pastoral fairy

Chapter 304 The Secret of the Secret Realm

"This giant python should have mutated from the grass-yellow snake, and it has changed because of this secret realm. From this point of view, there are still many secrets in this secret realm."

There are many monsters here, especially those that can transform into dragons.

Perhaps there was such an intention when the secret realm was built.

Long Dahai didn't know how to build the secret realm and what effects it had. He just learned about it briefly in the book.

A mid-Gold Core monster doesn't have to do it himself.

"Little Eagle, catch that big snake."

Long Dahai released his spirit beast, the giant black-clawed eagle.

Now it can transform into a human-shaped black shadow, fly out of the spirit beast bag, and immediately transform into a black flying eagle about the size of Zhang Xu, and then fly towards the location of the bronze giant snake below.

Here, the water vapor is permeating, which has a certain impact on Xiao Hei's strength, but it is not very serious, only the air-forbidden formation is a trouble for Xiao Hei's flight.

However, it is not difficult to deal with a mid-stage golden elixir giant snake with the perfect state of the little black golden elixir.

Xiao Hei has many names, Hei Ying, Black Hawk, and Xiao Hei all have black characters.

Just like his change, it turned into a black shadow and descended in an instant.

The giant snake sensed the approach of the enemy, and immediately raised its head, saw a black eagle flying over, and breathed out directly.

Xiao Hei spun and changed direction, breathing down next to each other.

The giant snake breathed out, revealing its bloody mouth, wanting to swallow Xiao Hei in one gulp.

Xiao Hei flew into the mouth of the giant snake by the way, ignoring the poison inside.

The giant snake's skull should be hard, and the slime inside should be highly corrosive, but after Xiao Hei fell into it, all of the things inside were not dangerous to him.

His black energy directly wrapped around his body and hit the giant snake's throat.

The huge power, coupled with the piercing and corrosion of the black aura, directly penetrated the back of the giant snake's head.

Only at this time did the giant snake close its huge mouth, and the severe pain caused it to roll over.

The black shadow that came out of the hole directly transformed into the original god, and the huge claws were extremely clawing towards the neck of the giant snake.

The giant snake, which was in severe pain at this moment, wanted to resist, but under the attack of the black shadow, it had no power to fight back.

The giant snake does not underestimate the enemy, but has no concept of the enemy's strength at all.

Xiao Hei cut off the giant snake's head directly with his sharp claws, and then turned into a black-haired boy, waiting for Long Dahai to come over.

Long Dahai landed, stretched out his hand to take out the golden core of the giant snake, and then froze the snake by the way.

This bronze-colored big snake is very huge, and it can be eaten by the family's body-training monks, and it will definitely have a good effect.

"This golden elixir condenses two kinds of spiritual energy, water and soil, and also has a strange aura, presumably it is the power of the strange bloodline possessed by this giant snake."

Most of the giant snake's blood power is concentrated in the golden core, and Long Dahai can feel the unusualness in it, and he still needs to study the specific magical effect.

"Xiao Hei, you leave a part of this giant snake and take the rest away."

Xiao Hei doesn't like to appear in a human body, after all, this is not a real body, but a transformed fake body.

He likes to have his own, but in most cases, he can only spend his days in the spirit beast bag.

Going back this time, Long Dahai will let Xiao Hei and Xiao Xue return to Longshan to practice.

With Xiao Hei's cultivation speed, maybe within a few hundred years, he can try to advance to the Nascent Soul realm.

Long Dahai handed a storage ring to Xiao Hei, and then transformed himself into a breeze, and came to the giant mountain where he once avoided the giant snake.

There are many big trees growing on this giant mountain, many of which are spiritual materials.Collecting all of them is also a huge harvest.

But here, there are not many appearances collected. It seems that the monks who came in are not very strong.

"Xiao Hei was not driven away by the secret realm. It seems that this is all because of the ring in my hand."

When Xiao Hei made a move just now, Long Dahai felt the changes in the surrounding aura, but in the end, the aura did not condense. From this point of view, it was because Xiao Hei had his own aura.

"In this secret realm, I am now the same as the master, except that I cannot control the secret realm."

Not being rejected by the secret realm, Long Dahai is an existence that can show the highest cultivation level in this secret realm.

In this case, if someone with a heart uses the formula, he will definitely be able to know his specialness, and thus push out that he has a magic weapon that can communicate with the secret realm.

Owning a secret realm is what every big family wants!

If you don't have absolute strength and show it, it will be a disaster.

Long Dahai has also heard about the means of the big family. Although it is bound by the Immortal Alliance, in this world of cultivating immortals, there are too many means to ruin a family.

Long Dahai must be cautious, maybe there is an old monster of Huashen hiding in it.

The thousand-year-old murloc can come in, and other monks shouldn't have any difficulty.

Coming to the mountain, following the previous path, Long Dahai came to the cave where the bones and exercises were found again.

There have obviously been latecomers here, and there have even been fights, but the surrounding rocks are extremely strong, and have become a kind of spiritual material for countless years.

The traces left in it show that the fighting here was once very fierce.

"There is nothing special here, nothing special, but the concentration of spiritual energy has increased a lot compared to before."

Long Dahai thought that there would be other secrets here, but this place seemed to be a simple cave created by that corpse.

Countless years ago, perhaps this cultivator didn't value spiritual energy in his cultivation, so he didn't look for a place where spiritual energy gathered.

This made Long Dahai inevitably a little disappointed. After being disappointed, he collected some surrounding rocks with magic weapons.

Maybe you can find some clues from the things that have gone through thousands of years.

Leaving this cave, Long Dahai continued to move towards the cave he had never been to before.

There were also some monsters among them, but they were all easily beheaded by Long Dahai, and they didn't meet any powerful guys.

Here, it seems that it has been cleaned up. It seems that all the things here have been found by monks over the years.

In the belly of the mountain, Long Dahai searched for a long time, only found some spiritual materials, and found nothing else.

"It seems that it's not the right time. This time, the biggest harvest may be that strange bronze-colored giant snake?"

Thinking of this, Long Dahai was a little unwilling, and then came to a hidden cave, and arranged a hidden formation.

Here, he inspired the Nascent Soul in his body.

The surge of mana was exactly the manifestation of the Nascent Soul realm, but the fluctuation was not large, and was controlled by Long Dahai within the range of the formation.

At this time, the rules of this secret realm came into being, and the mighty power of heaven and earth began to entwine towards Longhaihai.

Even if he had that unknown ring, he still couldn't completely resist the entanglement of Wei Li.


The ring was passively activated, Long Dahai sensed it all the time, and found a feedback linking with the ring!

This shows that there is a special place in the secret realm, and now he has found this place!

The secret realm shouldn't be like this, even if it's declining, it shouldn't just be a monster in the golden core realm, existing indiscriminately.

You must know that the secret realm can only be opened when you reach the realm of integration, and it is not easy.

The realm of fusion is the top existence in the spirit world. How can the secret realm they opened up be so low-level now!

There must be a secret!

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