pastoral fairy

Chapter 382 The Snow Clan Appears

A mass of black magic weapon in the shape of a hexagon was suspended in Long Dahai's hands.

"This magic weapon has gone through countless years of refining void and dark beast sacrifices, and now it is extremely pure, and the appearance of the magic weapon is naturally formed."

Like snowflakes in the spirit world, they are all symmetrical hexagons.

The basic material of this magic weapon also looks like this.

"It seems to condense the special space power of the rock space. When it is used, it has the ability to break through the void, but its main magical effect is to trap the enemy."

The handkerchief flew out, covering the space of the rock at once. The size was more than ten square meters, which did not reach the limit of the magic weapon.

"The Void Refining Beast doesn't know how to refine a magic weapon into a spiritual weapon, so the power of this magic weapon is limited."

If this is a spiritual weapon, Long Dahai guessed that it must be very powerful.

In this rocky space, it can definitely exert twelve points of power.

It's a pity that the inheritance is limited, which limits the upper limit of materials.

This is the gap between the race and the wild monks.

"When the sacrifice is successful, I will name you."

Spiritual artifacts have names, and when they return to the spirit world, they can be sacrificed into spiritual artifacts without spending too much time, and then they will be named later.

Thinking about it, this must be a rare spiritual weapon in the spirit world, and it can also be used as a family heirloom of the Long family.

In addition to this treasure, there are also those mysterious Youmian lotus flowers.

Long Dahai felt that he was really lucky to have such a harvest with two rocks.


While he was holding the handkerchief and studying the connection between it and this small space, an invisible shock came, affecting the entire space.

"Composite level battle?!"

With spatial isolation, the feeling is not real.

But he knew that this was definitely not an ordinary Xuxu cultivator fighting.

The dark beast in the late stage of Void Refinement that I met when I came to this black wilderness didn't have this kind of vibration.

"Senior Drunkard?"

Here he met a dark beast in the early stage of Void Refinement, which shows that there are actually quite a few dark beasts here.

It is also very possible to come out with a fit level.

Dangers and opportunities coexist, and there are always challenges.

After putting away the magic weapon and the precious items in this space, dark energy gushed out from Long Dahai's body, enveloping himself.

The space shook, and then he disappeared in place.

"The Green Lake should not be disturbed."

His location was shown in the talismans of the other four people, and when he came out, he immediately received a message.

This is what the drunkard said, and the other four are hiding in the nearby darkness.

In the distance, a battle broke out, which was at the combined level.

"Back then, the Snow Clan cultivators, two late-stage Void Refining cultivators, plus three mid-stage Void Refining cultivators, combined to be able to deal with a dark beast at the Fusion Realm, is really not easy."

A cultivator who transforms spirits possesses the power of space, coupled with his superb mana cultivation, he can beat a cultivator at the refining level, which may still happen.

But the state of integration, that is, the state of integration into the Tao, the strength is not the same.

The Void Refining Cultivator had no strength to fight back in front of the Fit Cultivator.

Even with the blessing of Tongtian Lingbao, the only option is to escape, and it is basically impossible to win.

The battle on the other side was dozens of miles away, and for the five of them, it seemed to be right in front of them.

"A fit cultivator is a fit cultivator. Even if it is a dark beast, at this level, it is beyond the imagination of a cultivator to comprehend Taoism." The drunken man continued to sigh.

Then the Snow Clan monks, the two minor Void Refining late-stage realms, have already used the Tongtian Spirit Treasure, and with the cooperation of the other three monks, they were not able to take advantage of the fusion-level dark beasts.

A dark beast at the combined level, the phantom of the primordial spirit seals the world, which is releasing the comprehended Taoism. In that space, the strength of other monks will be greatly reduced.

Although there were two heaven-reaching spiritual treasures that emitted supreme power, they were all dismissed lightly by the combined dark beast.

However, with the joint efforts of the five Void Refining cultivators, the Dark Beast couldn't do anything to them.

"Senior Drunkard, what should we do?" Ye Meng asked the drunkard.

Whether they want to flee, or do nothing, is a choice.

Long Dahai shook his head inwardly. When he met a dark beast of the combined level, he was still besieged by the monks of the Snow Clan. With his previous temperament, he would definitely get involved.

The drunkard looked into the distance, his face remained unchanged, and said: "Look at the situation, if possible, do what a fisherman does."

It is the best choice for the snipe and the clam to compete for the fisherman's benefit.

However, I am afraid that I will not be a fisherman.

Long Dahai felt that the mysterious mushroom aura on his body became active, and it was probably contacting the main body.

"There is a high probability that the fit monk of the Dark Rock Clan will come over."

It really felt like a group of demons were dancing wildly. Long Dahai didn't know if he, a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, could benefit from it.

It didn't take long to come to this world, but the harvest was already full.

But he didn't have much intention of retreating.

This level of battle, such a close distance, is a rare opportunity.

Although the dark beast is in the realm of one body, in the eyes of Long Dahai now, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Perhaps this is because he has the confidence to capture a dark beast in the early stage of Void Refinement alive without using three points of his strength, so that he has enough confidence in his ability to survive.

Besides, he is not a fool.

Hiding in the darkness, several flagpoles flew out and landed silently.

While fighting there, he began to arrange formations.

After the array was set up, the fight over there was still going on.

I don't know how long it will take, but Long Dahai knows that there must be someone from the Dark Rock Clan.

The news of the silent breath of the Xuanling mushroom on his body indicates that the mushroom may have come nearby, and there may be monks from the Dark Rock tribe.

There is no way for Long Dahai to inform the drunkard directly of this news.

"Senior Drunkard, I feel that there is a problem later, maybe there are other people."

Dimly informed, given the drunkard's trust in Long Dahai, he definitely knew that he would not act rashly.

The drunkard replied: "I also have some subtle perceptions, Qinghu, don't worry, there is no chance, let's withdraw immediately."

Even though the drunkard said so, Long Dahai felt that the drunkard must try.

When he came to this world, facing the opportunity of promotion and integration, how could he be willing to give up.

The Xuanling Mushroom had already let him down once, and now that a better opportunity presented itself, he would definitely seize the opportunity to kill a combined dark beast.

Long Dahai's heart turned a lot, and then he transformed into an avatar and disappeared into the darkness.

The battle at the combined level did not spread very widely.

This is because the dark beast trapped the Snow Clan on the opposite side in its own barrier, which may be thousands of miles away, but from the perspective of the monks outside, it is only a hundred miles away.

The fish-scale rock is extremely strong, and it was not damaged much during the battle.

Long Dahai carefully observed the battle and everything in front of him.

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