pastoral fairy

Chapter 313: Realm of Transforming Gods!

The aura fluctuated thousands of miles, the breath tumbling, and the clouds and mist changing.

But this does not mean that Long Dahai can control the aura of thousands of miles around after being promoted.

It was the initial impact that spread thousands of miles away.

As the spiritual energy condensed, the cloud and mist shrank, and around the small island where Long Dahai was located, within a range of three hundred miles, a strong white mist formed.

Three days later, a thick breath appeared, and the white fog became colorful, and the sky was filled with rays of light.

This kind of dense scene, at night, illuminates the sky and the earth, printing and dyeing the universe.

This gorgeous scenery lasted for seven days.

As Long Dahai's realm gradually improved, these dense qi began to change forms.

In the beginning, there seemed to be countless fish looming in the mist, jumping up and down in the mist.

At this moment, Long Dahai was straightening out his cultivation techniques, thinking that fish were swimming in water, and this thought was reflected in the mist.

Afterwards, the technique visualization improved, and the group of fish crossed a dragon gate, growing slender fish whiskers, and the fish body also became slender.

This group of fish no longer jumped out of the water at this time, but swam quickly in the dense fog.

At this moment, the aura began to swirl around the island.

This scene continued for another seven days.

Seven days later, Long Dahai came to the golden core realm at this moment regarding the Dragon Transformation True Art that he had comprehended based on the python transformation skill.

The fish grew dragon scales, the head of the fish began to change shape, and the fins of the fish changed shape.

Another seven days.

The fish finally turned into a dragon, and in the surrounding mist, seven dragons composed of thick white fog appeared.

As soon as the flood dragon came out, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became dignified, and the clouds and mist flowed from the dragon. Even the flood dragon, when swimming, carried an aura of vicissitudes and majesty.

When the dragon was born, the low-ranking monks who were watching around suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe.

The flood dragon that occasionally appeared in the fog, but its breath, could crush them.

"This mist dragon definitely has the strength of a Nascent Soul cultivator!"

What kind of kung fu is this man who has crossed the catastrophe! !

Many monks have never heard of this phenomenon of dragons born from mist after crossing the catastrophe.

Of the people here, only Feng Jian frowned, and thought in his heart: "This Qinghu, as expected, has acquired an ancient technique, and this kind of change in promotion, even the Aolong family of the Zhenlong family, has never had such a change." through such a scene.”

When the Long family of the Zhenling family crossed the catastrophe, it transformed itself into the form of a dragon or a real dragon.

This kind of aura that makes the promotion condense turns into a change like a real dragon, but it has never been heard.

The disciples of the Taixuan sect behind him were also watching intently at this moment. This mysterious change opened their eyes.

"At the end is the key."

When this kind of flood dragon comes out, everyone knows that whether it can advance or not depends on the next seven days.

Seven flood dragons emerged from the mist, and as time passed, the flood dragons actually began to merge!

A flood dragon that first merged, after being watched by Long Dahai, the body of the dragon began to fluctuate like water.

Suddenly there is spirituality, and then fusion begins.

One is fused a day, and the aura continues to improve as the fusion begins.

By the sixth day, the dragon's aura had already reached the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm, and even some early-stage cultivators might not be able to match it.

"This method of swallowing the form is not considered the first, but it is the only one to swallow the dragon."

Long Dahai's heart is calm at this moment, and he is only one step away from advancing to the realm of transforming gods.

The transformation of spiritual consciousness into divine consciousness requires the Nascent Soul to transform into a god, so that the Nascent Soul can truly have the means of attack, instead of being used as a means of protection in the body like in the Nascent Soul Realm.

In the Nascent Soul realm, the Nascent Soul in the body seldom fights directly, the main thing is to drive its own physical strength.

The change of spiritual consciousness starts from Yuanying, and when it turns into divine consciousness, Yuanying can also form a monk's unique incarnation outside the body.

