pastoral fairy

314 - Andrews

Black clouds covered thousands of miles, and the whole world became dark, only the mysterious darkness shrouded everything.

Rumble, boom.

Thunderclouds piled up, and the clouds began to flash with electric light, and the electric light gradually increased, forming a thundercloud full of electric currents running around, as if a bolt would fall at any time.

Thunderclouds filled the sky, and the majestic and murderous aura of heaven and earth had been formed, and gradually became stronger with the change of thunderclouds.

Five hundred miles away, the Foundation Establishment cultivator had to hide behind the high-ranking cultivator, and the Golden Core cultivator had to gather his mana to concentrate his mind and guard. Only the Nascent Soul cultivator could face it calmly at this moment.

This kind of coercion from heaven and earth is a good training opportunity for these monks, and all the monks here know this truth.

It's not common to be promoted to Transcend the Tribulation of the God of Transformation here. If you can meet this time, you know how to cherish the opportunity.

Those who were able to come here to overcome the catastrophe had accumulated impressive achievements, and many of them were people with outstanding aptitude and even more resolute minds. When encountering such a scene, they did not immediately use magic power to block it.

They looked at Long Dahai alone, dressed in a black and blue Taoist robe, looking up at the sky, as if the thunderclouds in the sky were just floating clouds.

Indomitable, fearless.

This kind of demeanor shocked the monks present.


At this time, the thunderclouds in the sky had already condensed, and a thunder calamity that condensed the power of thousands of thunderbolts aimed at Long Dahai and struck down directly.

Long Dahai was already ready, and he raised his hand to condense a flood dragon water shield to protect the top of his head.


A deafening sound was produced instantly, and the falling thunder calamity struck the shield with full power, but it failed to break through the shield's defense.

The power of thunder and lightning directly hit the past, but the shield was still intact.

Seeing that the power of thunder and lightning was approaching, Long Dahai activated his mana, and the shield turned directly into a ball of water, wrapping the residual power of the thunder calamity.


After being promoted to the realm of transforming gods, Long Dahai found that he had mastered the thunder method, and suddenly had a glimmer of understanding.

This Xuanshui method of retaining thunder was instantly mastered by him, and then he retained the remaining thunder calamity.

Taking it back into his hand, Long Dahai turned it over to tighten the storage ring.

If this kind of good thing is sold to the Nascent Soul cultivator who is about to cross the catastrophe, he can get a huge sum of money.

If you use it yourself, you can gradually improve your Thundering Root or your understanding of lightning spells in the future.

Long Dahai easily responded to the first lightning calamity.

This relaxed look made the onlookers feel stunned.

Is this the Tribulation and Thunder Tribulation?

Is this the thunder tribulation of the cultivator who transformed the spirit?

Why are you so fragile!

Everyone doesn't really think so, but they know how powerful that tall and straight figure, that black and blue figure is!

Kazama saw Long Dahai so relaxed, and the mysterious rune in his eyes changed rapidly, as if he was using a powerful spiritual eye technique.

The more he looked at it, the more surprised he was. It seemed that Long Dahai's technique of defending against the thunder calamity just now was really performed at will.

This kind of shield reminded him of the shield he used in the fight when he first saw Long Dahai.

Although the method of performing this technique has been researched, Long Dahai also explained it to him, but after advancing to the realm of transforming gods, he was able to resist the thunder calamity, which surprised Kazama very much.

It seems that Long Dahai's comprehension of spells is one step closer, and he can already mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

"Is that the realm of transforming gods!"

Kazama is also a little bit excited, the impulse for a higher realm.

But then, he kept his mind and regained his calm.

Not being in a hurry or impatient, this is the most basic thing in the exercises he practiced.

On Long Dahai's side, he had just received the thunder calamity, and then concentrated his mana, waiting for the next thunder calamity to fall.

The avatar behind him, after experiencing the first thunder calamity, became more solid, as if the power of the thunder calamity just now tempered him once.

With a thought, Huashen stretched out his hands directly, the blue water color condensed in his hands, and hazy water vapor rose around him.

The advancement of Long Dahai's sea spirit roots to the heavenly level brought more mysteries than this, but Long Dahai deliberately hid it and did not show it, only showing the level of earth spirit roots.

The avatar is condensing water vapor, and the azure light is in the hands of the three-foot-high Huashen, matching the appearance of the avatar, as if it were a god.


The second lightning tribulation also fell instantly after the avatar was condensed.

The thunder calamity flickered across the sky and the earth, and it also carried endless power, which made people feel frightened.

But the avatar had already sensed it, and was ready when the thundercloud was formed that day.

In an instant, the blue water color in his hands turned into two crystal water swords, holding them, facing the thunder calamity.

Lei Jie flew down, the water sword crossed, and cut towards Lei Jie.

With a swish, the azure light collided with the purple lightning, and a burst of spiritual energy was produced directly, and then instantly affected hundreds of miles away, and then continued to spread.

After the light flashed, the thunder calamity dissipated.

The second thunder tribulation is over!

"It's still a little bit reluctant to directly absorb the power of thunder and lightning."

Long Dahai felt his avatar outside his body, the thunder and lightning condensed in his body at this moment, making the avatar unable to move at this moment.

This time absorbing the power of thunder and lightning, he was a little overwhelmed, but the continuous absorption of lightning was also making the avatar gradually solidify and become stronger.

If the thunder calamity is absorbed this time, the avatar will get rid of the new state and grow once.

"Let's try the sword formation next."

Long Dahai thought about it, and then changed the magic formula in his hand, activated by the magic power, and the five flying swords condensed in his body flew out directly.

These five flying swords can form a Dragon Sword Five Elements Sword Formation.

Five flying swords representing gold, wood, water, fire, and earth flew out of Long Dahai's body, arranged in five places, and protected Long Dahai inside.

Long Dahai deliberately concentrated the water sword in front of him, and he was the main one, and he could use the power of water alone to activate the sword array.

Driven by the water sword, the sharp sword intent was generated, and the five flying swords were connected with each other, making this sharp and naked performance.

The surrounding sand streams were all forced back out of the sword array by the sword intent.


The third thunder tribulation, condensed longer than the first two, carried more powerful thunder calamity.

This thunder calamity is still purple lightning, which not only carries infinite thunder and lightning power, but also has the power to hurt the gods.

Good to come!

This is the first time to use the Dragon Sword Five Elements, and Long Dahai is about to test its power.

He pointed upwards with his hand, and the sword array was directly driven, turning into a sword shadow and flying out.

No fear of thunder disaster, head on.

This thunder calamity is already at a higher level than the early stage of the transformation of the gods, and it has the power of the middle stage of the transformation of the gods. Otherwise, if the power is too much, who can survive the tribulation alone?

Long Dahai's sword array counterattacked even more powerfully, surpassing the middle stage of transformation, directly piercing through the thunder calamity, causing the thunder and lightning to collapse!

That ferocious sword shadow, even after defeating the thunder and lightning, rushed into the thunder cloud with the remaining power.

Swish, boom!

In the sky, a small part of the thunder and lightning was defeated by this sword shadow, causing thunder and lightning to overflow, and several lightning lights were drawn in the sky.

Seeing this, Long Dahai suddenly felt something, and disappeared on the island in a flash.

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