Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 1533 Carnival, Celebration


As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed.

Although I realized that something was wrong, I had already bought it and had no choice but to bring it with me.

"Chen Yang, we haven't had a picnic, so we thought so much. We thought it would be good to buy more, so we didn't think about these issues." Diane said.

"Yes, next time we just pay attention, this time I will trouble you, Hercules!"

Yang Ruoxi playfully followed Di Anni's words and said that she wanted Chen Yang to help transport it up.

Chen Yang was very helpless, and he couldn't laugh or cry, but he didn't say much.

If you have time to speak, you might as well think about how to transport all these things up the mountain.

He thought for a moment in silence, and soon came up with a solution.

"Well then, I'll use the tent to hold the things you bought, and you can help me put them in together, and then I'll be able to resist." Chen Yang said, lifting the big tent in his hand.

The tent that Chen Yang bought was very big, and if no steel pipes were inserted, it would be no different from a large bag.

In addition, the material of this tent is very good, and it is no problem to hold things.

"Okay, let's all help together."

When the six girls heard that Chen Yang had an idea, they immediately stepped forward and implemented it according to what Chen Yang said.

Use the tent as a big bag, and put all the food in it.

Not all of them were put in, some of the brisk ones, and the six girls who could lift them up by themselves also picked up some, not all of them let Chen Yang resist.

But even so, they packed a lot of things into the tent.

After loading it, Chen Yang tried to lift it, at least three or four hundred catties.

It is impossible for ordinary people to transport this kind of weight up the mountain alone.

But for Chen Yang, it was relatively easy.

Chen Yang raised it with one hand, put it on his shoulder, and then went up the mountain with his back on his back.

Seeing this scene, the six girls all oohed, very surprised.

At the same time, they all had stars in their eyes, and their affection for Chen Yang gradually increased.

Women, all love powerful men.

Even if Chen Yang is already their man, this does not affect their admiration and praise.

Chen Yang was carrying three to four hundred catties of things, and he was leading the way.

The mountain road was very rough, but the six girls didn't carry any heavy objects on them, and Chen Yang didn't say they wanted to rest. In order not to disturb Chen Yang, they didn't ask for a rest.

He just followed Chen Yang to the destination, next to the mountain spring.

The water here is very cool and clear, and you can feel the coolness of the moisture in the air from afar.

It's even more comfortable when you're by the pool.

That feeling is like being exposed to the sun outside, and then suddenly walking into an air-conditioned room, it feels very refreshing.

"The water is so clear! No wonder Ruoxi strongly asked to buy a swimsuit on the way."

Neither Wang Qingyue nor Wang Jingman had ever been to this place, and they were both surprised by the clear water quality.

Compared with those swimming pools in the city, the water quality of the water park is many times better.

"Hey, Sister Qingyue, my suggestion is correct. Fortunately, I let you buy it, otherwise you will just watch us play in the water later."

Yang Ruoxi sat in the shade to rest, and when she heard Wang Qingyue's words, she couldn't help but feel elated.

Wang Qingyue also smiled, took off her shoes and used her feet to soak in the water to rest by the pool.

Chen Yang was the most tired, but he didn't stop to rest.

After coming to the edge of the pool, he non-stop took out all the things packed in the tent.

Then I found an open space next to the pool, started to chop down trees with a hatchet, and dug holes to build tents.

"Chen Yang, let us help you too."

Wu Kexin and the others rested for a while, and when they recovered, they stepped forward one after another, ready to help Chen Yang set up a tent.

Chen Yang was not polite either, and ordered them to do some things.

Originally there was only one tent, but with the help of Wu Kexin and the others, the speed was even faster.

In about 10 minutes, a small house-like tent was set up.

Looking at the huge tent, the six girls were very surprised.

No one expected that there would be such a big tent.

"Chen Yang, is this the only tent?" Yang Ruoxi looked at Chen Yang in astonishment.

Chen Yang knew the reason for the six girls' expressions, and smiled: "Yes, it's just this one, so big should be enough."

When they heard that it was really one, Yang Ruoxi, Wu Kexin and the others blushed instantly.

Who doesn't understand Chen Yang's little thoughts?

At this moment, they all regretted a little, why didn't they think about it at that time, and let Chen Yang buy the tent by himself.

It's useless to say anything now, so I didn't say anything.

"Hmph, pervert."

Yang Ruoxi snorted coldly and spat on Chen Yang.

The others blushed and did not speak. They gave Chen Yang a slight look, and then went to do other things.

Move all those food and so on into the tent.

When I finished all this, it was still early, it was only after three o'clock in the afternoon, almost four o'clock.

During this period of time, the temperature is still very high. The six girls had already planned to go swimming, and now they are free. Looking at the cold and clear pool, how could they hold back, they got into the tent to change clothes. .

Chen Yang was a man, so he was naturally kept out.

But Chen Yang wasn't depressed, anyway, the fun was yet to come, so what's the matter.

Chen Yang changed into his swimming trunks outside, and jumped into the water to swim.

After about three or four minutes, there was movement on the other side of the tent.

Yang Ruoxi and the others all changed their clothes, and came out of the tent one after another.

Chen Yang has seen Yang Ruoxi and the others in swimsuits a long time ago, but for some reason, it always feels fresh after seeing them today.

Is it because the six girls wear swimsuits together?

Chen Yang really feasted his eyes.

The six girls are all top-notch beauties in terms of figure, appearance, and temperament. They walked out of the tent together in swimsuits and trunks. That scene was really dazzling.

With long white legs and a hot figure with a protruding front and back, Chen Yang's heart became hot immediately.

I almost got a nosebleed on the spot.

This scene is really too high, and it's too exciting, the kind that is hard to restrain.

But fortunately, it still didn't flow out in the end, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

Yang Ruoxi has swam with Chen Yang many times, so she has long been used to Chen Yang's gaze, she didn't feel anything, and went directly into the water after coming out of the tent.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Qingyue and the others also entered the water one after another.

Everyone was playing in the same pool, naturally a lot of interesting things happened, we had a water fight together, swimming and so on were very fun.

Of course, the happiest person must belong to Chen Yang.

In the process of playing around, he would take advantage of it, pinch his butt and so on.

These small underwater movements can only be felt by the two of them, and neither of them said much, so they played happily all afternoon.

It wasn't until it was almost dark that the water came out one after another.

But after getting out of the water, I didn't go to the tent to put on clothes again.

I'm used to wearing swimsuits, so I just walked around outside in them.

I bought a lot of snacks, as well as staple foods.

All taken out of the tent and put together by the pool to enjoy.

There are also drinks and wine, such a way of celebration is really enjoyable.

Eating, drinking, playing and playing around, you can just soak in water when it's hot, it doesn't feel too comfortable.


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