pastoral fairy

Chapter 303 Returning to the Secret Realm

After reminiscing about the past, Long Dahai came to Mengzhuang Township.

This is where the dream started. Looking at the still beautiful scenery on both sides of the road, I felt quiet and peaceful.

Back to the courtyard where I used to live, it is still so familiar.

Here, there are too many traces.

"Meet the ancestors."

Now guarding the manor is a foundation-building cultivator of the family. This is the great-grandson of Long Dahai and the grandson of Long Xiaoming.

This guy Long Xiaoming is now a Golden Core cultivator, with a full house of children and grandchildren, and today's children and grandchildren even account for one-fifth of the family.

He made great contributions to the prosperity of the family.

"How is the family doing now?"

Long Dahai looked at the row of grandchildren standing in front of him, and asked Long Wei, the village lord.

Long Wei stepped forward and replied: "Back to the ancestors, everything is safe in the village now, it has been peaceful for decades, and the income from the greenhouse is stable. The clansmen in the village practice hard, and their cultivation has improved rapidly."

Long Dahai looked around at the clansmen in front of him, and found that the children of these clans had a very good temperament, and their expressions were stable, and there were no random cultivators.

He nodded in satisfaction, and said: "My ancestor, I'm only here for a few days this time, so you don't have to be cautious."

Long Dahai watched these children sit down, and then said: "Tomorrow morning, Long Wei, you call all the monks and body training people in the village to the place where they practice boxing every day. The ancestor has some arrangements."

Long Wei replied: "Old Ancestor, the child takes orders."

Then he left with his tribe.

Mao Xiaoyi and the others knew that this place was where Long Dahai had lived for a long time and was the village owner for the first time, so they were very curious about it.

Long Dahai took his two wives and walked all the places around Zhuangzi.

Tasting the fine wine of Xilin Winery, eating lingonberry and drinking honey, it is also very pleasant.

That night, Long Dahai ate stewed mutton with black melon. This familiar taste was memorable.

When Long Dahai arrived at the training ground the next morning, there were already hundreds of clansmen waiting here.

He let the clansman sit cross-legged, and then threw out a piece of clear light, covering the clansman.

This is the water spirit root technique mixed with a little chaotic aura, which can improve some cultivation bases, and can also improve the aptitude of these low cultivation bases.

However, this change is slow compared to Long Dahai's depletion method.

But this time, within a year or two, the casting of the spell can also improve the spiritual root or aptitude of these clansmen.

As for the size of the improvement, it is based on the degree of hard work of these children. The harder they work, the faster they can absorb the spiritual energy left in their bodies to change their own aptitude.

This kind of aura technique, Long Dahai called it Qinghui aura.

If the chaotic aura is sufficient, it doesn't take too much energy.

However, Long Dahai had a faint feeling that if he consumed too much chaotic aura and extracted too many spiritual veins, bad things would happen.

"If you go to the virtual world, if you have enough chaotic aura, you can collect more."

The clear spirit energy this time was just an attempt. After using it, Long Dahai felt that the effect was good.

Leaving his two wives in the village, Long Dahai left by himself and went to Dahong Lake.

After reaching the Nascent Soul Realm, he soon came to Dahong Lake.

The secret realm still exists, covering the Great Hong Lake.

According to the great-grandson's understanding, this Dahong Lake has been visited by monks over the years, and the secret formations have begun to dissipate year by year.

Now, this secret realm can be entered with the cultivation base of Jindan early stage.

Long Dahai lowered his cultivation base to the early stage of Jindan, wanting to see if he could get in.

But at a gap in the secret realm, if he wanted to enter the secret realm, he felt a strong resistance.

If he wants to force his way into it, it seems that he is an enemy of the entire secret realm world. This is something he cannot do, and forcing his way will only fail.

At this time, Long Dahai felt the ring he was wearing in his hand, and a spiritual energy gushed out, and this spiritual energy merged with the entire secret realm, and then wrapped him in it.

Then, he came to the secret realm.

"The concentration of spiritual energy has increased!"

Entering the secret realm, the first thing Long Dahai felt was the abundant aura in the secret realm.

This kind of secret realm is not something that ordinary monks have the opportunity to come into contact with. It is only those monk families with a state of integration that will try to build it.

Some natural secret realms are even more precious, because there must be treasures that surpass heaven and earth in the secret realms.

This secret realm should be an ancient secret realm, which contains the bones of the ancient cultivator and the book of exercises.

In addition, the most common ones are the monsters in the secret realm.

Now coming in, Long Dahai found that besides many monsters, there were also many spiritual plants and elixir.

In many places, only the stumped roots of the elixir remained, which seemed to have been collected by the monks.

Of course, many of the monsters here are very strong, and most of them are Jindan cultivators.

Some initial cultivation bases are not dare to be presumptuous here, and only a few people can cooperate to explore here.

Long Dahai didn't need to release his spiritual consciousness, but he felt the spiritual energy fluctuations of fighting in the distance.

Going to the spiritual sense, I found that there were three human monks cooperating to fight a buffalo-like monster.

The buffalo has rough skin and thick flesh, and its cultivation has reached the middle stage of Jindan.

The three human monks used magic weapons of the fire attribute to attack in turn, but they did not cause too much damage to the buffalo monster.

"The monster you chose is really good. There are no other monsters around. It's alone. If you spend some time, you may be able to take it down."

Long Dahai saw through the situation instantly, but he had no intention of intervening.

Turning into a ray of breeze, he headed towards the cave he had gone deep into.

On the way to the cave, Long Haihai released his spiritual consciousness to look for the bronze-colored giant snake he had met before.

The color of that giant snake is extremely unusual, presumably it must have some ancient blood.

This is a good thing. Refining the blood of the giant snake may improve one's physique again.

And things like giant snakes are of great help to the cultivation of fish and dragon skills.

"I found you, and your vitality is quite tenacious. Whoops, it's actually reached the middle stage of Golden Core."

Compared with the human race, the cultivation of monsters is relatively slow to improve, but they also have a long lifespan.

Absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, tempering oneself, and constantly advancing, this is a simple overview of their cultivation.

This giant snake looks like a species with a long lifespan, but in such a short period of time, it has actually advanced to the middle stage, which shows that it has a good qualification.

The breeze that Long Dahai turned into turned towards the giant snake.

After Long Dahai approached, this bronze-colored giant snake suddenly opened its huge eyes and fixed the direction where Long Dahai was.

It seemed to see through where Long Dahai was.

"Does this have a spiritual eye, or can it sense a certain range of space?"

For the observation behavior displayed by the giant snake, Long Dahai was very pleasantly surprised.

This kind of supernatural power, he wants to learn!

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