Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 13 The Asthmatic Patient

"Quickly! Quickly! Doctor Huang is here!" Just as Chen Yang was looking at him, a well-behaved doctor wearing glasses walked through the crowd and entered everyone's field of vision surrounded by a group of welcoming guests.

This person is Doctor Huang as Mr. Li said.

"Doctor Huang, hurry up and help my grandpa." The appearance of Doctor Huang made Mr. Li hurried forward and said as if he had caught the backbone.

"Okay, Mr. Li, don't worry, I'll show Mr. Li right now." Doctor Huang nodded quickly, then squatted next to the wheelchair, and began to examine the panting Mr. Li.

He opened old man Li's eyelids with his hands first and took a look, then tested his pulse, and then listened to the heartbeat...

After going up and down for three or four minutes, it was concluded that it was a symptom of asthma.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Li is very short of breath! Fortunately, you came in time, otherwise Mr. Li will be in danger." Doctor Huang said to Mr. Li with a serious expression, and then turned to look at the welcome guests. The master said: "Go to my drawer and help me get all those medicines!"

"Okay, Doctor Huang." The welcoming supervisor didn't dare to delay, nodded in agreement and hurried to get it.

Chen Yang, who was in the crowd, saw Doctor Huang's anxious appearance and smiled.

"Why do you come in time, otherwise it will be dangerous. I think you will be in real danger if you procrastinate like this!" Chen Yang complained in his heart.

Asthma is a strange symptom because of its varying consequences.

A good result will heal itself without treatment, but a bad result may directly kill people.

And this old man Li's condition is urgent, but it is not serious. He only needs to use special techniques to smooth his Qi, and he can be cured.

But I didn't expect that this doctor Huang couldn't tell at all, and he kept delaying the time.

It took three or four minutes to make a conclusion. If this continues, the disease that was originally not dangerous may become serious.

"Doctor Huang! I brought the medicine!" Just as Chen Yang was complaining in his heart, the welcoming supervisor who had gone to get the medicine earlier ran back with a big bag of medicine.

Those medicines are all used to treat asthma, but they are all relatively strong western medicines.

Chen Yang had studied in a serious medical university, so he was no stranger to the medicines in Dr. Huang's hands.

"Hurry up and get two cups of hot water! Mr. Li takes these medicines and lies down in the ward, and he should be fine!" Doctor Huang took the medicine and opened his mouth for hot water again.

"I, I'll fight!" Without waiting for the reception supervisor to respond, Mr. Li, who was dying of anxiety, quickly took the water glass and ran to the water dispenser not far away.

After a while, two cups of warm water came over.

With warm water, Doctor Huang took apart the medicines, took dozens of capsules out of them, and prepared to feed them to Mr. Li.

Seeing that Doctor Huang was about to feed Mr. Li dozens of capsules, Chen Yang couldn't stand it anymore.


Chen Yang couldn't help but stepped forward to stop it: "Mr. Li has acute asthma, and his body is very weak, he can't stand the stimulation of strong western medicine at all!"

"If you want to cure the old man, you must use gentle Chinese medicine, combined with gentle Shunqi techniques, and slowly adjust!"

"If you take more than a dozen strong medicines at once, although you can temporarily suppress it, it won't last more than 5 minutes!"

"The old man must vomit blood, his condition is getting worse, and his life is dying!"

Chen Yang was originally watching from the sidelines and didn't want to interfere.

But the benevolent doctor, seeing that Mr. Li was about to be put to death by Doctor Huang, couldn't help but stepped forward to remind him.

Chen Yang spoke suddenly, and the scene was instantly silent.

Everyone's eyes were all focused on Chen Yang.

At the same time, Doctor Huang, who was about to give medicine, and Mr. Li also looked over.

"Who are you? Which hospital?" Doctor Huang frowned.

"My name is Chen Yang. I have graduated from medical school for two years, and now I have opened a small medical clinic." Chen Yang replied truthfully.

