Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 339 Successive Curse and Creation of Asgard

The moment Lin Qin wrote down his name, there was a loud thunder in the sky, and the sea of ​​thunder surged.

Strangely, part of the thunder sea dispersed by itself.

The terrifying aura around him also weakened a lot.

At the same time, Starland Great World, above Jianhe.

Lin Qin turned around suddenly, looked in the direction of Tiansuo Immortal Palace, frowning slightly.

After a while, dark clouds rolled over the head, and a huge vortex emerged out of thin air, and the aura emanating from it was more terrifying than what the entire Star Continent World had to face.

Thick lightning arcs drilled in and out of the vortex, and an unprecedented terror was brewing.

"Damn it, I was tricked by that guy, wouldn't it be enough to be an honest friend? You must provoke me!"

In the depths of his memory, the memory of signing the contract with Xiao Guang was actually tampered with.

"Did you replace the scroll at that time with the law of time?"

Lin Qin pondered for a moment, and probably guessed what happened.

If he hadn't also comprehended a little law of time, it would have been difficult to detect it.

"Very good, my Book of Curses is already too hungry!"

A sneer appeared on Lin Qin's face, and he took out the book of curses and the patching grass together.

He held the book of curses in his left hand, and pinched the patch grass with two fingers in his right hand.

Write Xiao Guang's name on it.

Soon, a villain appeared on the page, and streaks of black aura began to infiltrate from the top of his head.

In Tiansuo Immortal Palace, a group of monks surrounded the few people who had just appeared.

Before Xiao Guang had time to put away the time array, his body trembled, and a black air suddenly appeared between his brows, and spread towards the surroundings.

The few people who were closer all felt this strange aura, and they all seemed to tremble.

"It's... the power of the curse!"

One person let out a deep exclamation, and took a few steps back, with a lingering look of shock on his face.

People like them in the lower realms will have their own luck greatly reduced, and if they are infected with the power of the curse, they will definitely be in bad luck.

"How could I be cursed suddenly, who is it? Who is cursing me?"

Xiao Guang was also a little panicked, he already felt something strange.

Looking up into the void, bursts of dark clouds rolled, and a vortex slowly appeared above the head.

His luck has been further reduced, and the power of the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation that he is about to face is rapidly increasing.

Xiao Guang's face turned pale, and he had a vague feeling that this matter had something to do with Lin Qin.

"Quick, use the time array disk!"

A person beside him reminded.


Xiao Guang woke up with a start, threw out the time disk in his hand again, and stood on it with a sway.

The law of time slowly rotated, enveloping his whole body.

The vortex in the sky stagnated slightly, but it did not dissipate, but continued to rotate at an extremely slow speed.

The faces of Xiao Guang and others were very ugly, and the time array could not completely block the curse.

"You... are no longer fit to stay with us, and will bring endless disasters, so go away by yourself!"

An old voice sounded, and the old man said in the crowd.

"Yes, for the future planning of Tiansuo Asgard, your sacrifice is worth it."

"The time array disk cannot be taken away, it must be kept."

A few more people said aloud, without the consent of the other party, they finalized the person's fate.

Xiao Guang's face was pale, without saying a word, his eyes swept over Jisuo, he stepped out of the time array, and left quickly without looking back.


Lin Qin carefully observed the thunder sea brewing in the void.

"It didn't weaken much, it just separated a little."

"No, I have to curse a few more people."

Being corroded by the power of the curse will cause many disasters.

It's just that right now is the time for the great cleansing of the Lord's way of heaven, and the most likely cause is to be added to the body by the catastrophe.

Lin Qin cursed Xiao Guang with the Book of Curses, making the other party's catastrophe more powerful, and the power of other people facing the catastrophe would naturally be weakened.

"Who will you choose next?"

After contemplating for a moment, he lifted the Sky-Bending Grass in his hand again, and wrote a name on the Book of Curses, Tong Tianyun!

This person has two physical bodies, one is on a piece of star land in the star land world, but it is a body without a soul and will not be cleansed by the heavens.

And the other, but disappeared.

Soon, Lin Qin felt that the sea of ​​thunder gathered over the star land world weakened a little bit.

"Good, come again!"

Lin Qin picked up his pen again and wrote another name, Huo Duan.

This guy is not a good thing either, he just became a weapon spirit and was enslaved by the Lord Heavenly Dao. I don't know if it will work.

Soon, he was smiling, and it worked.

Then Li Xuan, this guy's soul should still exist.

"Let me see, who else?"

"Luan Rongyu doesn't know if he's dead or not? Forget it, he's the one!"

Immediately, Lin Qin also wrote Luan Rongyu's name on the book of curses.

The sea of ​​thunder in the sky trembled slightly, its breath weakened by [-]%.

"This guy is not dead yet!"

Lin Qin saw with his own eyes that Luan Rongyu was dragged into the coffin for the funeral, but he still hasn't died yet.

"In that case, I will curse you a few more times!"

Turn the page again and write Luan Rongyu's name on it.

At the same time, he wrote the names of other people several times before putting away the book of curses.


Just when the Lord Heavenly Dao started the big cleansing, one after another skylight was received, and a monk named Lower Realm walked out.

This is their only chance, if they don't risk the lower bound this time, there will be no second chance.

A ray of golden light sprinkled from the sky, and a series of Sanskrit sounds suddenly appeared, just like heavenly sounds.

The aura of the surrounding heaven and earth swarmed in and gathered in the golden light.

Soon, a stone the size of an egg was condensed.

As time went by, the stone became bigger and bigger, gradually elongated and deformed, and finally became a person's height.

The surface of the stone began to change, and clear human features appeared.

Limbs also separated from the surface, and then ten, hair.

In just over ten days, the stone turned into a person, stepping out of the golden light.

After this person appeared, he raised his hand to grab it, and a storage ring fell out in midair.

He put the ring on his finger, took out a suit of clothes and put them on.

Then, with another grab from the air, he took out a hall and placed it beside him.

The main hall gradually grew larger, suspended in the starry sky.

The golden light that came out before did not dissipate, and the next stone was condensed.

This person is about 30 to [-] years old, and looks very handsome.

He did not enter the main hall, but stopped at the entrance of the hall, looked at the plaque on the door, and waved his hand.

Four big golden characters appeared on the plaque - Creation Immortal Palace.

Soon, the second person came out of the golden light, then the third, and the fourth...

The faces of these people are actually exactly the same, as if they were printed from the same mold.

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