Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 276 Mysterious Man Immortal Venerable

The Four Elephant Halberd comes with four attacking techniques, corresponding to Suzaku, White Tiger, Xuanwu and Qinglong respectively.

It's just that these four techniques are not very good for Lin Qin, who has a high vision.

Moreover, he does not intend to learn a special halberd technique in order to use the Sixiang halberd.

Put away the Sixiang halberd, and rummaged through the storage ring for a while.

The bracelet was found from the fairy corpse, and there were four other fairy artifacts.

One medium-grade fairy artifact, two top-grade artifacts, and one top-grade artifact.

It's just that, being suppressed by the rules of the Lord's Way of Heaven, the immortal weapon cannot exert its maximum power here.

In use, it is not as good as an innate magic weapon that increases in level with the improvement of the master's cultivation base.


At the same time, the crack outside the Sixiang Temple ruins.

A hooded, medium-sized, muscular man stood on the edge of the crack.

The melee here has subsided, the four towering stone pillars have all collapsed, and only ruins remain in the palace complex.

However, there are still violent wind blades pouring out from the cracks.

"Damn it, but it's only been closed for thousands of years, and such a big thing happened."

"Who? Who took the fairy corpse?"

"Li Xuan or Nie Tingyun? Or several great holy sects?"

"Wait for this seat!"

The man in the hood muttered to himself for a moment, then moved towards the nearest Holy Ancestor.

And the direction he was going was Yitian Shengzong.

More than 20 days later, outside of Yitian Shengzong.

The figure of the man in the hood appeared in the void, glanced at the surrounding situation, and frowned, "The galaxy has disappeared?"

He has seen the horror of the galaxy moat before, and even he dare not go deeper than a hundred feet away.

"This old fellow Yuan Si, could it be that he has made a breakthrough and put away the Galaxy Sky Moat?"

Immediately, his heart was very hot, if he could also get Xinghe Scorpio, it would be of great benefit to him.

Immediately said: "Yuan Si, come out and see me!"

The voice spread loudly, startling the entire Yitian Shengzong.

"who is it?"

"Dare to call the ancestor's name directly outside the holy sect, damn it!"

An angry reprimand sounded, and several figures soared into the sky, among them were Huo Duan and Shangguan Yan.

The rest of them are all Huamortal Realm elders, and their strength is only one step behind the suzerain Huo Duan.

"You all step back!"

At this moment, an old voice sounded, and an illusory figure appeared in the void, waving at the Yitian Shengzong people.

"Immortal Venerable, unexpectedly 3000 years have passed, and we still have the day to meet again."

"Immortal?" Many people around had never heard of this title, not even Huo Duan.

"My lord, please follow me!" Yuan Si greeted the hooded man without any explanation, and flew towards the fairy spear.

The man in the hood was also polite, and followed behind the phantom figure.

Yuan Si's illusory shadow descended from a high altitude, and penetrated directly into his body, his eyes opened, revealing a touch of death.

The hooded man landed in front of him and looked at him for a moment, "You still look like you are dying, and the situation is even more serious."

"Immortal Venerable, I don't know what's going on with you if you go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything. You might as well just tell me." Yuan Si said in a hoarse voice, speaking very slowly, as if speaking would speed up death.

"Where did the galaxy go?"

Yuan Si sighed, and said: "He was snatched away. This person is extremely strong physically and can enter the core of Tianchao. I couldn't keep him."

"It's not that you put it away yourself and use this excuse to prevaricate me?" The hooded man was noncommittal.

"What the old man said is absolutely true." Yuan Si said after a pause.

If it was placed in the heyday, who would dare to talk to him like this?Not even the Immortal Venerable.

"Do you know what happened to Sixiang Tiangong?" The hooded man didn't believe it, but the main purpose this time was to ask about Sixiang Tiangong.

"I don't know much, but my disciple has personally experienced it, how about letting him tell you?" Yuan Si pondered for a moment, and answered truthfully.

The hooded man nodded and agreed.

Yuan Si played out a sound transmission jade slip, and after a while, Huo Duan's figure appeared not far away, walking towards this side.

"He is Huo Duan, the current suzerain of our Yitian Shengzong." Yuan Si introduced, and then introduced to Huo Duan, "This is the Immortal Venerable, the most powerful person in this starry sky, you must respect it very much .”

Huo Duan's heart trembled, and he bowed deeply to the two of them, "I have seen the ancestor, I have seen the venerable!"

"My lord wants to know about the Four Elephant Heavenly Palace, please tell me in detail." Yuan Si said.

"Yes, old man!"

So, Huo Duan explained the events before and after in detail.

What he knew was only after the opening of the Four Elephant Heavenly Palace, and it was all superficial. He didn't understand, and he didn't know what Lin Qin took from it.

"Who came out of it first?" The hooded man interrupted Huo Duan's eloquent narration.

Huo Duan thought about it for a long time, but he really didn't know about it.

"I don't know who was the first to come out of it, but only three people have entered the core area."

"Which three people?" The hooded man asked.

"The first one is Lin Qin. He once came to our Yitian Sacred Sect. He has three innate magic weapons on his body. He even snatched the Xinghe Scorpion from our sect. This person is extremely strong physically, and he treats energy as nothing. He also got a plant Colorful dragon carp fruit tree."

"If anyone comes out of it first, this person is the most likely."

"The second one is Li Xuan. This person claims to be the strongest genius in the history of this starry sky. He is not even as good as several veteran half-step Taoist masters. Even so, he is quite afraid of Lin Qin."

"I don't know the third person. He has a hideous appearance. He is no different from a mummy. He can't feel a trace of life in his body. This person has a mysterious origin, and no one at the scene knows him."

"Very good!" The hooded man nodded in satisfaction, "Draw the portraits of these three people for me."

"Yes!" Huo Duan stretched out his hand and swiped in the void, and three portraits appeared in midair.

The hooded man reached out and grabbed a book, opened his mouth, and raised his hand to grab the three portraits.

Pulled by force, the portrait fell on the page like a paper cut.

Putting the book away, the hooded man smiled and said to Yuan Si: "Excuse me, I hope you take care of yourself."

As he spoke, his figure flickered and disappeared in front of the two of them.

Looking at the direction in which he disappeared, Huo Duan didn't speak.

After a long time, Yuan Si, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, trembled all over his body, opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of foul-smelling black blood, and his body was on the verge of falling.

"Old Ancestor!" Huo Duan was taken aback.

"Damn it! You've cooperated so well, yet you still secretly attacked me." Yuan Si gritted his teeth angrily, and opened his mouth to spurt out several streams of black blood again.

"I... I hate it!"

"Immortal Venerable, you...will not die!"

Yuan Si tilted his head and died, the pillar of Yitian Shengzong collapsed!

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