pastoral fairy

Chapter 398 One Dead and One Disabled!

"Qinghu, come quickly!"

After Long Dahai left the 81 leaves, he did not fly for long before he received a message from the drunkard.

"Senior Ye Meng has lost his breath, has he fallen?"

It was only when the drunkard sent the news that Long Dahai felt the abnormality in the communication talisman.

Where there were originally five people, now there are only three people left.

Ye Meng disappeared, she was with the drunk just now.

Looking at the news from Senior Drunkard, Long Dahai's thoughts changed.

Then, he replied: "Senior Drunkard, where is Fellow Daoist Ye Meng?"

"Hey!" The drunken man sighed, and then said: "Your body was destroyed, and your soul was rescued by me. Now there are only four of us left."

The news of the drunkard is in the talisman, and the other two can also know.

Losing the physical body is a big event for a cultivator who refines the emptiness.

The higher the realm, the less dependent on the physical body.

However, if you lose your body, it is a very tricky thing.

Although the dependence on the physical body has decreased, the physical body has been practiced for countless years, and is very familiar with its own cultivation and the operation of various cultivation powers.

When you reach the realm of transforming gods, you can cultivate your primordial spirit.

But the speed of that kind of cultivation is extremely slow, and it has not been cultivated in the physical body to achieve stability and safety.

If there are monks who practice exercises that have the effect of tempering the body, then the physical body will be more important.

The realm of refining the void can exist without the physical body.

Just like the Dark Rock clan, they can continue to practice after finding a shelter.

But all in all, it is smoother without the original body.

Of course, if there is a top-level substitute item entrusted to the primordial spirit, then it is another calculation.

Hearing what the drunkard said, Long Dahai didn't say anything, but quickly walked towards his position.

In order to lose his physical body, if he can get what the drunkard needs, then it must be a good deal.

Among the talismans, Wen Ruhai was also coming quickly, but he had to pass near Zhou Ruyu.

"help me!"

Things happened one after another. Ye Meng had just lost his body, and Zhou Ruyu immediately sent out a distress signal.

Then, the location information disappeared into the talisman.

Wen Ruhai immediately asked repeatedly in the talisman: "Ruyu, Ruyu!"

From Wen Ruhai's urgent call, it can be seen that there is a certain relationship between him and Zhou Ruyu.

After repeated calls, there was still no news in the talisman.

Long Dahai understood that Zhou Ruyu must have met an extremely powerful opponent, and was instantly killed after sending out a distress signal.

One dead and one disabled!

Almost at the same time, their team lost two teammates.

The two monks in the mid-stage of Void Refinement were easily defeated in this tree layer.

Ye Meng still has the possibility of continuing to practice, but Zhou Ruyu's hope of surviving is already slim.

He used life-saving means last time, but this time he couldn't survive.

Wen Ruhai immediately changed his course, wanting to go to where Zhou Ruyu was.

He is a sympathetic monk, at this time, he dared to go there, it is really deeply affectionate.

Feeling Wen Ruhai's actions, Long Dahai frowned.

"Wen Ruhai shouldn't be the one who sent him to death, maybe it's the past summoning souls."


Long Dahai, who helped the cultivator of refining the void to summon his soul, experienced the loss of several wives' bodies, so he was naturally familiar with it.

He is not surprised that Wen Ruhai, a monk, would use such means.

Sure enough, when Long Dahai was about to approach the drunkard.

Wen Ruhai turned around and approached them quickly.

"Qinghu, do you think Wen Ruhai will recruit the fit cultivator?" The drunken man's spiritual sense spotted Long Dahai's figure, and directly sent his spiritual sense to ask.

Long Dahai said: "Senior, if there is a monster bird of the fusion level, it will be a matter of time before we are discovered, and it will be more likely to deal with it with the strength of the three of us."

The drunken man said: "That is indeed the truth. If there is no mission for the mysterious monk, the old man will definitely go back."

Long Dahai remained silent, and then found a dry tree trunk growing on the swamp to rest.

After about half a quarter of an hour, Wen Ruhai finally arrived.

"Fellow Daoist Wen Ruhai, please don't stop, go to the place told by the mysterious monk."

When Long Dahai approached Wen Ruhai, he immediately sent a message in the talisman.

When Wen Ruhai received the news, his affection remained unchanged, and he said, "Got it, Fellow Daoist Qinghu!"

After Wen Ruhai left, the drunken man transmitted his consciousness and asked, "Qinghu, have you noticed something abnormal about Wen Ruhai?"

As a cultivator in the perfect state of refining the void, he didn't feel the abnormality in Wen Ruhai at all, so he took the initiative to ask.

Long Dahai passed a divine sense, and then said: "This junior is very sensitive to the five elements. When Wen Ruhai came over just now, there was an abnormal aura following in the swamp."

The drunken man continued to ask: "Is it a combined demon bird?"

Long Dahai replied: "The breath is mysterious, it should be at the level of fit."

The drunkard thought for a moment, then said: "Qinghu, do you want to go there?"

Hearing what the drunkard said, Long Dahai was not surprised at all.

In his heart, he already understood the drunken man's personality.

It is completely acceptable for him to say such words.

Long Dahai replied: "The mysterious monk must be Mahayana. Senior was able to escape under the eyes of the Mahayana monk, or did he find another exit from this cave?"

The drunkard said: "Then let's go."

After speaking, the drunken man cast a spell and followed quietly.

At this time, he showed a clean and decisive side.

Seeing this, Long Dahai could only use his skills to follow.

They had to complete this task, or they could only find other exits.

But this place is extremely vast, and there are countless things that cannot be provoked. With their strength, it is impossible to find other exits.

It took them a long time to come to Jiukeshu, but they didn't know if this was the hinterland of the cemetery.

How long and how wide is the cemetery? With their cultivation, they may not be able to find the answer.

Wen Ruhai was flying in front of him. He, who was one with man and beast, now turned into a monster bird, flying freely among the trees.

The birds in the tree layer will not attack him at all.

After flying like this for half a day, he came to a huge tree branch.

With their cultivation base, they know that this place is a tree branch, but if ordinary people come here, they will think that this place is a vast grassland.

The trunk was extremely thick, five or six thousand feet wide, and the trunk from which the branches grew was even thicker, like an endless wall.

There are very few birds here, like a forbidden place.

"That combined monster bird, came here, a little flinched!"

It seems that it is definitely not unusual for a fit monk to come over and shrink back a bit!

When Wen Ruhai saw this place, he immediately stopped and landed on a crisp and tender branch covered with small leaves.

Then, waiting for the arrival of the latter two.

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