Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 1508 Good Propaganda Method

There is nothing to do in this room, so I can only play with my mobile phone to pass the time.Chen Yang's actions are all natural.He didn't even think about what would happen if he did this, what Yan Qianning would think.But in Yan Qianning's eyes, these actions of his are really very tasteful.When she first said that she would be treated in this way, she must have been very worried.After all, the body is the most important thing for a woman.To be watched by a stranger, she resisted from the bottom of her heart.But in order to cure her disease, she had no other choice, so she made enough mental preparations and asked Chen Yang to treat her.She had already planned, some normal touches, or taking advantage of her eyes, she could barely accept it.After all, this is human nature, since it is necessary to cure the disease, it is inevitable.But now Chen Yang's performance has really exceeded her expectations.Not only did Chen Yang not take advantage of her, but he also did not take advantage of her with his eyes.This is enough to describe a person's character.While Yan Qianning praised Chen Yang in her heart, she also had another strange feeling in her heart.Women are very contradictory.If you look at her, she thinks you are a pervert, but if you don't look at her, you will feel lost and think wildly.Do you feel like you are not attractive enough, that's why you are like this.Yan Qianning had many thoughts in her heart, but Chen Yang didn't think about them.Sitting down, I took out my mobile phone and checked the chat software first, only to find that no one had sent a text message.In order to pass the time, he had no choice but to click on some popular short video channels and so on.These are some very interesting videos, as well as some hot topics at the moment.Anyway, you can see everything on it, and people around you like to watch it too.But Chen Yang usually doesn't pay much attention to these things.Because he thinks it is a waste of time, and he has time to watch these videos, so what can he do wrong.Right now, if I click on it, I simply feel that I have nothing to do, just to pass the time.Chen Yang clicked on the software, first recommended several other videos, and then when Chen Yang swiped again, he suddenly saw a video recommending tourist attractions.The video is very clear and the photographer is very professional.The shooting angle, the scenery and so on are all beautifully shot, which makes people want to play when they see it.However, Chen Yang looked at the positioning of the video in a blink of an eye, and felt speechless for an instant.Because this scenic spot is in the next county, Chen Yang has been there once before, so he knows exactly what the scenic spot looks like.Not to mention that it has nothing to do with the beautiful scenery on the video screen, but at least 5.00% of Liushi does not exist, which is not the case at all.But after this camera and such a shooting, the whole picture becomes taller.It is simply a paradise on earth.Because the shooting is good, the video naturally becomes hotter.A total of more than 30 likes and more than 30 comments.This data is already very good. With 2 likes, the number of views must have exceeded one million.This is really a huge wave of publicity.Chen Yang couldn't help sighing, and then he was ready to row over.But he suddenly thought of something, and rowed back again.Click on a shopping cart icon in the lower left corner and go in to see the situation.This is unbelievable.A total of [-] people bought tickets for that scenic spot through this video. "Good guy! This is all right, this promotion is perfect." Chen Yang couldn't help but exclaimed.This effect is too good, isn't it much better than traditional publicity?Chen Yang had an idea in an instant.Isn’t Liuhe Village just doing publicity recently? If we invite a few more video masters like this to come over to shoot videos and do publicity.Will the whole scenic spot not be blown up by then?Not much to say about the Liuhe Village scenic spot, at least it is several times more beautiful than the scenic spot in this video.If you add some shooting techniques or something, the effect will definitely be better than this. "Huge publicity effect." Chen Yang became excited all of a sudden, as if he had found some key valve.As long as this is done, the popularity of Liuhe Village is just around the corner.and also

Don't worry about buying tickets anymore.The scenic spot in the video can sell [-] tickets in a short period of time. How can a scenic spot like Liuhe Village be a joke?Thinking of this, Chen Yang was very excited, and immediately prepared to switch out and send a message to Wu Kexin and Li Han.Tell them about your plan.It's absolutely doable. "Chen Yang... what are you talking about? What kind of publicity effect?" When Chen Yang was about to send a message to Wu Kexin and Li Han, Yan Qianning who was at the side suddenly asked curiously.She saw Chen Yang's excited look and what he said just now.When Chen Yang heard Yan Qianning speak, he realized that he was a little too excited just now. "It's okay, I just saw an interesting thing that can be used to promote my family's business." Chen Yang replied casually, and then continued to edit and send messages to Wu Kexin and Li Han. "Propaganda industry? Apart from being a doctor, do you have any other identities?" Yan Qianning continued to ask curiously. "Yeah, doctor is the main job, and I usually start some other small businesses at home to get by." Chen Yang carefully edited the message and sent it to Wu Kexin and Li Han.At the same time, he was also answering Yan Qianning casually.Yan Qianning may have nothing to do while lying on her stomach, just like Chen Yang, she is a bit too boring.So I kept talking to Chen Yang and asked Chen Yang questions curiously. "Industry? What kind of industry is your family engaged in? Can you tell me? What kind of publicity is there? I'm quite curious." Yan Qianning lay on the sofa, her eyes fixed on Chen Yang. .. "Okay, wait a minute." Yan Qianning was curious, and Chen Yang happened to be bored, so it would be good to chat together.So Chen Yang waited for the message to be edited and sent it to Wu Kexin and Li Han, then turned off the phone and chatted with Yan Qianning.Yan Qianning was shocked when she heard about Chen Yang's situation. "You live in Liuhe Village, and the only scenic spot with the highest standard in the whole province belongs to you?" Yan Qianning's eyes widened in disbelief.According to Chen Yang's original personality, he would definitely not have said such things to Yan Qianning.But now is an extraordinary time, and the scenic spot in Liuhe Village needs fame, so it doesn't matter to talk about it. "Yeah, I'm planning a trial operation recently. If you get cured today, if you have a chance, you can bring your family and friends to support me." Chen Yang replied.Yan Qianning was stunned.It seemed that the news shocked her very much. "Then what were you excited about just now, and what publicity is there?" Yan Qianning was stunned for more than ten seconds, and then asked again.Chen Yang smiled, and said: "Didn't I just say that the scenic spot is trying to start trial operation, so it needs publicity and fame. Just now I saw a video recommending scenic spots through the video. I think it's very good to promote it through this short video." That's right, so I'm a little excited." When Chen Yang said this, Yan Qianning understood what was going on. "That's it." "Well, that's it." Chen Yang nodded, and then he didn't say anything else. He quietly took out his mobile phone, continued to read messages, and studied short video recommendations.

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