Blue Moon Fairy Way

Chapter 210, Cheng Xuan's Story

"You you you!" Yingyu wanted to refute but was speechless.

Cheng Xuan held her down and embraced her again. This time Cheng Xuan didn't take away Yingyu's storage bag, but held her storage bag.

Just when Cheng Xuan held down Yingyu, Yingyu burst into tears.

"Woo..." Yingyu cried louder and louder, and Cheng Xuan was suddenly stunned. Although he had coaxed many girls in Qingshanfang City before, cough cough cough, but he was also confused for a while.

"That!" Cheng Xuan just wanted to speak, Yingyu hugged Cheng Xuan and cried loudly, as if his heart was full of grievances, and he wanted to cry all at once.

Cheng Xuan's face softened, and he hugged Yingyu and let her cry. At this moment, Cheng Xuan's face changed rapidly, and soon a beautiful face appeared. His appearance is very handsome and beautiful.

Cheng Xuan's face is like a fairy coming to the world, a mortal turning into a fairy, that kind of beauty is not intentionally conjured, but a natural beauty.

Yingyu glanced at Cheng Xuan, and cried three more points with a cry.

Cheng Xuan took off and landed on the branch of a towering tree. A branch of a big tree in the wilderness is two feet thick, so there is no need to worry about whether it can support the two of them.

Yingyu cried for a long time, perhaps because she was tired from crying, and fell asleep in Cheng Xuan's arms. Cheng Xuan directly opened a big hole in the tree with a flying sword, tidied it up, and set it on fire again. He took out some mattresses and blocked the door.Then he walked in with Yingyu, who was sleeping soundly, put him down, and covered him with a quilt.

On the other hand, he went out to meditate and practice, and he was alert by the way. Cheng Xuan's strength had already reached the fifth level of foundation building. He had built the foundation three years earlier than Cheng Su, and he had already built the foundation for 15 years. This speed was neither fast nor slow, thanks to Cheng Xuan's accumulation in Qingshanfang City.

He is not short of resources for the time being, and Cheng Su also gave him a lot of spirit stones, but if he wants to cultivate quickly, he needs a lot of scarce resources, which he can only find by himself.

It was not until Yuexuan was high in the sky that Yingyu woke up, and when she came out of the tree hole, she saw Cheng Xuan was meditating and practicing, her beautiful face fascinated her for a moment, and she almost fell.

Yingyu suppressed the throbbing in her heart, and walked towards Cheng Xuan step by step.

Sitting by Cheng Xuan's side, Cheng Xuan woke up from his trance and looked at her.

"Want to listen to playing the piano?" Cheng Xuan asked.

Yingyu hummed.

Cheng Xuan took out a qin, which was very simple, but there was a tiger with wings engraved on it, which was very fierce.

Cheng Xuan played the piano gently, and the melodious sound of the piano resounded throughout the night sky.

A piece of music was quickly played by Cheng Xuan.

"Don't you want to say something?" Cheng Xuan put down the strings in his hand and looked at Yingyu.

"What? Oh! You play really well," Yingyu said with a smile. After sleeping, her mental state improved a lot.

Cheng Xuan stroked the piano and smiled: "Let me tell you a story! About my story, do you want to hear it?"

"Of course I want to, you weirdo, tell it quickly, tell it quickly!" Yingyu was full of curiosity about Cheng Xuan, and when he heard that he was going to tell his own story, he quickly opened his mouth to listen.

"But in exchange, you have to tell your story and answer my three questions." Cheng Xuan asked for the price.

"Oh, you are like this, you are so boring! Alright! I promise you." Yingyu finally compromised!

"My original name was Anxuan, and I was the emperor of Anguo. You know this. I was born in the royal family of Anguo. I was the third son of the emperor at that time. I have two older sisters on my head, so I am the eldest son.

But at the beginning, I didn't have the full strength to inherit the throne, because my mother was not a queen, she was just a concubine. It was said that a poor mother is expensive, and my mother could have been a queen.

However, my mother came from a different background. She is a monk, but the origin of this monk is unknown. It's not bad to be a concubine, let alone a queen.

At that time, the queen's family controlled the government, but the queen had no heirs, not even a daughter. After my mother gave birth to me, the queen provoked a divorce from the emperor, so my mother was thrown into the cold palace. Although the cold palace was suffering, But in her eyes, I am the first.

Although my mother was a monk, she was deposed, no different from ordinary people, and was seriously injured. There was no one to treat her in the cold palace. In order to kill my mother and me, the queen sent people to watch the cold palace. Put a little medicine in.

My mother has been ill for a long time without medical treatment and medicine, and her health is getting worse day by day.

When I was two years old, my father had another son. Unfortunately, the mother of the prince died after giving birth to him, and the prince was raised by the queen.

So my mother and I became even more thorns in the queen's eyes, thorns in the flesh.

Although my mother has been ill for a long time, she still taught me to read and write, told me the story of a monk, and taught me a formula, telling me to practice hard. She told me to tell her immediately if I feel angry. In addition to teaching me, my mother Dragging my seriously ill body, I tattooed words on my clothes every day.

But when I was ten years old, my mother's body finally couldn't stand it anymore!Passed away.Before my mother died, she pulled me by the bedside, told me to let me live, and told me what a monk is, and when I become a monk, I will have the ability to protect myself, and gave me a pack of medicine powder.

It was a pack of powder that could make people go insane.

After my mother died, the queen wanted to kill me and then quickly, but fortunately the queen mother saved me. I am the prince, the emperor's child. After the queen mother knew that my mother died, the queen would immediately attack me. She saved me before .

She brought me to her palace. Although I was only ten years old at the time, I knew that my grandma was my hope of living.

I kept trying to please her, so I spent the next seven years by her side. Although she was kind and protective to me, I only treated her superficially.

I even complained about her all the time, because she didn't save my mother. During the seven years of cold and summer, I kept in mind the formulas my mother taught me. I practiced hard day and night, and finally I have The sense of aura, even I can jump on the top of the wall with a light leap, and fly over the wall.

At this moment, my grandma, the queen mother, collapsed, and her death also meant that I became an adult, although I was already crowned at the age of 16.

I was crowned king of the county and had my own mansion, and my younger brother, the queen's child, was crowned prince. In the same year, Hua Guo invaded, and my father, the emperor, marched in person. He was seriously injured and returned to Anguo.

I know that my chance is coming. What I want is not to become the emperor, but to kill the empress. First, I used the powder to make the maid beside my brother go crazy, and the mad maid killed him alive. Accompanied by the side, I made the queen go crazy and bit the emperor to death.

The general of the Royal Forest Army guarding the imperial court was originally the Queen's man. After the death of the heir supported by the Queen, I bribed him, and the mutiny happened overnight.

At that time, I had just ascended to the throne, and the throne was not stable. It happened that I heard someone tell the story of my father Cheng Su. At that time, I knew that Cheng Su was a monk. Location.

But then I killed the emperor's relatives and relatives for the purpose of cultivating immortality. Half of it was true and half was false. In addition to the pretext that the Queen went crazy and killed the Supreme Emperor, she wantonly killed those Queen's parties. "Cheng Xuan said, and suddenly stopped here, playing the piano lightly with his hand, but he was speechless.

Yingyu was stunned: "Is this the end?"

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