pastoral fairy

Chapter 300 Sunburned Flame Jade

Stop abruptly, the fight is over.

This made all the audience present a little surprised!

This is a contest between Nascent Soul cultivators, and under normal circumstances, it will last at least an hour.At the longest time, the competition reached the maximum time of three hours, and then the competition was terminated by the competition field.

But how long?

Just a few breaths!

However, it's really exciting!

But this splendor is for those monks who can understand the fighting process.

"What kind of spell is that?"

"Why did the jade tablet suddenly shatter!"

"Is it really the same realm?"

The monks present were all shocked by the strength displayed by Long Dahai. Even the proud son of the Taixuan Sect, many of them were puzzled.

"Senior Brother Taiyuan, you must have understood that Long Dahai's technique. What's going on?"

A monk in the late stage of Jindan, with doubts, asked a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul in dark yellow clothes who was thinking.

The other monks around also turned their attention to this senior brother named Taiyuan, who was of the Xuan family of the Taixuan sect.

Taiyuan frowned at the moment. The water shield, water shield rope, and a water line that Long Dahai showed just now are all very common and basic techniques.

However, in the hands of Long Dahai, these simple techniques have endless magical effects. When the opponent in the same realm is strong, he can easily trap the opponent's natal magic weapon, and smash the protective magic weapon inside through the shield. jade plaque.

This is amazing.

Although he has a pair of spiritual eyes, he only sees that Long Dahai should have the earth spirit root of water spirit energy.

However, when the water spirit root reaches the stage of the earth spirit root, it does not have such a mysterious effect.

He shook his head and said: "This monk from Qinghu is worthy of the name of a magic genius who is rare in a thousand years as defined by the Immortal League. Go down to find Senior Brother Kazama, watch the phantom, and find the mystery within it."

The distance of the illusion is closer, no more than the protective formation of the arena, and some details can be seen from it, and these details allow some geniuses to deduce the method of Long Dahai's magic.

This is the background of the great sect. Just these multi-levels that can improve the spell can make the disciples in the sect much better than the monks of the same age.

After they finished speaking, Huo Yong also slowly fell from the sky, and then retracted his natal flying knife.

The flying knife was trapped in water, and its spirituality was slightly lost, but there was no problem with the flying knife itself.

After landing, Huo Yong was a little disappointed, but knowing the gap between himself and the other side, he was calm.

He is not someone who can afford to lose.

"Fellow Daoist Long, I lost, and I am convinced of the loss." Huo Yong said with a smile, a little bit bitterly.

Long Dahai returned the salute with his hand, and then replied: "You Daoist Huo, your strength is remarkable, so you don't have to care too much about winning or losing a fight."

This monk is very free and easy, and Long Dahai felt that this competition would leave a deep impression on him.

If it is adjusted well, there will be a promotion effect in the future, otherwise it is very likely that there will be demons.

Huo Yong understood what Long Dahai meant, and said: "It is my luck to be able to compete with Fellow Daoist Long. The name of Fellow Daoist Long will definitely be heard in the human race after ten thousand years. At that time, when I mention this experience, I will definitely Make many people envious."

Long Hai said: "Haha, the name of a genius is common, but there are not many monks who can resound through the human race. I will borrow the good words from my fellow daoists and have a good time with my fellow daoists."

The ten thousand years Huo Yong said meant that he believed that Long Dahai would definitely be able to advance to the Void Refining Realm.

The lifespan of Huashen is [-] years, and only the realm of refining the void can live to [-] years.

And every Xuxu cultivator is the mainstay of the human race. It can be said that many of them have made outstanding achievements and become governors guarding one side.

The two chatted happily and walked out of the arena together.

Kazama was waiting in front of the room of monk Long Dahai with a smile.

"Two fellow daoists, this competition is really exciting, and the poor have gained a lot." Kazama is still the same, but the smile on his face is more real.

Huo Yong smiled bitterly, and then said: "Speaking of gains, there are indeed a lot."

When Long Dahai walked into the room, the two wives were already there to greet him.

After Huo Yong and Feng Jian took their seats, Feng Jian praised Long Dahai, and said, "Friend Long Daoist, there is a special place for you to watch, if you need to watch it, you can come to me at any time."

Long Dahai said: "How long will it take to compete against illusions, do you need any special preparations?"

Kazama replied: "It's nothing special, it's just that it's forbidden to release mana and make loud noises while watching."

Long Dahai nodded, and then said: "Tomorrow there is an auction that needs to be attended. After the auction, I will be in touch with Fellow Daoist Feng Jian."

Tomorrow's auction, Long Dahai must participate.

In the auction, there is an item that he must get.

That is the Sunburning Flame Jade, an extremely rare fire attribute material.

Long Dahai didn't buy the Sunburning Flame Jade for the purpose of refining the magic weapon, but for his wife, Huang Hanling.

Huang Hanling is the spiritual root of the fire attribute. This piece of burning jade can nourish her soul, maintain her vitality, and improve her state.

It's a nice piece of stuff, but it doesn't come cheap.

Rare materials, generally monks above the level of the monks who transform the gods, can make good use of their wonderful functions and exert their characteristics.

Long Dahai had several rare materials in his hands, which were obtained from the monks of the Snow Clan and the monks of the Human Race, but none of them could help his wife.

Therefore, this time he met something that could enhance the fire root and soul, he naturally didn't want to let it go.

I don't know how long it will take to advance to the realm of transforming gods.

He naturally hoped that his wife could have a better place to live.

Living with rare materials, maybe after a long time, the qualifications will be greatly improved.

And with the aura of chaos, Long Dahai now has other ideas, maybe he can cultivate a wife who is comparable to the aptitude of a monk with Tianlinggen.

After hearing Long Dahai's words, Kazama said, "Fellow Daoist Long, I want to auction something, maybe I can help."

When Long Dahai heard this, he felt a little surprised. He didn't doubt Kazama's energy, but the human feelings in it were not small.

Owing a favor to the Emperor?

This is to look down on him. After thinking about it, Long Dahai felt that he could owe this favor for his wife.

He said: "Then trouble you, Fellow Daoist. Tomorrow, the Maple Leaf Auction will auction off a piece of Sunburning Flame Jade. This rare material is my goal."

"Scorching Sky Flame Jade." Kazama said it again, and then said: "I have heard of this kind of material, and I should be able to find it for Fellow Daoist Long. Fellow Daoist, wait for my news."

Long Dahai said gratefully: "Then wait for the good news."

With Human Sovereign's strength, there shouldn't be any problem with this relatively common and rare material.

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