Blue Moon Fairy Way

Chapter 214, Fighting

The spirit boat flew to the positions of the two armies, and the three foundation-building monks from Daughter's Kingdom were already waiting in full battle. The hundreds of thousands of troops did not come to fight, but to watch the fight. The foundation-building monks of the Shaoling Sect were afraid that the Cheng family would not admit it. According to information, the Cheng family has at least five foundation-building monks, and they are outnumbered. They are afraid that the Cheng family will backtrack, but they also want to take the opportunity to see the strength of the Cheng family.

As soon as Cheng Tian stood on the spirit boat and looked at the thousands of troops below, he frowned.

"My lord, look at the Immortal Master coming!" Marshal An Guo, who was still nervous at the moment, became excited when he heard someone shout. The arrival of his daughter, the Immortal Master Guo, put him under tremendous pressure. Don't dare to knock.

"Beat the drum" An Guo gave an order, and the ups and downs of the drums came from the Anguo army formation.

The female marshal of Daughter Country saw Anguo beating the drum, and she also made the army drum beat in her own army, and the sound of the army drum shook the sky in an instant.

The four of Cheng Tianyi flew out of the spirit boat, and the three Foundation Establishment cultivators of the Shaoling Sect flew out, landing on the opposite side of Cheng Tianyi and the four of them, with the seven imperial weapons hanging in the air.

"Three fellow Taoists, next to Cheng Lingyao, they are the foundation-building monks of my country of An, please enlighten me." Cheng Lingyao said, without mentioning the names of Cheng Tianyi and the three of them.

"My servant, Liu Baifeng, is now the suzerain of the Shaoling Sect. This is the foundation cultivator of our Shaoling Sect." Liu Baifeng said, the three foundation cultivators of the Shaoling Sect are all female cultivators.

"Liu Daoyou, do you want to win two out of three rounds?" Cheng Lingyao smiled.

Liu Baifeng nodded: "On the day of the negotiation, there was a five-to-five split. Everyone in my sect was dissatisfied, so let's make a comparison to reassure my sect!"

Cheng Tianyi looked at the three foundation-building monks on the opposite side, one had a four-story foundation, one had a five-story foundation, and one had a three-story foundation.

At the same time, Liu Baifeng was also looking at Cheng Tianyi and the four of them, all of whom were on the fourth floor of the foundation building. Liu Baifeng thought that their odds of winning were quite high.

"Since we are competing, let's be in the sky!" The following is likely to affect mortal fighters.Cheng Lingyao said.

"It's exactly what I want!" Liu Baifeng said.

As soon as Cheng Tian stepped forward, he cupped his hands: "Sect Master Liu, how about we decide the outcome in one round?"

Liu Baifeng was startled, feeling that Cheng Tianyi had gone crazy, while Cheng Lingyao was silent and smiling.

"How about me and Liu Zongzhu deciding the outcome?" Cheng Tianyi repeated what he said just now, and asked to have a one-on-one with Liu Baifeng.

Liu Baifeng narrowed his eyes, seeing Cheng Tianyi who was in his thirties, he felt like a brat.

"What do you think, Fellow Daoist Cheng?" Liu Baifeng asked Cheng Lingyao with a smile on his face.

Cheng Lingyao nodded, he still trusts Cheng Tianyi.

"Okay! The outcome will be decided in one round," Liu Baifeng told the two Foundation Establishment cultivators who arrived behind him.

Cheng Tianyi flew three points higher with her.

"Sect Master Liu, don't hold back!" Cheng Tianyi said with a smile.

Liu Baifeng sarcastically said: "You are not ashamed to speak out!" The spirit sword in his hand was flying, and the sword cut out of the air, and the spirit blades were flying.

With Cheng Tianyi's eyes fixed, the Fenling Fist was put into his hands, and dozens of fist marks were made in an instant. The fist marks and the spirit blade collided, and the two canceled out in an instant.

A smile appeared on Cheng Tianyi's face, while Liu Baifeng's expression was solemn. Cheng Tianyi's strength was a level lower than his, but he could offset her attack.

Liu Baifeng frowned, turned his hand and took out a treasured spiritual weapon fan, waved a fan around, and a huge tornado attacked Cheng Tianyi.

The smile on Cheng Tianyi's face faded away, and in the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of fist shadows again, smashing the tornado into pieces.

