Blue Moon Fairy Way

Chapter 209, Cheng Xuan in anger

"What are you laughing at?" Yingyu asked puzzled.

"You man! How strange." Yingyu and Cheng Xuan have been together for a long time, and he feels that Cheng Xuan is a strange person. It's that he is very careful in doing things and makes people feel down-to-earth. Anyway, it's strange.

"Princess, I will not change my surname. My surname is Cheng because my father led me into Taoism. I said my surname is Cheng, and that is the surname I seek for Taoism." Cheng Xuan said, taking a sip from the wine bag at his waist with his backhand, This spirit wine was given to him by Cheng Su, and there is still in the storage bag, it was given by Cheng Tianyi, this wine will make you drunk if you drink too much, but it can also increase your cultivation base, Cheng Su is not willing Drink, this time Cheng Xuan left, Cheng Su gave Cheng Xuan all the wine, and there are many good things, the key is that Cheng Su gave Cheng Xuan the ghost fruit and the golden fruit.

The mother was worried about the son traveling thousands of miles, and Cheng Xuan's departure. As a father, Cheng Su could imagine how worried he was.

"Enter Taoism? Can you enter Taoism even if you change your surname?" Yingyu asked puzzled.

"Of course I can enter, why change my surname since I have already entered Taoism?" Cheng Xuan said.

"Huh, that's weird, I don't understand you, you, let me drink some of the wine in your waist?" Yingyu ate a little anxiously and choked.

Seeing this, Cheng Xuan gave the wine bag to Yingyu. Although he had been away from home for many years, Cheng Xuan didn't drink much.

Yingyu took the wine bag and gulped it down.

"What wine? It's so delicious!" Yingyu praised.

Cheng Xuan was dumbfounded.

"I'll act when it's noon, and I'll tell you that I'm guaranteed to catch it this time." Cheng Xuan didn't know whether Yingyu had drunk or was really sure.

Cheng Xuan continued to lie down on the rock, took out a straw hat and covered his face, and fell asleep.

"Do you still want your wine bag? Hello?" Seeing that Cheng Xuan was going to sleep, Yingyu hurriedly shouted.

"I'll see you off!" Cheng Xuan waved his hands, but didn't continue talking, pretending to be asleep.

Yingyu put away the wine bag, and squinted himself again. Soon it was noon, and Yingyu had already set the time.

According to the squatting before Yingyu, I found out that there are four singing beasts, polygamous, one male, three females, the female lays eggs, and the male hatches.The mother will go outside to look for food, so the chance to win jade will come.

According to her calculation, the three female crowing beasts set off to forage in the morning and come back at night, so the time to win jade is at noon.

With an angry cry, Cheng Xuan, who was still sleeping with a straw hat on, woke up instantly.

Looking at the direction of the cry, Cheng Xuan turned over and sat up, and the next moment Cheng Xuan disappeared in place.

Yingyu is fleeing in embarrassment, the strength of the screaming beast is extremely high, and the cry has a sonic attack, which interferes with the human brain.

Yingyu fled in embarrassment. Although she had many means to save her life, the sonic attack of the screaming beast was very fast and lasted for a long time, so she didn't even have a chance to use it.

Fortunately, there are many trees here, and it is in the dense forest. Yingyu moved around several times, barely avoiding the sharp claws of the screaming beast.

Yingyu calculated the distance, the egg in the nest of the screaming beast, he would not be too far away to hatch, as long as Yingyu ran a certain distance, he could escape from death.

Although she had planned well, an accident happened. One of the female crowing beasts who had gone out to look for food came back, and now two crowing beasts were chasing her.

Yingyu was seriously injured.

"Damn it! Miscalculation." Yingyu secretly cursed miscalculation!

Now no matter how Yingyu shakes them off, they can't get rid of the two crying beasts. Soon Yingyu has been severely injured. They chased Yingyu all afternoon. Seeing that the sun is about to set, Yingyu feels I can't support myself alone, if the sun goes down and the other two singing beasts come back, it's probably time to kill her.

