pastoral fairy

Chapter 399

The huge branches are like a huge flat square.

An even larger tree trunk stands upright, with bright white bark like a smooth page.

The height of this page is invisible when you look up, and you can't see the end left and right.

It's like a closed space, more like a place to host some kind of ceremony.

The bird that Wen Ruhai turned into fell to the edge, not far from the entrance marked by the mysterious monk.

The key to the entrance is with the drunkard, which is the token given by the mysterious monk.

Wen Ruhai, who was standing on the edge, was silent, and seemed to be aware of the abnormality.

Huge square, mysterious and simple.

"Qinghu, has the fit monk left?"

Drunkard hides in the distance and uses a talisman to contact Long Dahai.

"I'm not sensing the other party's breath, so I should have already left."

Long Dahai didn't know whether the fit monk had really left, but he sensed a trace of the fit monk's fear of this square.

Are fit monks afraid?

It seems that this place is by no means simple. To them, it must be like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

Here in the square, Long Dahai found something familiar.

That is a layer of chaotic aura, permeating the edge of the square, and the entire square is covered by aura.

This aura, Long Dahai knew, only he could perceive it now.

"The location chosen by the mysterious monk happened to be on the edge of the aura, which is really mysterious."

Being able to discover this kind of aura, Long Dahai would not think that he was the only one with this ability.

From the location chosen by the mysterious monk, it can be seen that he should also be able to find the aura.

"Discovering aura requires a Mahayana realm?"

This is a simple conjecture, but it also made Long Dahai sure that the mysterious monk was definitely above the Mahayana realm.

When they came to the entrance, the three of them were not in a hurry.

Wen Ruhai nestled quietly among the leaves at the entrance, acting calm and calm.

The drunken man was the most careful, as he was far away from the entrance and the square.

Maybe he got what he wanted and had no other concerns, so he was so careful.

Long Dahai was not idle, and slowly approached Wen Ruhai, approaching the entrance.

He always had an intuition that there was definitely a way out of the square.

Otherwise, there is no need for the mysterious monk to let the five of them come here to die.

There are definitely powerful masters here in the square, even Mahayana monks, or there are true spirits hiding, all of which can be sensed.

This level of monks, demon cultivators or true spirits are all top-level existences in the spirit world.

Trying to play tricks is in vain.

Slowly approaching Wen Ruhai, Long Dahai didn't notice the aura of the combined demon bird, and thought he had already left.

This may be a forbidden place for birds in the tree layers!

There are countless treasures in the tree layer, full of aura and vitality.

The birds here, as long as they practice hard, and their aptitude and understanding are not particularly dull, they all have the possibility of advancing.

This is their home, their world.

Naturally, everything here is familiar to them.

Now that the combined demon bird is gone, can it contact the cultivator guarding here?

If they had been notified, they should have been found.

Coming near Wen Ruhai, Long Dahai confirmed his thoughts: the aura on Wen Ruhai's body had already combined with the aura gushing out from the entrance.

"Wen Ruhai has been exposed, and the drunken man who is contaminated with spiritual light should not be spared, but I don't know."

Thinking of this, Long Dahai sent a message in the talisman.

valley water

"Senior Drunkard, you and Brother Ruhai should have been exposed, a special aura exists in both you and him."

He decided to tell the secret of being discovered, which is something that cannot be kept secret.

Hearing Long Dahai's words, the drunken man who was hiding in the distance was very shocked, and at the same time felt that it was so.

"Qinghu, what kind of breath, have we been discovered long ago?" He asked Long Dahai.

Long Hai said: "I was able to discover this special breath only after practicing a special technique. Now it seems that there is no special abnormality. As for whether you have been discovered, I sensed it when I approached you. This breath."

He was telling the truth, but there were some things that he didn't say all the time.

Wen Ruhai interjected at this time: "Qinghu, do you want to sneak into the entrance, let us cover you?"

Long Dahai admitted his thoughts: "That's true, but I don't know if I can be seen through directly."

I have to admit that Wen Ruhai's words are straightforward, and it doesn't make much sense for the time being to worry about when he will be discovered.

As for whether he can hide it, it is uncertain, but it can be regarded as an opportunity.

The drunken old man could naturally think of Long Dahai's intentions, his eyes flashed a moment of silence, and then he replied: "In that case, then I will go there and enter with Ru Hai, Qinghu follow carefully."

After making a decision, the drunken man approached the side.

It took about a cup of tea before we came to the entrance.

Wen Ruhai had already appeared, so the drunken man didn't hide, and directly exposed his real body, falling on the big bird.

His real body was like an old man, he was wearing a gray and unpretentious Daoist uniform with long sleeves, but it fit him perfectly.

On the body of the big bird that Wen Ruhai incarnated, he was very short.

That way, Wen Ruhai looked like his spirit beast.

Sitting on Wen Ruhai, the drunkard took out the token.

The token flew out of his hand and floated on his palm.

An obscure breath came out, forming a line like silk.

The other end of the line is connected to the entrance.

After discovering the exact entrance, Wen Ruhai took a step towards it.

Not far from the entrance, the big bird with Wen Ruhai in one came there in a few steps.

"This is the entrance?"

There is no portal at the entrance, only a white line that penetrates into the void.

This kind of entrance is unreasonable for ordinary monks.

But for a cultivator who refines the void, although it is strange, he can still enter.

"Qinghu, the two of us are going to pass." The drunkard said.

Then, he turned into purple light first, followed the light, and flew into it.

Wen Ruhai followed closely behind, flapped his wings, his body turned white, and fell into it.

After the two of them went in, Long Dahai inspired his spiritual energy, wrapped himself up, and flew inside.

After he entered, the surrounding tiny leaves all flew into a light green glow.

The rays of the sun are diffuse, and the flowers grow by themselves.

A graceful phantom gradually formed at the entrance.


The beautiful woman who appeared was actually very surprised.

She saw some of the little tricks left behind at the scene.

"Interesting little guy, I wonder if you can pass the test, can you survive?"

Then she waved her hand lightly, and the influence of Long Dahai approaching the entrance just now appeared in place.

Looking at Long Dahai's appearance, she didn't find any familiar feeling.

"It's not those old things, but it's also magical and interesting."

After saying this, the surroundings gradually dissipated, and the beautiful woman also disappeared in place.

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