Concentrate the divine consciousness, emerge from the incarnation, and achieve the realm of transforming the gods.

At this moment, Long Dahai, Spiritual Consciousness and Nascent Soul are all at their best!

The seventh day, night.

The fog has returned to calm, but everyone knows that there is a dragon inside.

The moonlight sprinkled the moonlight, and the colorful atmosphere scattered gorgeous light.

It was silent, but there was a kind of calm before the storm.

The sky was clear, and the clouds and fog disappeared at this moment.

But in the middle of the night, the water vapor rises thousands of miles away, and the sky suddenly rises!

In an instant, thick clouds enveloped the sky, making the world as black as ink.


The rain poured down and fell straight down.

The thick fog with a diameter of six hundred miles gradually dissipated.

When the fog disappeared, a flood dragon shining with colorful rays of light slowly flew up into the sky from the water until it entered the clouds.

The fog cleared, and Long Dahai's figure also appeared amidst the wind and rain.

He took a deep breath, which didn't cause any changes in his surroundings, but just relieved his mood.

Afterwards, he changed his hands and said the magic formula in his mouth. Cooperating with the mana gushing out from his body, Long Dahai began to make the final impact.

The mana emerged, and the heavy rain around him also began to stop. Among the clouds, a silver-white figure swam quickly among them.

The rain is starting to stop and the clouds seem to be changing.

Youlong absorbs water!


Long Dahai felt that everything was in the best condition, and he didn't have any distracting thoughts in his heart, so he directly pulled Jiaolong down.

Jiaolong wandered in the clouds, and then came to the top of Long Dahai's head, and then fell directly.

When the dragon fell, behind Long Dahai, a vague figure appeared, faintly whistling, not real.

Long Dahai didn't open his mouth wide to swallow, but in a form of swallowing.

Jiaolong came to Long Dahai's body, melted directly, and merged into Long Dahai's body.

This power, comparable to that of a cultivator who transforms spirits, merged into Long Dahai's body, directly making him break through the bottleneck of Nascent Soul.

In an instant, the consciousness condensed and an avatar was born.

Just now behind Long Dahai, there were some faint figures, but now they became clear.

It was an avatar who was three feet tall, with blue-black hair and blue eyes.

The bodyguard is naked, but there is another layer of blue water vapor surrounding it, which is vague, making it hard to see clearly.

This is the incarnation outside the body, a kind of supernatural power that can be comprehended by advancing to the Nascent Soul realm.

Once the avatar comes out, it means that Long Dahai has successfully advanced!

Rumble, boom!

After Long Dahai's realm was promoted to Transformation God, the thick clouds in the sky gathered again, but this time it was the change of heaven and earth, the clouds of thunder disaster.

"So that's the case, this Thunder Tribulation seems to be able to see through some clues."

After advancing to the realm of transforming gods, Long Dahai's condensed spiritual consciousness is more subtle than spiritual consciousness, and it also has many wonderful functions.

Feeling the thunderclouds in the sky that day is also clearer than before.

However, this change is only a slight improvement for Long Dahai, who is now in the realm of transforming gods.

After reaching the realm of transforming gods, Long Dahai saw the world in front of him even more differently.

Today, he feels good and has sufficient confidence in the face of Lei Jie.

"This formation has actually slightly weakened the power of Thunder Cloud. It seems that there are still many things I don't know about this Holy Land of Transcending Tribulation."

Long Dahai didn't touch the guardian formation five hundred miles away, but he could still feel the guardian effect.

Rolling thunderclouds came, and he stood on the island without fear, facing it calmly.

Thunder Tribulation is a kind of postgraduate entrance examination, it is impossible to go beyond his realm too much, otherwise no one can survive the Thunder Tribulation.

Today, even though he has just advanced to the realm of transforming gods, he is still stronger than some monks in the early stage of transforming gods.

Facing this thunder tribulation, he was full of confidence.

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