Blue Moon Fairy Way

Chapter 215, Xia Guo

Anguo recruited a large number of farmers to mine Lingshi at the junction of Anguo and Nuerguo.

In the palace of Anguo, Anyuan Emperor Cheng You, who was over forty years old, looked at the young man in front of him with a wry smile on his lips.

"Master Immortal, long time no see!" Cheng You said with a wry smile.

"That's right! It's been more than twenty years!" Cheng Tian said with a smile, holding a jug of good wine in his hand, which is a low-grade spiritual wine. Ordinary people will prolong their lives after drinking it.

"You should know what I'm here for!" Cheng Tianyi poured the wine on his own.

"I know, the Immortal Master has come to the Taimiao and told me!" Cheng You's face was covered with dead ashes, and he was obviously in a bad state. Anyone who knew that he was not good as an emperor would probably explode.

Cheng Tianyi handed the wine glass to Cheng You.Cheng You drank it down in one gulp, and Cheng You savored it for a while. For some reason, the wine became three points bitter.

"You have two choices now, the first is to stay in Shangjing, and the second is Qingyuexian Town, the Hui clan's place." Cheng Tianyi said after taking a sip of his wine.

"Since ten years ago, my throne has been useless." Sitting on the soft couch in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Cheng You said helplessly.

Cheng Tianyi nodded silently, the Cheng family took away Cheng You's rights many years ago.

"Although I don't care about these things, no one will be happy after the rights are taken away." Cheng You is not afraid of Cheng Tianyi, he is an ordinary emperor, although Cheng Tianyi is a fairy, but he also has his pride , His imperial majesty.

"Hahaha, it's best if you have no intentions, go back to Qingyue Fairy Town! No one will hurt you, take what you can and leave Shangjing!" Cheng Tianyi said with a smile.

"Hahaha, that's exactly what I want to say, Master Immortal, Anguo is counting on you." Cheng You said.

Cheng Tian nodded, and the two drank the wine in their hands again.

"In the [-]st year of the Anyuan calendar, Cheng You, the emperor of Anyuan, abdicated,"

In the [-]th year of the Anzhou calendar, on September [-]st, Cheng Tianyi ascended the throne, named the country Xia, and the first dynasty in the southern region with a monk as emperor was born.

On December [-], [-] in the Anzhou calendar, it snowed.

Cheng Tianyi, who was dressed in a black python suit, sat in the Hall of Mental Cultivation and listened to the guards read the memorial.

Xia Guo never set up official positions like Anguo did. Cheng Tianyi followed Cheng Tianzhen's opinion. In terms of politics and military affairs, he set up the upper and lower captains, the left and right prime ministers, the generals of the Habayashi guards, the imperial envoys in front of the palace, the generals of the Kunwu guards, and the demon-suppressing generals. Director General.

The upper and lower Taiwei are in charge of ordinary military power.

The left and right prime ministers are in charge of civil and military officials.

General Habayashi Guard Hussars is in charge of people's livelihood and safety in the capital.

The others were set up by Cheng Tianyi in order to control the monks, so I won't talk about them for now.

Set up six procuratorial envoys to supervise civil and military officials without real power.

Set up a cabinet, procuratorial envoys, left and right prime ministers, and upper and lower captains join the cabinet to handle state affairs.

The Jiugong Academy was established and scientific examinations were carried out.

Cheng Tianzhen said that there are tens of millions of people in Anguo, and since the outbreak of spiritual energy, there are not a few people who have spiritual roots. Now the way for the court to know whether they have spiritual roots is to practice Yinqijue. This kind of thing is very slow, which is not conducive to the cultivation of talents.

Most of the monks in Anguo are still from nine families, which is not conducive to the unity of the country.

We should set up testing formations in ten counties all over the world, and recruit people with spiritual roots to train them. Only such people can be loyal to the country, so that the country can be better unified and even developed.

The Jiugong Academy has established two schools, the inner school is divided into the Jiugong School, which trains monks, and the outer school trains mortal students.