"Hehe, two years after graduating from medical school..." Doctor Huang sneered, and said sarcastically, "Young people should keep their feet on the ground. Don't think that since you have studied medicine for two years, you can tell me what to do here."

"This doctor doesn't talk about the whole province, at least in this county, he is definitely an authority on asthma. It's your turn to make irresponsible remarks here?"

Doctor Huang was very conceited, he didn't look at Chen Yang seriously at all.

It's just that the young man in front of him is a clown who claims to have studied medicine for two years and wants to make a splash here.

"Who is this person? How dare you question Doctor Huang? Doctor Huang is a famous doctor in our county!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, young people want to show off too much. If they want to win the appreciation of Mr. Li, there's no need to do this, right?"

After Doctor Huang made some mockery, the crowd who watched the fun also started to discuss.

I feel that Chen Yang is just a sensationalist, who wants to take the opportunity to deceive Mr. Li's appreciation, and is a villain who clings to the powerful.

"Acute asthma, young people may be able to withstand acute asthma, but Mr. Li's body will definitely not be able to handle it. I advise you to check it carefully, so as not to cause a big mistake." Chen Yang didn't care about the words of the people around him, He also didn't care as much as Dr. Huang, so he kindly reminded him.

But unexpectedly, Chen Yang's kindness brought Doctor Huang's anger!

"Are you finished, kid? It's your turn to give me advice when I treat patients? It's true that Mr. Li has acute asthma!"

"But you only need to take my medicine for asthma, and it will be effective immediately. How did you, a young man, study for a few years? Don't you understand this bit of common sense?"

Doctor Huang scolded angrily, as if he was about to turn his back on him at any moment.

And at this time, the welcome guests at the side also took advantage of the trend and began to mock with disgust on their faces: "Sensational clown, Doctor Huang is an authority in the county, and it's the turn of a college student to point fingers?"

There was constant ridicule at the scene, but Chen Yang still didn't get angry.

"I advise you..."

"Sir! I can understand your kindness, but I trust Dr. Huang even more. My grandfather's condition is very critical now. Please don't disturb Dr. Huang to treat my grandfather!" Chen Yang's words of persuasion have not yet been uttered. However, Mr. Li on the side interrupted him.

Although this President Li's words are not as hostile as others.

But the meaning was very obvious, she trusted Doctor Huang even more, and at the same time felt that Chen Yang was too reckless.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a college student who has graduated for two years dares to criticize an expert in asthma.

Seeing that no one accepted his kindness, Chen Yang could only smile wryly and shook his head: "Call an ambulance in time. After vomiting blood, the ambulance will come in time and save lives."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yang turned around and walked through the crowd, ready to leave.

"Cut, I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth." Doctor Huang sneered, and he didn't take what Chen Yang said seriously at all.

He turned his head, picked up the warm water in his hand, and fed dozens of capsules to Mr. Li.

After eating the capsule for about 2 minutes, the frequency of Mr. Li's venting has decreased rapidly.

Seeing the frequency decrease, that doctor Huang showed a smile on his face, and thought: My method is still correct, as long as I take the medicine I mixed, it will be cured.

Dr. Huang cured Mr. Li's asthma so quickly, which aroused applause from the audience.

"Okay! Pujitang is indeed the signature of traditional Chinese medicine in our county. This medical skill is really amazing."

"Doctor Huang is really amazing. He was out of breath just now, and the critical condition of the old man improved in an instant."

The melon-eaters onlookers applauded, and the doctor Huang who praised was full of complacency, completely throwing away what Chen Yang said just now.

At this time, Mr. Li also hurriedly stepped forward to thank you: "Thank you, Doctor Huang, you helped treat my grandfather's asthma every time. Our Li family doesn't know how to thank you."

"Hehe, Mr. Li, it's all a matter of little effort, so I can't say thank you."

Dr. Huang pretended to be modest and smiled and waved his hands, as if he had to think that Mr. Li was just a trifle.

The scene was full of flattering voices of Doctor Huang, praising Doctor Huang's superb medical skills and so on.

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