Blue Moon Fairy Way

Chapter 230, big gift

"Boy, let me borrow your body!" A strange voice sounded, Cheng Tianyi frowned, and the word "Duoshe" floated in his mind

A human figure transformed into a black mist appeared in Cheng Tianyi's sea of ​​consciousness, and Cheng Tianyi's consciousness came to his own sea of ​​consciousness very quickly, and the golden seal was spinning slowly.

Heiwu made a strange and penetrating voice: "You still have such good fortune, hahahaha, but unfortunately it's all mine now."

Suddenly, a little golden boy flew out of the golden seal and punched the black mist figure, who was knocked down by Cheng Tianyi's Yinshen punch.

"What?" The black mist figure was shocked.

"What are you?" Cheng Tian asked.

"Of course I'm Master Zixue's Nascent Soul!" Hei Wu's strange voice sounded.

Cheng Tianyi's sinister spirit sneered and said, "You're not ashamed, trying to take over? Thousands of years have passed, even if you are Master Zixue's Nascent Soul, you still don't have much strength left, right?"

This really made Cheng Tianyi guess right. Master Zixue's Nascent Soul has nearly collapsed until now. Originally, he thought that Cheng Tianyi would take advantage of the opportunity when Cheng Tianyi got the treasure, and he could get it in an instant. Turns out he was wrong.

As soon as he entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness, he was robbed by Cheng Tianyi's Yin God.

Priest Zixue's Nascent Soul tightened his mind. At the beginning, he planned the tricks in a vain attempt to seize the house. He thought that a small foundation-building cultivator could be easily obtained, but now it's all right. It looks like the situation is not so good!

Cheng Tianyi's Yin God was giving him a chance, and he punched out the black mist.

"It's impossible. How could you, a little foundation-building cultivator, be so similar to Nascent Soul?" Venerable Zixue was punched. Seeing Cheng Tianyi's gloomy expression full of horror, he would never know It is believed that a little foundation-building cultivator will have a Nascent Soul.

"Take your life!" Cheng Tianyi's Yin God manipulated the golden seal to directly smash Master Zixue's Nascent Soul into ashes, and then a flood of memories flooded Cheng Tianyi's heart.

It turned out that when Master Zixue was seriously injured, the heavenly demon from outside took advantage of it and killed everyone in Master Zixue's dojo with his body. Later, Master Zixue woke up.

However, he was seriously injured and killed by hand, his injuries were beyond recovery, so he had no choice but to make a game. The things placed before were all in order. The reason why the moving mountain ape was planted with a token that can be controlled is the reason It was Venerable Purple Blood, who needed a guardian after his resurrection.

In addition, Master Zixue also has a small treasury, which contains a large number of spiritual stones, spiritual materials, and elixir, ranging from the first to the fourth level, so that Master Zixue has resources for cultivation after his resurrection.

Cheng Tian, ​​who was out of the yin state, wiped off his cold sweat, and took a breath, the rest of his life!Who would have thought that Venerable Purple Blood would leave behind.

Cheng Tianyi looked out the door and heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't bring Su Ziyan in.

Then, according to the information obtained from Master Zixue, Cheng Tianyi found the backhand that Master Zixue had left for him.

It's just a stone room with a spirit-separating formation, hidden in the wall of the side hall, without any special means, probably because Master Zixue is afraid that people who are too weak to open this secret vault will not be able to open it!

Cheng Tianyi heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that there were no backhands left by Master Zixue. There are too many resources here, and Cheng Tianyi is going to find Su Ziyan to use the volley beads to put them away.

There are a million spirit stones and various second-tier, third-tier and even fourth-tier resources. Soon Cheng Tianyi brought Su Ziyan. Su Ziyan's eyes widened when he saw these resources, and he quickly put them away. Hastily left the hall, the two were worried that someone would come.

As soon as the two left, people from the Wang family and the Hundred Flowers Sect came and searched the hall, but found nothing.

Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan met Su Kunshan on the way to search for spiritual objects. Su Kunshan found the method of blood path baby formation and was about to leave Master Zixue's dojo. This is what they wanted most in the whole dojo, and now they have it.

Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan also learned from Su Kunshan that Hei Luodian reached an agreement with the five major powers of Dayan Kingdom by using the method of conceiving babies through the blood path, and now they are confronting it outside.

Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan got a lot of resources and brought their children, so they didn't dare to stay longer, and they wanted to leave Master Zixue's ashram with Su Kunshan.

"Tianyi, have you and Ziyan found an elixir called Tianye Liurongju?" Su Kunshan asked as if chatting, after all, he just asked casually and didn't give any hope.

"Grandpa, what do you want this elixir for?" Cheng Tianyi asked.

Hearing Cheng Tianyi's tone, Su Kunshan seemed to be acting, and hurriedly said: "My injury can only be healed by this elixir, if you give it to me in exchange, ah, no! Any conditions are fine."

Cheng Tianyi frowned, glanced at Su Ziyan, then smiled and said, "Grandpa, what a coincidence, we happened to find this thousand-year-old elixir, Tianye Liurongju."

"Really, really, really, really?" Su Kunshan suddenly became energetic.

"Tianyi, as long as you ask for it, your grandfather will not hesitate to go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire." Su Kunshan is excited, his eyes are full of light, this is his way!It has been 30 years since he established the foundation at the age of 150. Due to serious injuries, he has been stuck in the late stage of foundation establishment.

Hearing the news that Cheng Tianyi had Tianye Liurongju, Su Kunshan was really ecstatic.

Cheng Tianyi took out the Tianye Liurongju and handed it to Su Kunshan.

Su Kunshan was taken aback. He didn't expect Cheng Tianyi to give him the elixir so generously. It's really, a little unbelievable. A 1000-year elixir is worth nearly a million spirit stones, even though Su Kunshan really needs this elixir urgently. Medicine, also did not reach out to take it.

The affection was too heavy, and he really didn't dare to accept it.

Cheng Tian glanced at Su Kunshan and was about to speak.

"Son-in-law, I know that you are thinking of grandpa and me, but grandpa can't take it, you have to have an explanation." Su Kunshan opened his eyes and looked at the elixir in Cheng Tian's hand, and said.

"I just hope that Grandpa will come to our family often after he breaks through!" Cheng Tianyi said with a smile, Su Kunshan is a potential stock, and if he breaks through to the Golden Core Realm in the future, Cheng Tianyi will be one of the people who can help Cheng Tianyi in the Su family.

Furthermore, if they can't break through, Cheng Tianyi has also spent a lot of money to help the Su family. The Su family will definitely help the Cheng family in some matters. The current Cheng family is still very weak, and relying on the Su family can be regarded as a temporary backer. The benefits of killing multiple birds with one stone.

Cheng Tianyi can't buy favors.

In the end, Su Kunshan gave Cheng Tianyi a thousand-year-old elixir in exchange. Although it was not an equivalent exchange, Su Kunshan was already grateful to Cheng Tianyi.

The group of three quickly left Master Zixue's dojo.

The other foundation-building monks of the Su family were left in the ashram to continue searching for spiritual objects. After all, the ashram has not been searched much, and even the main control hall of the formation has not been found.

Under a mountain peak, five foundation-building monks from Heiluo Temple were attacking a black snake. The eyes of the leading foundation-building monk were shining. They found the ultimate goal of this trip, the red blood fruit, this is not an ordinary red blood fruit.

This kind of red blood fruit can be used to refine a special kind of elixir, which is a spiritual thing that Heiluo Temple urgently needs. The elixir can assist the Nascent Soul cultivator to break through the transformation of the gods.

Hei Luo Dian also consulted a large number of classics and learned that Master Zixue got a red blood fruit, so he went to Master Zixue's dojo with great effort.

This second-tier top-grade black snake was no match for the five monks of the Hei Luo Temple, and was soon decapitated by the Hei Luo Temple.

After getting the Red Blood Fruit, their mission was completed.

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