Blue Moon Fairy Way

Chapter 229, Sneak Attack, Seizing House

The two finally escaped from the pursuit of the third-order monsters and came to the foot of a mountain. This mountain was unusually huge, but it didn't have any protection.

The two fled here in a panic. There are formations or prohibition protection in other places, but there is no one here, which is not only surprising.

The two released the spirit-eating mouse, let the spirit-eating mouse open the way, and climbed up the mountain. Soon a huge palace appeared in front of them.

Hundreds of miles away, Su Kunshan and his team found the Library Pavilion in Zixue Dojo. Just as they broke through the restriction and entered the Library Pavilion, the people from Qingyunmen soon came, but they were discovered by Su Kunshan in advance.

Su Kunshan quickly searched in Zangshu Pavilion, and soon found a jade slip, which was pasted on his forehead.

Su Kunshan quickly put it away, and then the people from Qingyunmen also arrived.

Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan walked up the mountain road, and there were many precious spiritual trees around them. Most of these spiritual plants were at the second or third level. The soil clods were dug out together and sent into the volley beads. You said that although these things can be sold for a good price, it is more likely that the Cheng family has no heritage at the moment. Bringing them back to the family will increase the family's heritage. After all, this kind of opportunity Not so much.

Cheng Tianyi was also thinking about where he had gone, and why there were so many spiritual plants on the road, thirty or forty of them.

Soon, the two came to the top of the mountain, and what they saw was a huge bluestone square, but there were signs of being smashed in many places.

There are many futons on the square, which seems to be a place for preaching. Behind the bluestone square is a huge palace.

The four big characters Zixue Palace are written on the plaque of the palace. Now it is clear that the two of them have found Master Zixue's home.

Not to mention joy, now Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan were a little nervous. Master Zixue was also a Nascent Soul cultivator, and he almost entered the realm of transforming gods.

Although thousands of years have passed, there is no guarantee that there will be no backup. Now Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan hesitated. It stands to reason that this is the most likely place to put the most precious things in this dojo.

Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan lingered for a while: "Madam, let me go in alone!"

"No, husband, it's too dangerous, I'm worried." Su Ziyan shook her head.

"We still have children." Cheng Tianyi took Ling Kongzhu out of his purple mansion and gave it to Su Ziyan, patted her on the shoulder, and they hugged each other.

They've all come here, if they don't go in, Cheng Tian will be unwilling.

Then Cheng Tianyi slowly backed away from the gate of the palace, and there was a figure sitting cross-legged on the futon in the center of the palace. As soon as Cheng Tian stepped forward to take a closer look, the figure had already turned into a dry bone.

There is a case in front of the dead bones, on which there are a jade slip, two jade boxes, three storage bags, a bead, and a storage bag for animals.

Cheng Tianyi first put the storage bag on his forehead, and inside it was Master Zixue's explanation of his life. He was a casual cultivator living near the Purple Jade Mountains, and accidentally broke into the ruins of an ancient monk's cave. The monk is a blood cultivator, but he died in a treasure hunt at the early stage of foundation establishment.

Thus Master Zixue obtained the first pot of gold in his life, and then Master Zixue struggled all the way until he finally became a Nascent Soul cultivator.

He has stagnated in the Nascent Soul Realm for hundreds of years. If he does not break through to transform into a god, his lifespan will not be long. He went deep into the wilderness several times to find a spiritual object for breaking through to transform into a god, but unfortunately he found nothing.

As his lifespan was about to expire, he decided to adopt the method of transforming spirits through the blood path. As long as he had enough blood, he would be able to pass the secret technique of the blood bath and break through transforming spirits.

With enough blood essence, he would slaughter hundreds of monster beasts of the fourth rank. Master Zixue knew that he was not that capable. Thousands of them.

Ridiculous, ridiculous, relying on the blood of monsters to enter the God of Transformation is simply too ridiculous, it can only kill people, a big country has a population of tens of millions, as long as he slaughters two big countries, he will have the blood that can break through to the God of Transformation , sounds tempting, really tempting.

He couldn't bear the temptation and made a move, but when he had just slaughtered a country, the sect in charge of the Southern Region couldn't sit still. They dispatched Nascent Soul monks to encircle and suppress Master Zixue. The magic power is huge, and they are all killer moves. No less than ten Nascent Soul cultivators fell in his hands.

In the end, the cultivator of Tianyue Immortal Sect was alarmed, and he was seriously injured with only one move, and almost died. If he hadn't used the uniqueness of the blood path to escape with secret techniques, he returned to his dojo.

Master Zixue obtained a Celestial Crystal many years ago. Using this Celestial Crystal, he manipulated his dojo to hide in the void. There are followers, but when Master Zixue was seriously injured and on the verge of death, he was backlashed by the blood path technique.

Master Zixue was entered by an extraterrestrial demon and killed everyone in the Zixue dojo overnight.

Master Zixue, who had regained his sobriety, knew that his crimes were serious, so he abolished his cultivation and died together with the demon.

Cheng Tian looked at Master Zixue's life, and it was heart-stirring. It is not enviable for a casual cultivator to be able to cultivate to this level, but it is really unbearable to die from a demon in the end.

The Jade Slip also introduced what Master Zixue left behind, three spiritual treasures, six magical treasures, two rare soldiers, the inheritance skills and cheats of the blood way, three types of blood way soldiers formations, a piece of heavenly crystal, and a The fourth-rank low-grade spirit beast, Mountain-moving Ape, which only accompanied Master Zixue throughout his life, was also a spirit beast that was never killed even if Master Zixue fell into a demon. It accompanied Master Zixue all his life.

But no spirit stones were left behind, Master Purple Blood sought a breakthrough, and all the spirit stones were spent.

As soon as Cheng Tian opened the first storage bag, there were three spirit treasures inside, five magic weapons in the second storage bag, four second-level magic weapons and one first-level magic weapon, and two spirit treasures in the third storage bag. A surprise soldier.

As soon as Cheng Tian opened the first jade box, there was a token with the word "Five Sages" written on it. Cheng Tian was overjoyed. He had received one of the Five Sacred Orders before, and now he got another one.

Inside the second jade box is a piece of Celestial Crystal, although Cheng Tianyi is the first to hear about this kind of crystal, but after the introduction of Master Zixue, Cheng Tianyi knows a thing or two about it, it can break through the void , used in conjunction with the formation, the value is high. This piece of Celestial Crystal is as big as a fist. It has only been used once, and it seems that it can be used many times.

Cheng Tianyi took Master Zixue's animal storage bag again, and dropped a token into his hand. This is the token to control Master Zixue's spirit beasts. This token is the same as the Cheng family's token to control the fire-tailed crane. Very similar, low-level monks can control high-level monsters, but refining is extremely difficult, and it is generally only suitable for second-level monsters.

Cheng Tianyi felt that Master Zixue must have some ideas about the fourth-order monster.

Cheng Tianyi picked up the last bead and inspected it. It was an inheritance bead, which recorded the inheritance of the blood path from the first to the fifth order.

Cheng Tianyi's face was full of excitement, when the inheritance beads were attached to his head and wanted to leave the contents inside, suddenly a purple light pierced into Cheng Tianyi's sea of ​​consciousness, Cheng Tian felt very bad.

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