Cheng Tianyi made a special trip to the family and invited Cheng Tianxun, a second-tier low-rank formation mage, to arrange and test the spirit root formations and the spirit-leading formations in the academy. These are first-level formations, and Cheng Tianyi required these formations The law is not very high.

Cheng Tianxun arranged for the Cheng family to have already practiced formations. The Tianzi generation, who are currently first-tier middle-rank formation mages, went to the two monks to set up spirit-testing formations all over the country in Xiaguo, but they all set up formations in the county towns of each county. In other words, all the formation money was arranged by Cheng Tian once the Lingshi came out, there is no way, there is no Lingshi in the treasury when Xia Guo was just established.

There are spiritual stones in the warehouses of the Zhenyao Division, the Dianqian Supervisory Division, and Kunwuwei, but they are their funds, and Cheng Tian will not come if he wants to.

Although Cheng Tianyi is now the emperor, currently only the Supervisory Division and the Kunwu Guard are in Cheng Tianyi's hands, and Cheng Lingyao's Zhenyao Division is still in the hands.

Cheng Tianyi didn't make it clear either, but the demon town has been in business for many years and has a lot of resources in his hands. Cheng Tianyi is also tempted, and the new school needs resources.

Cheng Tianyi himself ordered the town demon boss to pay a certain amount of taxes, and he thought his third uncle would not be very stingy.

Of course, it's not expensive to arrange these things. The spirit-testing formation method plus the spirit-inducing formation method cost Cheng Tianyi more than 1 spirit stones.

"Brother, you've spent your money!" Cheng Tianxun stood at the highest point of the Jiugong Academy, looking at the academy that was still under construction, smiling all over his face.

"Hahaha, if you do something, if you want to get rewards, you have to pay first." Cheng Tianyi smiled, and the entire Jiugong Academy was placed by Cheng Tianyi with a first-rank top-grade spirit vein bead.

However, Tianyi discovered that the Lingmai Orb had a shortcoming. The size of the derived Lingmai was only two-thirds of the natural Lingmai, which was one-third less.

However, the level and concentration of the spiritual veins can keep up, but the spiritual land can't keep up, and it can't be planted and planted without a few years.

But Cheng Tianyi heard that the Zhao family moved here for a few years, and the family's spiritual land can be planted with spiritual plants, and the spiritual field has also been reclaimed. He wants to come and visit in a few days.

"The Lingmai Orb of the first-order high-grade covers an area of ​​more than ten miles, which is enough for a school." Cheng Tian said as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Brother, Shangjing's first-level high-grade spirit veins plus spirit-gathering formation can at most be used by the second sister alone. How can you practice with your sister-in-law here?" Cheng Tianxun asked, this matter is more serious, Without the spiritual vein, monks will practice very slowly.

"Third Brother, it's all right. I've already arranged a second-rank low-grade spirit vein bead in the palace." Cheng Tianyi explained that Cheng Tianyi refined a first-rank high-grade spirit vein bead, and put it in the palace. It was promoted to the second-rank low-grade Lingmai Orb, and then arranged in the palace of Xia Kingdom to temporarily satisfy Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan's practice.

"Brother, it's only temporarily satisfying, you have to find another way, if it doesn't work, go back to the family!" Cheng Tianxun said.

"Don't worry, third brother, big brother has a sense of proportion." Cheng Tianyi said, the spirit veins born from the Lingmai Pearl cannot be promoted to the third level, and at most the second level is top-ranking. It is not a problem for Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan to practice before the Golden Elixir , I really don't plan to return to the family one day.

Cheng Tianyi chatted with Cheng Tianxun for a while, and then returned to the palace. The layout of the formation will take time, at least the school must be built well.

The current school has begun to take shape, but it will take some time to complete.

Cheng Tianxun has been living in the palace for a while, and Cheng Tianyi has not done much construction except for the construction of the academy. Everything in the palace remains the same, but the harem was canceled by Cheng Tianyi, and many ordinary luxury items were taken away by Cheng Tianyi. Get up, ready to go back and sell it for some money, the ordinary hard currency is still gold and silver.

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