Yingyu stumbled into a dense forest, and her injuries were worsening, but she didn't even have a chance to regain her senses. The continuous sonic attacks of the two screaming beasts had already driven her to a dead end.

Finally, under a cliff, Yingyu was blocked, her spiritual power was exhausted, and she was unable to fly in the air, let alone the imperial envoy Feijian.There is Yabi in the back, and there are two singing beasts in front, Yingyu is on the verge of death.

At this time, a hand stopped Yingyu's waist, and just as the two screaming beasts approached, they dragged her into the ground.

The two screaming beasts' attacks failed, and they attacked the cliff with a single attack. In an instant, rubble flew across, and several first-order monsters were affected for no reason.After venting, the two crowing beasts left.

Under the ground, Cheng Xuan polished a torch, looking at Yingyu who was covered with scars, his originally stern face softened.

He has been with Yingyu for such a long time. At first, he was afraid that she would be the princess of Qin, so he didn't dare to offend her. Later, when Yingyu was so powerful, Cheng Xuan obeyed her orders. Now, Cheng Xuan almost lost Yingyu and left alone. That's right, this little girl is simply dying like crazy.

"What do you think..." Cheng Xuan originally wanted to teach her a lesson, but Yingyu hurriedly said, "Hey! I've already made up my mind, and nothing will happen, but now I just miscalculated and didn't say much , no big talk!"

Cheng Xuan: ...

"Hmph, heal your wounds earlier!" Cheng Xuan dropped a sentence and went out to see if the two screaming beasts had gone far away. He was worried about Yingyu's safety at first, so he caught up with her and saw her going down the cliff He ran away, so he used the earth escape talisman to sneak into the ground for dozens of feet and opened up a cave.At a critical moment, he rescued her and took her to the cave.

Cheng Xuan got out of the ground, and found a large pit several feet deep, surrounded by rock debris, and most importantly, the cliff beside it had been flattened by more than half.

Cheng Xuan moved stones to fill up the big pit, until the next morning, Cheng Xuan finished his work and stretched himself.

Yingyu drilled out from the ground and looked at the huge pit that Cheng Xuan had filled, "What a powerful screaming beast, it flattened more than half of the cliff. Is there a pit? You filled it in, and you He is such a good person..." Yingyu praised Cheng Xuan thoroughly with a smile on his face.

This time Cheng Xuan could no longer suppress the raging fire in his heart.

"Is your injury healed?" Cheng Xuan asked with a smile.

"Not yet, such a serious injury, how could it be so easy, if you hadn't saved me yesterday, I would have died, and I haven't thanked you well, thank you very much!" Ying Yubaba He talked a lot.

Cheng Xuan grabbed her, Yingyu's injury was not good, so he couldn't beat him, so he took her storage bag with his backhand, and Cheng Xuan knew the location of Yingyu's storage bag clearly.

"What do you want?" Yingyu asked in shock.

"Princess Ying, tell me, you are the princess of Qin, what are you doing in your free time? If it weren't for you, would I be able to leave the family? If it wasn't for you, would my nephew be alive or dead? If it wasn't for you, I can fall into the land of death several times." Cheng Xuan pinched Yingyu's cheek with one hand, and wrapped his arm around Yingyu's waist, and began to pour bitter water.

"If you weren't the princess of Qin, my family, me and my nephew would be able to do this? My father asked me to follow you to take refuge in the Eastern Region. I know that the Eastern Region is hundreds of millions of miles away from the Southern Region, so I still follow you Here you go, you are fine, along the way, you are either trying to die, or you are on the way to die." Cheng Xuan's face was full of anger, and Yingyu also felt Cheng Xuan's anger.

She broke away from Cheng Xuan and snatched her storage bag. She knew Cheng Xuan was angry, and along the way, Cheng Xuan saved her many times.

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