pastoral fairy

Chapter 301 Leaving Taixuan

Long Dahai's social skills can only be said to be average, but today he has to thank Kazama.

That night, he, Feng Jian, Huo Yong and others had a big meal at a relatively famous monk's restaurant in Taixuan City.

After half a day of contact with the wind, Long Dahai found that he could not see through this master student of the Tai Xuan Sect.

This is an extremely stable person, who rarely reveals his true emotions when doing things, but between words, people still don't feel a sense of isolation.

The most important thing is that Long Dahai can't feel what kind of spiritual roots Kazama has and what kind of skills he is practicing.

After Long Dahai returned to his residence, recalling Kazama, his first feeling was that this might be the future head of the Taixuan Sect, who might become a legend of the generation.

"Maybe, he saw through something, but didn't say much."

Long Dahai didn't think that the skill he cultivated [Fish and Dragon Seven Revolutions] was the best in the world. Among the human race, there must be a skill comparable to it, and maybe even more mysterious.

It is normal to be able to see through one's own skills and some mysteries.

What's more, this is the city where the emperor sits, where fish and dragons are mixed, and there are always high-ranking people.

He needs to be careful.

"After getting Yanyu, teleport to the next city, go north a little bit, and return to Fish Dragon City after ten years."

After making the decision, Long Dahai returned to the house, took his two wives with him, and began to practice double cultivation.

Most of this dual cultivation is to help his wife improve her cultivation and state. For Long Dahai, the improvement of his cultivation is not much more than his own cultivation.

However, this kind of dual cultivation is not bad when you have enough soul essence, but when you encounter a bottleneck, you don't have time to teach your wife a higher level of understanding.

After being promoted to Nascent Soul, Long Dahai has enough time to spend time with his wife and spend time and energy. On the premise that he didn't let his cultivation fall behind, he still enjoyed this process very much.

After losing Huang Hanling, Long Dahai paid more attention to the cultivation of his other wives.

In the next 300 years, he will lean towards this point.

Accompany your family and children, keep your heart quiet, and understand the changes in everything. These are also the essays of a monk who transforms gods in the book.

Refining the state of mind, reaching the normal state, and then the Nascent Soul transforms to become a cultivator of Huashen.

Long Dahai was only in the early Yuanying stage, so he didn't have an intuitive concept of the realm of transforming gods.

After getting the Burning Sky Flame Jade and watching the illusion of transforming gods, maybe there will be a feeling in my heart.

The next day, the sun was shining brightly, and there was a faint fragrance in the air.

The waiter said it was the fragrance of the purple roses in the city, light and refreshing.

This allows many monks who have morning exercises or colorful exercises to better concentrate their minds.

These purple roses have become purple rose trees, which are planted on both sides of the main street in the city.

Under the nourishment of the spiritual veins in the city, these tree species, which were originally only second-level spiritual trees, have now reached the standard of fourth-level spiritual materials.

Among these ten-thousand-year-old trees, there is even a rumor that there is a purple rose flower fairy, a tree spirit who feels that he has become a spirit. It is rumored that he has the cultivation of a body, and now he is a friend of the current emperor.

The longer you stay in Taixuan City, the more you can feel the extraordinaryness of this city that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years.

The bits and pieces, the minutiae, are not comparable to a newly established city.

"Husband, this place is really suitable for living."

Huang Hanzhi came outside the inn, looked at the purple flowers, smelled the faint fragrance of the flowers, and was very touched.

"When you advance to Nascent Soul, your husband will accompany you to live in Taixuan City for a hundred years."

Long Dahai also likes these quiet days, but since he has embarked on the fairy road, he has no time to sneak away.It is good to come to Taixuan City to clean up and practice here. Here you can visit experts and get many cultivation resources.

But the premise of these is that there are enough spirit stones to support them.

Living here is not cheap.

Kazama's work efficiency is very high, and at noon, Zhitian Yanyu brought it over.

The price of this rare material is more than a million spirit stones, but in the hand, it is more like a red ten.

"This is Sunburn Yanyu's self-disguise. You can sense the situation inside this ordinary body with your spiritual sense, but you need to be extremely careful when sensing it for the first time."

After listening to Kazama's introduction, Long Dahai penetrated his spiritual consciousness into the jade through his body.

It's scorching hot, like steaming, but if this kind of sweating affects mortals, it will directly turn into ashes.

Long Dahai was feeling the changes of Sunburn Yanyu, and Kazama was also observing him.

This kind of natural material and earthly treasure, surpassing the world's good fortune, although it is not considered a good fortune, but the effect is not too much.

A Nascent Soul cultivator sensed the Sunburning Flame Jade. If he was not careful for the first time, he would suffer a dark loss.

He had already reminded Long Dahai, but Long Dahai's spiritual consciousness fluctuated just now, and he didn't feel that he was too careful.

When Long Dahai's induction started, Feng Jian began to be surprised that Long Dahai didn't change.

"Sure enough, the cultivation base is hidden."

After about a quarter of an hour, Long Dahai finished sensing.

He sighed in his heart: "This is really a good thing, no wonder the Nascent Soul cultivator can't use all the mysteries in it, there are really some things."

After the induction was over, Long Dahai felt his spiritual consciousness, as if it had been hit by a hammer, it became weaker, but more pure.

This is a change that he has never sensed before. If he uses the Sunburning Flame Jade to refine his spiritual consciousness, it can increase its strength.

This is already a great improvement for monks.

"We must find another piece in the future. If this piece is used, Han Ling will not be able to use it."

There are many ways to increase the strength of tempered spiritual consciousness in the future, so there is no rush now.

With this piece of Yan Yu, it is possible to try to raise the fire spirit root to the level of the earth spirit root.

Thanks to Kazama, Long Dahai came to Taixuan Bi Arena in the afternoon.

Here, he was teleported into a valley, and then here, he observed three illusions of transforming gods.

The three phantoms correspond to the cultivation in the early, middle and late stages of the transformation of the gods, which seems to be specially arranged.

Long Dahai naturally understood the meaning of it.

While watching, Long Dahai seemed to be in the midst of a competition.

However, these three competitions are all literary competitions. Although the competitions are very exciting, they are not intense.

But this was enough for Long Dahai to learn and comprehend. Long Dahai still couldn't figure out many of the mysteries, but he remembered those movements in his heart.

At the later stage of Nascent Soul, it can be used for research.

"Fellow Daoist Qinghu, when your cultivation level reaches the late stage of Nascent Soul, you can still come to the arena. The rules of the arena will not change, but it will definitely not be difficult for fellow daoists." Feng Jian came out in Long Dahai After that, talk to him.

Long Dahai said with a smile: "If there is an opportunity in the future, I will definitely come here. This is a rare opportunity."

After watching, Long Dahai bid farewell to Fengjian and stayed away from Taixuan City.

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