, he was surrounded by Yang Ruoxi and the others, the kind who had nothing.

Several times I have a soft and soft touch on my face, but I don't know what it is...

When she woke up the next day, the faces of the six girls were all red, and they were extremely red.

They clearly remember that they have swimsuits on when they sleep.

But when I woke up, it was all gone.

Everyone's eyes subconsciously looked at Chen Yang who was still asleep.

Although Chen Yang was asleep, the smile on his face was as bright as it could be.

It's still fun when I'm asleep.

The six girls were all blushing, but they didn't do anything, and quickly found clothes for each other to put on.

The movement of the six getting dressed together was naturally loud, and Chen Yang also came to his senses.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Liu Nu's blushing face and angry eyes, and Chen Yang instantly understood what was going on.

So... last night wasn't a dream, was it?

Chen Yang was secretly happy, but he didn't say anything.

They didn't invite the teacher to inquire about the crime. Could it be that he still brought it up by himself?

Isn't that stupid?

He quickly found clothes and put them on, and then slipped out immediately, not staying in the tent anymore.

Still staying inside, what if it gets torn apart?

After running out of the tent, Chen Yang didn't stay idle. While cleaning up the trash left by the carnival last night, he was also making breakfast for them with the things he brought.

When he was almost done outside, the tent was also packed.

The six girls came out of the tent one after another.

When they came out, their faces had returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

After that, we cleaned up the garbage together, maintained the hygiene here, and went down the mountain together after breakfast.

They came down from the mountain at nine o'clock in the morning, and it was almost eleven o'clock after ten o'clock, and they returned to Liuhe Village together.

Everything in the village is going on in an orderly manner, and there is an endless stream of tourists every day, and the village is very lively.

After all the projects were completed, Li Han's office could not always be set up in the village.

She planned to move out today and go back to the county seat.

When she left, Yang Ruoxi and Di Anni would naturally move back with her.

After living in these few months, I must have developed feelings. When I suddenly said that I wanted to leave, no one would listen to me.

But there is no way, there is always a banquet in the world.

And it's not very far, just the county town.

So Chen Yang and Wu Kexin didn't try to keep Li Han too much, after simply understanding what she meant, they helped to pack things together.

In the end, without even eating lunch, Li Han drove away from the village with Yang Ruoxi and Di Anni.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Jingman and Wang Qingyue also drove away from Liuhe Village.

After a while, only Wu Kexin and Chen Yang were left in the village. Both of them felt a little empty in their hearts, but no one said anything.

After watching Wang Qingyue and Wang Jingman leave, Wu Kexin also returned to the village, while Chen Yang returned to his home.

In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon.

Li Han and the others left, but Chen Yang still felt a little uncomfortable.

It's not a good feeling to stay at home, so he wants to go out for a walk.

But as soon as he stood up on his front foot, a phone rang in his back pocket.

Chen Yang took it out and saw that it was an unfamiliar phone number.

"Who is this?"

Seeing an unfamiliar number, Chen Yang didn't intend to answer it at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he still answered it.

"Which one?"

"Is it Doctor Chen?"

There was a hurried voice on the phone.

Hearing this voice, Chen Yang immediately knew who it was.

It was none other than the Lily who reneged on the debt the day before yesterday.

Hearing this familiar voice, Chen Yang smiled.

He had already expected that this Lily would definitely come to contact her again, so he wasn't surprised.

"Yes, that's right, it's me." Chen Yang replied calmly.

"Doctor Chen...I'm Lily...you should still remember it! First of all, I sincerely apologize to you for what happened the day before yesterday. Now I want to ask you to come over again and help my dad see his illness, okay? This time I guarantee that the 30 medical expenses will not be less.”

Lily's tone on the phone was very anxious, and it sounded like she was about to cry.

As soon as I heard it, I knew that the situation of the old man must not be optimistic, that's why it happened.

Chen Yang is not a profit-seeking person, but he also has his own attitude.

He is not someone who comes and goes when he is called, who comes and leaves when he is asked?Where is this kind of thing.

"No need, I don't want to earn your family's money, so you should hire someone else." Chen Yang answered decisively, and he hung up the phone without giving Lily a chance to speak after saying this. .

ding ding ding...

Just as the phone was hung up, the phone rang again.

It was Na Lili who called again.

Chen Yang didn't respond, and hung up the phone directly, and blocked him at the same time.

Now it's quiet.

"After crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, you still want me to go to treat the disease again? It's a good idea."

Chen Yang chuckled disdainfully, closed the door and went out for a walk.

The village has been transformed into a playground, and the streets are full of people coming and going.

At this time, Liuhe Village has undergone a major change. It is not like an ordinary small mountain village at all, but a place more prosperous than the streets of the town.

The crowds coming and going are like going to a market, and the business is booming.

Seeing such a scene, Chen Yang was of course very happy. He walked around the whole village, and he was very satisfied with everything in the village.

On the way back, Chen Yang also saw a familiar figure.

Huang Yiyi.

She is now the captain of the tour guide of the scenic spot in the village, and her daily job is to take tourists to visit the projects in the village.

When Chen Yang saw her, she was working.

Holding the tour guide flag, she led a group of seven or eight tourists through the scenic area. When she saw Chen Yang, she smiled and nodded, but did not come over to say hello.

Chen Yang also smiled and nodded in response to her.

After walking around the village, there was nothing to see, so Chen Yang turned back to the medical center, ready to go back to tease Wangcai Xiaohuang, and went to bed after dinner.

But walking to the door of the medical hall, Chen Yang immediately saw a luxury car parked in front of the door.

Just when he was curious, he saw Yan Jianping and Lili running down from the car anxiously.

The purpose of the two of them was very clear, and they came to Chen Yang immediately.

"Doctor Chen! I beg you, you must help! My dad is dying, our family can't live without my dad!" Yan Jianping said to Chen Yang in a hurry.

Lily on the side was even more pained, and she grabbed Chen Yang's hand to apologize as soon as she came up.

"Doctor Chen, what happened last time was that we were wrong. We knew we were wrong. Please help me. My dad is really dying."

Lily was not only in pain and anxiety, but also regretful.

He must be regretting what happened last time.

But at this time, what's the use of this?

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