"He who understands current affairs is a hero, and I will spare your lives for you guys.

But your junior sister, after I tasted it, it has other magical effects, but if you dare to play tricks!If you do something small.

Hmph, I don't mind if you guys are buried with them. "

Feng Tianchou half-bent down and immediately responded, but when he saw the imperial brocade robe of the eldest prince from the corner of his eye, his complexion immediately sank, and with a somewhat ruthless expression, he tightly clenched his fists tightly, Thinking of the scene where his junior sister often danced swords with him and called him senior brother.

So he simply endured it for the time being, and all his expressions instantly turned into a hippie smiling dog's leg, which made him feel sick for a while.

"Don't think that I am the same as them, even if you are the eldest prince, so what?

Even if I die, no matter who it is!And don't make me willing to obey. "

"What a pungent woman, this barely arouses my interest. If there are other boring women, I can only leave it to my subordinates to have fun."

Di Wuhao looked at the figure and appearance of the woman in front of him from top to bottom, and laughed wildly, with a sly smile on his face. Another interest.

Feng Tianchou endured the humiliation and looked at the first prince's animal-like expression, so he was very anxious about the situation of his junior sister, but for the sake of layout, he could only bear it extraordinarily at this moment.

"The daughter of the head of the Tianyinmen Gate really has a personality. I will leave this woman to me. Except for the few people who have joined us just now, everyone else must not be let go!"

The two members of the Tianyin Sect behind Tan Xiaoshuang are not other minions, but the second and third of the Tianyin Sect's inner sect respectively, and their strength is far from that of those who follow Feng Tianchou. People can compare!

Leng Duanqian, the second in the inner sect, and Wan Hengzhi, the third in the inner sect, looked at each other with resolute expressions on their faces, and quickly put on a stance, determined to fight to the death.

The former held a heavy Sky Shaking Knife in both hands, as if he was a born swordsman exuding a fierce aura, making it difficult for everyone to get close.

The latter's hands are covered with spiked gloves of bloodthirsty rage. Although his head is hairless, the resolute fighting spirit on his face seems to be declaring that the enemy in front of him is about to be dominated by his hands. to hell.

At this moment, Tan Xiaoshuang's long hair fluttered in the wind. She watched the betrayal of her former senior brother and the defection of some people. She did not look at a loss or panic on her face, nor did she sit and wait for death.

She twirled her hands and raised her hands, that kind of femininity was accumulating strength.

As Di Wuhao's words fell completely, the battle was on the verge of breaking out instantly, and the fights on both sides collided violently.

Feng Tianchou didn't join the battle, but immersed himself in his inner world, thinking about how to deal with the sunspot in his hands.

There seems to be an old man in front of him, sitting opposite him!

And some of the dog legs behind him watched the killing on both sides, and the elder brother who was in a daze, all of them were at a loss as if they were in a hurry, and they didn't know who to help!

The four great sword guards behind the eldest prince all looked solemn, watching the three people rushing to kill, and only had the master's order in their hearts, they looked at each other, decisively divided into two teams, and besieged each other in the form of two against one The inner door is second and third.

After all, what did the eldest prince say?Then how dare they say anything!

Di Wuhao watched the beauty in front of him fly up like a swallow, pointing his fingers together, dozens of life-killing fingers were rapidly approaching him.

The man with gentle eyes in front of him didn't seem to care about what was going on in front of him, he just stopped silently, squinted his eyes, and his whole body stood up like a sharp sword, his eyes were like ice killing swords, and those who were about to come The bursts of afterimage-like finger shadows instantly shattered.

Under the surprised gaze of the other party, he directly grabbed the pair of white jade hands of the other party with one hand, and embraced the waist, as if there were only two people here in the world, and the others were as pale as a scene.

A faint and pleasant fragrance permeated the nostrils, and the eldest prince took a strong sniff under the other's pretty blushing face, that kind of lace-like affection instantly lifted the whole atmosphere to its peak.

Although Feng Tianchou was indulging in it, he happened to watch this scene, his face turned red and angry in an instant, he no longer cared about playing chess, but charged forward holding a sword under the blank eyes of the younger brothers .

But Tan Xiaoshuang wanted to break free from the opponent's hand, but found that it seemed as strong and difficult to move as a crab claw.

And Leng Qianduan Wanhengzhi didn't have time to pay attention to others, but was immersed in his own battle, one holding a knife and the other holding a glove. Although the two were pinched back and forth, they were not impatient at all, but responded calmly.

The four great sword guards were not in a hurry either. They looked at the prey in the cage like hunters, but they moved slowly clockwise, as if intending to disturb their sight.

After all, the other party is not in a hurry, and neither are they.

Leng Qianduan faced it calmly, with a heavy knife in his hand, watching the two people who were getting faster and faster, he simply didn't look at each other, but met with the eyes of his heart.

Hearing that the speed was fast and slow, he became more patient. Suddenly, two sharp swords "swish past". In general, spit out the poison altar.

He knew that the other party had made a move, and the sword blades on both sides quickly turned towards the person in the middle.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the crisis was approaching, and he finally had to make a move. The heavy knife turned back and drew a semicircle. The strong and overbearing power seemed to split the whole earth into two halves.

The faces of the two Excalibur Guards did not change, their expressions were cold, and the swords in their hands were in the air without any injuries, not even a slight fluctuation.

It's just that the surrounding saber force was blown away from the woods around the two of them, but their fusion skills slammed into Leng Qianduan's back firmly, his whole body sank downward, and he looked up to the sky in pain Shout out.

As the venom flowed down and was about to be contaminated, Wan Hengzhi, who had already been in a hard fight beside him, suddenly burst out with an unprecedented fighting spirit, forcefully forced back the two flanking left and right, and rushed straight Meeting with him, the fist wind collided, the icicles fell off, and the poison altar was saved by him with sharp eyes and quick hands.

Leng Qianduan knew that there would be no life after ten deaths, and his face became even more decadent. Seeing that he had lost the vigor of the past, he fell into the smog and couldn't cheer up. Fortunately, he had a brother who helped him desperately, so that he was able to survive.

The Water Thunder God Sword Guard looked at this mortal situation, which was actually broken, and a little bit of interest was also aroused in his heart. After all, the stronger the prey, the more excited they could be aroused.

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