Chen Yang remained expressionless, and was not moved by the scene in front of him.After Yan Qianning sat down, he also took out the silver needle and walked to the bathtub.After Yan Qianning sat down, she didn't close her eyes, but kept paying attention to Chen Yang's reaction.Seeing that Chen Yang didn't do anything else, he felt relieved.Although she is very decisive and has a strong ability to accept, after all, she has not known Chen Yang for a long time.It is normal to be worried about Chen Yang.But seeing that Chen Yang is not moved at all, she is also relieved.And if Chen Yang said that he didn't have any thoughts in his heart, he must be lying.It's just that he suppressed the thoughts in his heart and didn't think about it.He still has this bit of medical ethics.Walking to the bathtub, Chen Yang used silver needles to pierce several important acupuncture points on Yan Qianning's body.After these few injections, Yan Qianning's body responded immediately.The coldness in the body seemed to sense the danger, and suddenly became irritable.It started to rage inside the body.Hiss... Yan Qianning immediately frowned, feeling very uncomfortable.Chen Yang noticed this situation, and immediately inserted another needle at Tianling Gai's position.This injection immediately relieved Yan Qianning's uncomfortable feeling.There are even some pores open, and the feeling of very warm energy entering the body.Her feeling is not an illusion, but a real existence.Chen Yang's acupuncture points on Tianling Gai are to help her open the pores of her whole body to absorb the medicine in the bathtub and fight against the cold in her body. "You feel the temperature yourself, and if the water cools down, call me at any time." A few needles were inserted, and there was nothing to do next, so he didn't stay too long.Turning around, she left the bathroom and went to the living room.The living room was dark at this time, with no light at all.Obviously, when Yan Qianning changed her clothes, she closed all the window curtains.The lights in the room were also turned off.Chen Yang didn't open it either, because his eyes could still see the surroundings clearly in the dark.So there is no need to turn on the lights.In order not to make Yan Qianning misunderstand anything.Chen Yang walked to the sofa, sat and waited on the sofa for about half an hour.When I felt that the time was almost up and the medicine in the bathtub had almost evaporated, I got up and went to the bathroom again.Seeing Chen Yang coming in, Yan Qianning didn't show much expression.At this time her face was still flushed.But I don't know whether it was caused by the medicine, or it was too embarrassing, so I blushed. "Is the water cold?" Chen Yang asked. "Yeah." Yan Qianning nodded. "Then come out, I'll wait for you outside." Hearing that the water was getting cold, Chen Yang immediately walked over and pulled out the silver needle on Yan Qianning's head, then turned around and went outside.After more than ten seconds, Yan Qianning also came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.The two of them didn't speak, Yan Qianning immediately went to the sofa bed in the room and lay down on her stomach after she came out.In the dark night, she might not be able to see clearly, but Chen Yang could see clearly.But still the same sentence, he tried his best to restrain himself, and he didn't think about other things, and he didn't pay attention to other things.This is just an ordinary patient.Yan Qianning lay down, and Chen Yang immediately walked over with the silver needle.While kneading and pressing Yan Qianning's body with both hands, he was also injecting needles.Chen Yang had experience in treating this disease.So it's very natural and smooth.Wu Kexin had a similar situation before, and it was all caused by the cold in the body.The conditions of these two diseases are similar, and it is really not difficult for Chen Yang to deal with them.The only troublesome point is that the process is a bit cumbersome.Although it is not difficult to operate, it still takes a long time to knead and press and insert the needle.Only in this way can the cold air in the body have nowhere to escape, and in addition, use the method of diversion to try to let all the cold air in the body follow the silver needle and export out of the body.This is the best way.According to the instructions in the Medicine King Sutra, Chen Yang carefully relieved the cold air.The whole process did not know how long it lasted.Anyway, when he stopped, Chen Yang really sweated a little.movement that looks like kneading and pressing the needle

The movement is brisk, but in fact every step requires physical strength and internal strength to operate.The most important thing is that Yan Qianning's coldness has almost penetrated into the bone marrow, and every needle needs to be just right.This kind of difficult request, only he can do it.Apart from him, no doctor or institution can do it.Not even advanced medical equipment.After all, everyone's bones are a little different.This is caused by everyone's lifestyle and living habits.Only by perfusing the internal force and paying careful attention to the acupuncture points when kneading, can it be foolproof and every needle is just right.hiss!When Chen Yang gave the last needle, Yan Qianning's back made a sound like a balloon suddenly deflated.Afterwards, the silver needle stuck on the back froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was also an obvious cold air, through the silver needle as a medium, Yan Qianning rushed out of the body.This cold air is unusually cold.In an instant, the temperature in the room dropped several degrees.This power is much more serious than Wu Kexin's body cold. "Your situation has lasted for a long time, the cold in your body is so severe." Chen Yang looked at the ice on the silver needle, and couldn't help but said.Although Yan Qianning was lying on her stomach, she could clearly feel that her body felt much more comfortable just now.And there is also a very clear chill, leaving her body.Although I believed what Chen Yang said before, I still had some doubts.But now seeing that Chen Yang's operation is so useful, and there is indeed such a chill in his body, Yan Qianning immediately believed in Chen Yang. "Well! It has indeed been going on for a long time. I have been feeling a little uncomfortable since I was a child, but it was not obvious before, but now I realize something is wrong." Yan Qianning blushed and answered Chen Yang's words.Chen Yang nodded and said nothing.Turn around and go to the door, and turn on the air conditioner in the room.Yan Qianning didn't wear any clothes, and the temperature in the room dropped by four or five degrees, so she still had to turn on the heater to warm it up. "There is a lot of cold in your body, and the silver needle may not be able to be pulled out in a short time. Are you cold? Do you want to find a blanket to cover you?" Chen Yang returned to Yan Qianning and asked.When Yan Qianning heard this, her heart felt warm to some extent. "Yes." Yan Qianning replied without hesitation.Chen Yang didn't think much after hearing the words, turned around and went to the bed, found a bath towel, and covered it for Yan Qianning.Then he went to sit on the sofa opposite.As soon as he sat down, Chen Yang suddenly regretted his behavior just now.When practicing medicine, you really have to pay attention to the focus, after all, you were a doctor at that time.But now that everything that should be done is done, naturally there is nothing to pay attention to.But he covered Yan Qianning with a stall.I can't see anything.Chen Yang swallowed his saliva, feeling very sorry.But this pity feeling is just a momentary thing.After that, Chen Yang didn't pay attention to these things.Sitting on the sofa, he took out his phone and looked at it.

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