Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 12 Selling Herbs

Chen Yang shook his head with a smile. After changing himself into a new pair of underpants, he pushed out the broken tricycle that had been dusty in the backyard for several years.

Chen Yang's family doesn't have a car, only an electric tricycle.

This was bought when Chen Yang's father was there several years ago. After his parents left, the Dian Sanlun has been left in the backyard to no avail.

Today Chen Yang wanted to go to the county to sell the rabbits he caught yesterday and the herbs he dug up yesterday, that's why he came up with this electric tricycle.

Chen Yang drove the electric tricycle out, and then put the three chicken coops that housed more than 30 rabbits, as well as the herbs dug yesterday into the truck body, and then covered it with a piece of rag, and the packing was completed. .

With the sound of two roars, the electric three-wheeler was forced to start.

Riding on the bright sky, he walked onto the only road in the village and drove towards the outside of the mountain.

The road Chen Yang was driving on was the road that collapsed back then.

After the road collapsed and took away the lives of strong men with a radius of ten miles, the county also began to pay attention to Liuhe Village, a village in a large mountain, so it specially allocated funds to pave the road with cement on the basis of the villagers' self-built road. There is a place for electric tricycles to come into play.

Walking along the cement road, after passing a valley, Chen Yang walked out of the mountain completely, and then Chen Yang drove towards the county along the county road.

By the time Chen Yang arrived in County D, it was already past eight o'clock.

At this point in time, many stores in the county had already opened, and the environment of people coming and going made Chen Yang a little uncomfortable, after all, he hadn't been out of the mountains for a long time.

The electric tricycle was driving in the county, and Chen Yang was not in a hurry to sell things.

Instead, he found a random breakfast shop and ordered a bowl of Chaos. After eating and drinking, he got up to go to work.

"How much is the boss?" Chen Yang stood up and took out his mobile phone and asked.

"A bowl of Chaos is six yuan! The QR code is on the wall, just scan it for me." The boss is busy in the kitchen with a cigarette in his mouth, without looking up. It seems that the business of the breakfast shop is very good.

There are not only people who sit here to eat, but also many who order breakfast.

"Okay." Chen Yang smiled, then scanned the QR code on the wall, and sent six yuan over.

After giving the money, Chen Yang turned around and was about to leave, but he turned back halfway and asked the boss with a smile: "Boss, is there any place in our county where we can sell medicinal materials?"

"Sell medicinal materials?" The boss looked up at Chen Yang with some doubts, then thought for a while, and stretched out his finger in the direction: "On Chengxi Avenue, there is a big pharmacy called Pujitang. They should accept Chinese herbal medicines. , where do you go to see it!"

"Okay, thank you boss!" Chen Yang thanked him, then left the Chaos shop, stepped on the electric tricycle and drove towards the Chengxi Avenue that the boss said.

Early in the morning, Chen Yang wanted to give away the herbs that were dug yesterday. The sooner the herbs are sold, the more valuable they are.

As for those hares, Chen Yang wasn't in a hurry, they were living creatures anyway, as long as they didn't die.

Soon, Chen Yang followed the direction pointed by the boss, walked on Chengxi Avenue, and found the big pharmacy called Pujitang.

Parked the electric tricycle at the entrance of Puji Hall, and after locking it, Chen Yang walked in with a basket on his back.

This Pujitang pharmacy is big enough. The inside of the pharmacy is at least hundreds of square meters, almost catching up with the outpatient hall of a large hospital.

It is rare for a pharmacy to open to this extent.

But it may be too early now, so the lobby of Puji Hall is empty, basically there are no people.

"Sir, what do you need?" Chen Yang stepped into the Puji Hall, and a well-behaved and pleasant-looking welcome guest came up and asked Chen Yang what he needed.

"I'm here to sell herbal medicines. Do you Pujitang accept Chinese herbal medicines?" Chen Yang unloaded the basket and shook it twice, so that the welcome guests could see the herbs inside clearly.

"Well, our Pujitang collects herbs, but it's not time for the pharmacist to go to work at this time, maybe I need to trouble Mr. to sit down and wait a little longer." The welcome guest glanced at the herbs in Chen Yang's back basket, and then revealed replied with a commercial smile.

After speaking, the welcoming guests were about to welcome Chen Yang in, but Chen Yang waved his hands: "When does your pharmacist go to work?"

"Hmm... go to work on time at nine o'clock, and I'll be here in about 10 minutes!" Yingbin raised his hand and glanced at his watch and said.

"Okay, then I'll come over later."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yang turned around and walked out of the hall. There were still things outside him.

Sitting inside and waiting, what if I lose it later?

Seeing that Chen Yang didn't want to wait in the hall, and the welcoming guests didn't keep them, they went with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang left the pharmacy hall and sat on his three rounds.

But not long after Chen Yang sat down, he saw several luxury cars parked in front of Pujitang Pharmacy one after another.

"Quick! Quick! Help my grandpa down." As soon as the luxury car stopped, a beautiful woman with full head of hair and professional attire hurried out of the luxury car, and at the same time stretched out her arms to greet other cars. on people.

This woman seems to have a very high status. She greeted the other cars and immediately walked down seven or eight men in suits and leather shoes. They gathered in the middle of the luxury car, and then lifted a man in a wheelchair from the car. The panting old man knew that the situation was very critical when he saw that the old man was exhaling more air than inhaling.

After these people carried the old man down, they rushed into the Puji Pharmacy.

"Come on! Help find Doctor Huang!" Walking into the hall, the woman immediately shouted anxiously. She seemed to be very familiar with Puji Pharmacy, that's why she was like this.

And the fact was as expected by Chen Yang, when the welcome guests in the hall saw that it was a woman coming, they immediately put down their affairs and went to greet her.

At the same time, several others ran to the inside of the lobby, apparently calling for a doctor.

"Mr. Li, what's the matter with Mr. Li?" The welcoming director hurriedly walked up to the woman in business attire and asked.

"I don't know. When I woke up this morning, my grandfather became like this. You can quickly ask Dr. Huang to come and have a look!" The woman named Mr. Li said anxiously with tears in her eyes.

"Mr. Li, don't worry. I've sent someone to invite Dr. Huang, and he should be here soon." The woman called Mr. Li has a high status, and the welcoming director always speaks very politely in front of her.

"Hmm! Please hurry up!" Mr. Li covered his mouth with the back of his hand, trying to hold back his tears as much as possible.

There was such a big commotion in Puji Pharmacy suddenly, it immediately attracted all the people around.

They all gathered and looked at Mr. Li and Mr. Li who was lying on the wheelchair panting.

Chen Yang was also attracted, joined the crowd, and began to look lively.

Squeezing to the front from the crowd, Chen Yang first glanced at Mr. Li who was about to cry.

This is a big beauty, about 1.6 meters tall, with a sweet beauty and a good figure!

The tears in her eyes, as well as the tight clothes on her body, added a bit of charming demeanor to her.

Most of the men who came here to watch the excitement were attracted by Mr. Li's perfect figure and beautiful appearance.

As for the panting old man, few people paid attention.

Although Chen Yang was also one of the people attracted by Mr. Li, he subconsciously glanced at the old man.

But with just a few glances, Chen Yang could tell that this old man was suffering from acute asthma.

If it is not dealt with in time, it is very likely to be life-threatening.

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