pastoral fairy

Chapter 383 Fusion Illusion

What does darkness and snow meet?

Long Dahai felt it very clearly at this moment, the black and white color change before his eyes had spread to hundreds of miles around.

Femininity meets Destruction, wreaking havoc.

The fish-scale rocks were finally damaged several times in the destruction.

The rocks were damaged, and some did not respond, only revealing the dark rock layer inside.

These rocks illustrate that not every ichthyite has room to exist, and may not have generated yet.

And those rocks that have space exist, after being destroyed, huge fluctuations erupted instantly.

Space explosion!

Many things erupted directly, and then were suppressed by the aftermath of the battle, spraying into a small range.

The colorful things inside are completely different from the items in this world.

Some dark beasts were also broken and escaped. Those who were lucky were able to escape directly, but those who were unlucky were directly beheaded by Yu Wei.

The barrier of the combined dark beast became more and more unstable, and the joint efforts of the five Snow Clan made it difficult for the dark beast to trap them.

The monks who can come to this world have some means, and even more impressive magic weapons.

Even if the dark beast has reached the state of fusion, it is still weaker than the Snow Clan monks in terms of magic weapons.

Now the magic weapon cast by the combined dark beast can be regarded as a spirit weapon level at best, and there is still a little gap from the Tongtian Lingbao.

However, no one will underestimate the state of fit.

At this level, even in this world, as long as you don't intend to seek death, you can come and go freely.

Even multiple cut out incarnations, incarnations can grow by themselves.

With the cultivation experience and resources of the main body, the speed of improving the realm will not be too slow, even more perverted than many genius monks.

However, it is not easy to cut out the avatar, and it is easy to hurt the origin of the monk.

Ordinary body-fit monks can't be cut out casually, and it is relatively easy to use it in the middle stage of body-fit.

It is not easy to cut out the incarnation, you need to understand the meaning of the incarnation.

Whether or not the combined dark beast in front of him is an incarnation is still to be verified.

If it is a dark beast of the fusion level, even if the magic weapon is behind, taking advantage of the huge gap in realm, it is impossible to be unable to survive so quickly.

The enchantment seemed critical, but it lasted for about three days.

Three days later, a blizzard suddenly appeared, white snowflakes drifted down, and the enchantment instantly melted.

A cultivator in the late stage of Void Refinement of the Snow Clan prepared this big move and broke through the barrier that surrounded them in one fell swoop.

The barrier was broken, and the combined-level dark beast instantly activated the spiritual weapon in its hand, and now it was condensed in front of the dark beast, like a stone sword.

The sword light flew out, and with the mana of the combined state, the five Snow Clan who had just escaped from the barrier felt the danger, and activated the Tongtian Lingbao and spiritual weapon defense again.

The sword light flew towards the north of the wilderness.

In this way, a stone forest was directly destroyed, forming two ravines.

In the middle of the Snow Clan, they actually resisted.

The Dark Beast's weapon fluttered, and the sword light came again.

Seeing this, the Snow Clan found themselves passive and powerless to fight back.

At this moment, a cultivator in the middle stage of martial arts training had an ice and snow magic talisman in his hand.

The magic talisman was activated, and the surrounding sword energy instantly became sluggish.

It was unparalleled coldness, and Long Dahai's perception seemed to be close to the limit of this world.

When the consciousness fell, it was as if it was frozen, and there was no sense of detection.

Seeing this, the magic weapon of the dark beast was thrown out by him.

The black stone sword pierced through the void in an instant, and came to the cultivator who cast the talisman.

The monks in the mid-stage of Void Refinement were attacked by the state of integration, and the defenses of the whole body collapsed directly.

But when Shi Jian was about to touch his body, a white ice shield appeared.

"Filtered Illusion!"

In the center of the Snow Clan monks, a monk with a pure white body appeared.

That pure and cold appearance is not normal at first glance.

The drunken man called out his name, it was a fusion illusion.

That talisman is the treasure that condenses the illusion of fusion.

Fit phantom, that is comparable to the combat power of a fit monk.

Integrating this illusion into the talisman, this method is not only superb, but also extremely difficult.

Unless it is a top-level existence that makes talismans, plus a super-high cultivation base, otherwise it is impossible.

Long Dahai also left behind some spirit talisman jade slips with god-level attack methods, but they were all refined by him after many times of deduction and practice.

Therefore, he knew that this kind of treasure was probably left by Mahayana monks.

It will definitely take a long time and effort to create a fusion illusion.

Now the Snow Clan monks are using this method in the face of the combined level dark beasts.

Long Dahai was somewhat puzzled by what the Xue Clan said.

A dark beast of the fusion level is definitely not as precious as this talisman.

The five Snow Clan monks can break the barrier of the combined level, and they are also powerful if they want to escape.

A dark beast at the fusion level is not a reckless man, it must be extremely intelligent when it reaches this level.

Without enough benefits, they will never hunt down to the end.

Therefore, the battle between the combined dark beast and the Snow Clan monks is definitely not as simple as an encounter.

The phantom of the fusion of the Snow Clan appeared, and the magic ice shield cast at will can stop the stone sword attack of the dark beast, which is obviously coming.

Seeing the phantom of fusion, the drunkard and the others tensed up.

What comes next is the most important thing.

The combined dark beast saw that its spiritual weapon was blocked, and took back the magic weapon at random. Shi Jian was negligent, broke through the void and returned to the dark beast.

The stone sword was gone, replaced by a nine-petal black lotus that appeared at the feet of the combined dark beast.

Tongtian Lingbao!

It seems that the grade is very high. After the nine-petal black lotus appeared, the surrounding time and space became quiet.

It was a kind of tranquility in the consciousness, and the breath of destruction, as well as the aftermath of the battle, disappeared invisible.

Seeing this, the phantom of the Snow Clan's fusion also appeared a triangular ice cube in his hand.

This is the Tongtian Lingbao used by a cultivator in the late stage of refining, but it has appeared in the hands of the phantom at this moment.

"Let my people go down, this is the only requirement."

The combined phantom conveyed a divine thought, which was directly sent to the combined dark beast on the opposite side.

Even the cultivators of Void Refining don't know what this fusion spirit thought means.

The current form of the combined dark beast is the human form of the dark rock tribe.

After contemplating for a moment, he returned a divine thought: "Three people!"

The illusion of the Snow Clan said: "Okay!"

After the two communicated, a heavy snow fluttered around them, which immediately confused their consciousness and isolated them from prying eyes.

"This is a formation, if you want to break it, you can't for the time being."

Long Dahai reported the situation of the university in a timely manner.

The drunken man said: "It seems that there are still secrets here. The dark beasts of the combined level, or the people of the Dark Rock tribe, seem to hide a lot of secrets."

Xuanling Mushroom, as well as the combined-level Dark Rock clansmen disguised as dark beasts here.

All these have explained that it is not simple here.

The Snow Clan seems to know something, but this has nothing to do with the Human Clan.

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