Liu Baifeng fanned the spirit fan with all his strength, and the surrounding wind was strong, Liu Baifeng quickly pinched his hands and thought that the temperature of the surrounding air was several layers higher.

The gust of wind, mixed with sharp blades and anger, slammed towards Cheng Tianyi.

Cheng Tianyi's aura surged, and the surrounding aura permeated. Cheng Tian punched out one by one, and the surroundings seemed to be still. A huge fist print exploded Liu Baifeng's fireball wind blade, scattered the strong wind, and smashed towards Liu Baifeng.

Liu Baifeng was startled, and hurriedly sacrificed the defensive spirit weapon, and the fist seal directly sent Liu Baifeng and the defensive spirit weapon flying. With a bang, Liu Baifeng landed on the open space in front of the formation of the two armies, spitting blood.

Several people flew down, and the two Foundation Establishment cultivators of the Shaoling Sect quickly helped Liu Baifeng up, and looked at Cheng Tianyi and the others with apprehension on their faces.

As soon as Cheng Tian put away the Fenling Gauntlet, he wouldn't be able to make any more moves. Liu Baifeng had already been defeated and suffered serious injuries.

Liu Baifeng broke free from the support of the two foundation cultivators of his sect.

"Friend Daoist is extremely powerful, I am willing to bow down, our Shaoling Sect will keep our promise." Liu Baifeng said solemnly.

"Okay!" Cheng Tian nodded, Liu Baifeng walked away with his men, and the army of Daughter Kingdom also retreated. Anguo's side was beating drums to celebrate this victory.

Cheng Tian looked at Liu Baifeng's leaving figure, and sighed in his heart, if the Cheng family didn't need the Shaolingzong to share the pressure of the beast tide, they would still want to share the spirit stone mine with the Cheng family, what a joke.

Cheng Tian and his four sent the spirit boat away, and Anguo's army also retreated.

On the way, Cheng Lingyao praised Cheng Tianyi's unparalleled strength, and the patriarch of the Shaoling Sect surrendered with one punch.

The three foundation-building cultivators of the Shaoling Sect returned to their spiritual mountain. Liu Baifeng began to heal her injuries after taking the elixir. Her injuries were not serious and she recovered soon.Fortunately, Cheng Tianyi didn't kill him, otherwise the punch would have been seriously injured even if it had a defensive weapon.

In the meeting hall of the Shaoling Sect, three Foundation Establishment cultivators sat one by one.

Liu Baifeng said: "Arrange people to mine the spirit stones. Don't make any mistakes. The Cheng family arranged for the foundation-building monks to guard where they are. We also need to arrange for the foundation-building monks to guard where they are."

"Yes, follow the suzerain's order!" The two foundation cultivators bowed back.

In the capital of Anguo, a stream of light fell on the sky above the Taimiao. The visitor was dressed in white and was over fifty years old.

Cheng Tianyi and the others stepped out of the air to meet them.

"See Uncle Fifth!" Cheng Tianyi and the others saluted respectfully.

"Why are you being polite to me, get up quickly." Cheng Lingtong said with a smile.

Four years ago, when Cheng Lingtong returned to the family, he obtained the Foundation Establishment Pill. He had been away from home for many years, and Cheng Su gave him a lot of credit. Moreover, Cheng Lingtong also had a certain chance in Qingshanfang City, and finally exchanged for two. Although the Foundation Establishment Pill is over half a hundred years old, the Foundation Establishment was successful.

After successfully establishing the foundation, he submerged in the family to consolidate his strength. Currently, he is on the second floor of the foundation, thanks to the elixir given by Cheng Su.

It is easy to cultivate in the early stage of foundation establishment, but it is difficult in the middle and late stages of foundation establishment.

"Fifth Uncle, go to the mine to garrison this time, and bring this with you!" Cheng Tianyi gave Cheng Lingtong the Lingmai Orb, and Cheng Tianxun gave him a set of spirit-gathering formations before, so that he can be anywhere The land of spirits has been cultivated.

"Okay! I won't talk to you guys any more. I'll go. There are a lot of things to deal with over there. You should arrange someone to go there right away." After bidding farewell to Cheng Tianyi and the others, Cheng Ling flew away with his envoy Fei Jian. .

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