Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 340 The Cleansing Begins

If Chi Ke were here, he would be scared to death.

Because these people look exactly like him.


Another thunderbolt descended from the sky, directly smashing into Cangcheng's avatar of Heavenly Dao.

Jianhe rolled and rushed straight to the sky, colliding fiercely with Thunder.

Thunder arc and sword energy exploded and scattered all over the sky.

As the integration of the laws of the star land world deepened, the thunder in the sky continued to strike, and the violent thunder almost covered the entire star land world.

Countless monks looked at the sky, even those who were strong in the realm of heaven and man would still be overwhelmed by the ubiquitous terrifying aura.

Thin lines of laws extended from Cangcheng Tiandao's avatar and spread out in all directions.

Among these laws, there are the laws of time, the laws of space, the rules of breaking, and the rules of devouring.

Pieces of star land spliced ​​together and gathered towards Cangcheng at an extremely terrifying speed.

Lin Qin stood on the sword river, and countless void formations were outlined by him with his divine sense, and merged into the sword formation.

These runes shone brightly, like stars in the starry sky.


There was another burst of thunder, and hundreds of thunders poured down, forming one piece, like a waterfall hanging from the sky.

The surrounding space was torn apart into dark cracks under this terrifying atmosphere.

The entire starry sky was split open like a sky sword.

The Jianhe trembled, and hundreds of sword lights shot up into the sky.

The tails of these sword lights all carried a slender river of swords.

With the help of Jianhe, Lin Qin can continuously pour power into Jianguang.

The thunder shattered, the sword light shattered, and the entire sky made an overwhelmed cracking sound.

However, the power gathered towards this side did not stop there, but became more majestic.

Lin Qin looked at the sky and frowned, which was different from what he had expected.

The great cleansing of heaven had never been experienced before the emperor's corpse, and he could not borrow it.

But in front of him, there is obviously something abnormal.

This world cannot bear a stronger force.

Once the main way of heaven concentrates its power in one place, this world may collapse directly.

Now is not the time to take this into consideration.

Raising his hand to grab it, he grabbed the nine tails, which were obtained from the ninth-level nine-path beast.

All were thrown into Jianhe, and the breath of Jianhe became even more terrifying.

All over the starry sky, one after another terrifying aura appeared, even across the endless starry sky, it could still be clearly felt.

Lin Qin glanced in the direction where the breath appeared, and stopped paying attention.

Nearly a thousand lightning knives descended from the sky, and dense arcs of lightning flashed on the knives.

Moreover, in the process of falling, the surrounding thunder arcs seemed to be attracted, and they flocked to merge into the blade.

There was a light click, and a ring-shaped crack appeared around a thunder knife, making a slight sound of space collapse.

Lin Qin's body was full of breath, and a seal appeared above his head.

The violent consciousness scrolled and spread continuously from the seal, calming down the surrounding space.

"Fan Tianyin!"

At the same time, lightly tap Jianhe under his feet, and nearly a thousand swords radiate into the sky, colliding with Thunder Saber again.

The power of nearly a thousand explosions exploded in the air, and the entire Star Continent World shook violently, resulting in a loss of position.

The surrounding Jianhe was even more violently agitated, distorted and deformed.

Countless gusts of wind swept across the star lands, mountains and forests fell, and buildings collapsed...

What's more, the towering giant peak was cut off in half.

"Star Guardian Array, rise up!" A cultivator in the Celestial Realm roared, and a transparent mask rose around the entire Star Continent.

Immediately afterwards, large arrays of guardian stars rose up.

These formations were not arranged by Lin Qin, but by the heavenly and human realm powerhouses on the major star continents.

The newly formed monk army in Cangcheng distributed members evenly on these star lands, and the abbots operated the large formation.

With the participation of these people, the gust of wind that tore into the star land from outside the starry sky finally stopped.

There was a loud bang.

Fan Tianyin exploded with a bang, Lin Qin's figure flickered, his sea of ​​consciousness shook, and the expression in his eyes dimmed.

"If this goes on like this, even if we can survive this big cleansing, I'm afraid this space will collapse."

"Could it be possible, God wants to kill the fish and break the net?"

Before he could think about it, the terrifying thunder appeared again in the sky.

This time, it was nearly ten thousand thunder knives.

Continuous thunderstorms continued to sound, and the entire sky turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

The water ripples, spread continuously, and the void oscillated.

However, Lin Qin didn't dare to use Fantian Seal to stabilize the world, so he could only bite the bullet and forcefully resist.

As the river of swords churned, countless sword lights shot up into the sky from various positions, forming a ring-shaped group of sword lights surrounding the Star Continent Great World.

The monks in the star land world all looked up.

I saw dazzling rays of light rushing into the sky, boundless.

The thunder knife and the sword light collided again, and the whole sky seemed to be rolled up, and the terrifying aura was wanton.

It was as if a strong earthquake had occurred on the major continents, and cracks appeared on the ground, traversing east and west.

Star guard arrays exploded one after another, and all the monks guarding the array were seriously injured and vomited blood.

However, Lin Qin couldn't care about so much anymore, and poured his whole body into the river of swords under his feet, and more and more sword lights shot up to the sky, smashing the thunder knives that fell one after another.


The holy land of all races, the floating islands of the major families are far away from the central area of ​​Thunder Tribulation.

Three thousand immortal monks all appeared on the huge palm.

The Zhanwu Hall on the vest kept humming and trembling.

The next moment, there was a soft bang, and the hall was directly blasted out, shooting into the void.

Just at this time, a void vortex appeared and swallowed it in.

Immediately afterwards, countless thunderbolts poured down, striking at all the monks in Xianfandao.

A thunderbolt fell from the top of Zhou Tai and the others, the wind swayed, the thunder flashed, and the momentum was shocking.

Almost at the same time, the Lord Heavenly Dao began to launch a major cleansing.

The whole world turned into a minefield.

Tiansuo Immortal Palace, the spreading thunder strikes down, there is no way to avoid it, so it can only be hard-wired.

The vast and boundless law of time forms a circle of protection around it, constantly disrupting the surrounding time rules.

However, the laws of the main way of heaven will not be affected by heaven.

A part of the sky thunder still fell on the heads of the crowd, and nearly a hundred monks exploded directly, turning into countless blood mist and drifting away.

They have no good intentions to pass on to these people.

He had been waiting for this moment to share the pressure for them.

The Heavenly Sect of Beasts, the terrifying thunder pond poured down.

Under the cover of thunder, most of the entire Tianzong was directly destroyed, and many disciples fell instantly.

Qin Hongyi and a group of monks from the lower realms of the Immortal Alliance watched all this with indifferent expressions.

In the inner and outer coffins of the burial coffin, a thunder that was as thick as a bucket fell from the sky.

A coffin shook slightly, then flew out, soared into the sky, and collided with the sky thunder.

Immediately there was a bang, and the coffin and the sky thunder disappeared together.

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