Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 275 Continue to retreat and achieve extraordinary achievements

The scuffle in this starry sky is still going on, but Lin Qin doesn't plan to continue.

Most of the light spots rushing out from the cracks have already disappeared.

The current melee is mainly aimed at the bones of the four sacred beasts and the four innate magic weapons.

The reason why Lin Qin allowed these people to rob them was because three of them belonged to him and no one could take them away.

He saw many familiar faces among these people, but he had no intention of meeting them.

Raising his hand to grab it from the air, the Void Plate made a trembling sound, and then disappeared from the hands of a monk. When it reappeared, it had already arrived in Lin Qin's palm.

Put away the empty disk, and grab it again from the air.

The law of space was cast in an instant, and a tentacle of Tianzhang of the Underworld had already entangled the Heaven and Earth Furnace before it could be put away.

Water ripples appeared, and a palm appeared out of thin air from above the Heaven and Earth Furnace, grabbed it close to the void, and disappeared without a trace.


Huo Duan held a spear in his hand and stabbed out with one shot.

The four people and the starry sky beast fighting in the front were headshot by this gun, and the gun body was like a dragon, and continued to blast at a winding bone dragon and a towering phantom.

Only two bangs were heard, and all the keel and phantom were blasted away.

And he stepped out, passed through the middle, and grabbed the body of the Sixiang halberd.

The innate treasure was lost and recovered, and a faint smile finally appeared on his face.

The next moment, his smile froze on his face.

A strong force came out from his hand, and the Four Elephant Halberd was dragged away, and even he staggered, almost falling in the air.

When I looked again, there was no shadow of the four elephant halberds.

"Who? Who is it?"

Soon, he knew who stole his treasure by virtue of the induction with the magic weapon.

"It's you again!" Huo Duan gritted his teeth.

As for the last innate treasure, the universe bracelet, Lin Qin ignored it.

The effect of these four magic weapons on him is to open the Four Elephant Heavenly Palace. Now that the goal has been achieved, whether or not it will be used in the future depends on his mood.

Holding the Sixiang halberd in his hand, he weighed it a few times and found that it was quite handy.

I haven't used a weapon much, so let's use it for a while.

"Huo Duan, I will go to Yitian Shengzong to settle accounts with you, and the four elephant halberds will be counted as interest."

Lin Qin said indifferently, just as he finished speaking, he took a step, and the surrounding space law fluctuated, and disappeared into the starry sky in an instant.

As for those acquaintances in Cangcheng, after entering the starry sky, they all have their own opportunities, and there is no need for him to protect them.


This time he didn't have a destination, but used the void disk to wander in the starry sky.

Looking for a retreat.

Half a year later, he came to a place full of void cracks.

There are countless meteorites floating around.

On one of the larger meteorites, there is a stele erected, which reads: "Meteor God's Jade Gorge, those who come will stop."

"There is still such a place, which is just used for retreat!"

Without hesitation, Lin Qin stepped in.

The crack inside is not like the crack outside the Sixiang Tiangong, there is no space inside.

These cracks are like cutting blades, once they get close, they will be cut into several sections.

Lin Qin went on a rampage and entered the most core area.

There is nothing good here except danger.

I randomly found a relatively open place to sit cross-legged and began to retreat.

He found a lot of good things from the fairy corpse, among which there were more than 1 fairy stones alone.

Immediately, he took out a hundred fairy stones and sprinkled them around to set up a gathering array.

The fairy aura in the fairy stone is continuously extracted, and its quality and concentration are three points stronger than those obtained from the Four Elephant Heavenly Palace.

Time flies, and three years have passed in a blink of an eye, and his strength has reached the ninth level of the Mortal Transformation Realm.

The fairy spirit energy in the hundred fairy spirit stones was sucked into his body by him like a giant whale swallowing water.

The power of the emperor's corpse was fully revealed.

No matter how much fairy spirit energy enters the body, it will be absorbed by instant refining.

This time, Lin Qin took out a thousand low-grade fairy stones, and more fairy energy entered the meridians, turning into a surging sea, vast and surging.

With a cultivation base of the ninth level of the Mortal Transformation Realm, one face-to-face was easily broken away, reaching the first level of the Transcendent Realm.

Then the second layer, the third layer, the fourth layer...

Time flies, and ten years have passed by in a flash.

When the thousand low-grade fairy stones were completely consumed, his cultivation base stayed at the seventh level of the Transcendent Realm.

"Fairy spirit stone is really not comparable to top-grade spirit stone, continue!"

He took out a thousand low-grade fairy stones again and started to practice.

Another ten years passed, and when these fairy stones were used up, his cultivation had reached the ninth floor of the Transcendent Realm.

The ninth floor of the Transcendent Realm is already at the highest point in this starry sky.

Lin Qin opened his eyes with an expressionless expression.

For him, the improvement of Qi refining cultivation base is a matter of course, and there is nothing surprising about it.

However, he did not end the retreat, and raised his hand to take out the body of Zangtian Yunliu.

Not only does this tree trunk contain a rich source of phagocytosis, but it is also compressed to the limit by the terrifying energy outside the Four Elephant Heavenly Palace, and the material is different from the past.

One by one, the magic weapon disappeared from his mind, and a look of joy flashed across his face.

"Just refine a set of Boundary Breaking Sword Formation."

This set of sword array has a total of 99 flying swords, which will contain two laws of bite and space.

It is quite difficult even for him to divide the body of Zangtian Yunliu into 99 equal parts.

It took three years to complete it.

The next time is refining and forging.

It took another five years to complete the forging of more than 1000 flying swords.

However, it's not over.

Lin Qin took out both the Starry Sky Styx and the Galaxy Scorpio, and soaked these flying swords in it.

As time went by, the two rivers began to merge with Feijian and merge with each other.

Time is like running water, 50 years have passed in the blink of an eye, and it has been nearly a hundred years since he came here to retreat.

Starry Sky Styx and Galaxy Scorpion were also refined by him into two flying swords, one black and one white.

Together with other flying swords, there are a total of two thousand and one handles.

Lin Qin finished his retreat, came out from the Meteor God's Jiri Gorge, and waved his hand.

A large piece of flying swords soared into the sky, hanging above the head, forming a huge Taiji diagram.

The two flying swords, one black and one white, are exactly in the position of the yin eye and the yang eye.

The phagocytosis and the space law spread, and the majestic aura made the surrounding starry sky tremble slightly.

The meteorites below couldn't bear it, and exploded one after another, turning into smoke and dust.

"The power is good. With more laws of devouring, it will continue to grow, but the speed is definitely not as fast as Burial Sky Cloud Willow."

Lin Qin was quite satisfied with this set of sword formations, and raised his hand to put it away.

He took out the Sixiang halberd and started refining.

A few days later, Lin Qin held the Sixiang halberd and struck out in the air.

A resounding phoenix cry sounded, and a vermilion bird with a size of a hundred feet soared into the sky, piercing a void.

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